Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 4 December 2022


The full moon is the night of 7 December, Wednesday, in UK and US.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

  • Morning all: And I see the Trump organization has been found guilty on all 17 counts of tax fraud. Shocker! Is it too much to hope that the chickens are finally coming home to roost?
  • Cold and sunny days so far this week - glad I can stay indoors. Had planned a "maybe" trip out this afternoon, but definitely not, so OH cut J's hair instead! And I have finished all the christmas cards so they can be posted when going out for food shopping - probably Friday.

    Sorry for absences - trying to sort out a number of appointments, parcels no-show and workmen not turning up either! I have optician (at home), dentist (local) and hearing centre (Dumfries) all booked before Christmas. J's new laptop eventually turned up this morning - now waiting for it to get warm before plugging in! Gas man turned up to replace meter door which his colleague left banging in the wind last week so the hinges broke - there wasn't one in his van, so he phoned another colleague who has one, so he will "swing by" tomorrow!

    Sorry to read about various family problems and worries. I assume ours are okay - haven't heard from any, apart from Dau#2 who posted a card just after she had called in, so it came before the end of November!

    OH enjyed his Carers' Christmas lunch yesterday at a local hotel - they do look after carers, but nothing equivalent for those of us who need caring for! Service was slow, so he was given his pudding to bring home! We decided to start on some frozen Christmas party food with our salad lunch today as a change from routine - but he thawed the wrong boxes (all labelled!) so it wasn't quite what we expected!

    We have decided we shall not put decorations up until cleaners have done their last visit before holiday, so are intending J's first day home after work finishes. Our Amaryllis' first stem (three trumpets) has bloomed and died already but the second one (four trumpets) is beautiful at the moment - we were a bit early planting the bulb!
  • Had a Christmas present outing and managed to get our sons request in John Lewis, plus some bits and bobs. Then on to M & S for the Foodhall- I banished my OH to the car as he hates it anyway, and it enabled me to buy him a sweater as a present in the men's department. Bought pigs in blankets to put in the freezer for The Day, to go with our traditional turkey dinner.

    Sue is now home from her coach trip to Edinburgh, so I wait to hear all about it. She said in a text message that they had been to see the Royal Yacht, which must have been a thrill.

    Sorry you've not been out, OG. It's certainly cold, here: it's not been above 3 degrees all day. I dug out my winter coat and wore a warm scarf & gloves for the 1st time for ages.

    Rusty, you sound to have had a good day in Chester - I used to go with friends, we drove most of the way then got on a shuttle bus as they discourage parking in the centre. I Iove going there as its a unique place, with lots to see and do. And in the summer, there's the river!!
  • ps. Although my OH has completed putting up our outside lights, we're not switching them on yet, we feel it's too early. Our town had a grand Switching On ceremony in the town centre, which sounds as if it was well attended. (Too much standing around, for me...) They put up two trees, one in the town square and one more modest outside the Council Offices.
  • Lindy - my neighbour has persuaded me to put my Christmas lights on!!! They made a welcome sight when I arrived home from my friend’s. They are on a timer. I was successful in setting up my friend’s new iPad. It took some time for her to find her passwords but we got there in the end. I bought her a rose gold case for it as a Christmas present.
    Chester is lovely although, since Debenhams closed the centre seems rather sad. The new indoor market was bustling and lively though. I like walking by the river too. It makes a convenient meeting place for me and my friend as it is more or less in between where we live.
    I visited the Royal Yacht in Leith with a relative who lived in Edinburgh. She has sadly passed away now. We had the audio guides and she insisted on listening to everything. The stories about the life on board of the sailors, the bandsmen, and the royals were fascinating. We saw the bedrooms, the lounges and the studies of the royals. The really really squashed living accommodation of the sailors. The ranks had a bar, the officers had another bar - posher. It was a very comprehensive tour. We saw the kitchen, the laundry, the engines! It’s bringing it all back and it must be 15 years ago I should think!!!
  • We have been helping Dau today because S-i-l is away this week for a work trip. OH walked the dog. I folded & distributed previous wash, washed dishes, hung out next load, had lunch, all while Dau “let off steam”. On way home I collected my “on hold” library book, the latest “Vera”. I spent the afternoon snoozing – I expect OH ditto.
  • AQ - Your daughter must need the help, or you wouldn't be doing it - she has a lovely Mum !
    My letter to Wales still hadn't arrived as of yesterday. I'm amazed that you got a letter from the UK so fast.
  • Yes, Heather, the post here is very slow. I have had “important” letters like hospital appointments but only 2 Christmas cards. I wonder if they are somehow prioritising things? (That last word came out as “thongs” thanks to the iPad!) Have told everyone to give you a laugh!!!
    I am going birdwatching to a local nature reserve this morning with a group. I have thermal underwear, fleece lined trousers and polo neck jumper on!!! I will also have my fleece, Kagoul, fleece lined hat and mittens. I will look like the Michelin man (remember that advert?) It’s a beautiful morning though.
  • Gosh, Rusty, you're brave! It's cold out - Minus 6 here when I got up. I tried to wash my face and found the hot water wasn't working. Then I realised that the radiators were only faintly warm - no central heating!!! My OH was walking the dog so I investigated the boiler, out in the cold garage. Didn't understand the readout to had to wait for him to return to complain.....

    Thankfully, he managed to get it to work but doesn't know why it wasn't functioning properly this morning.  He's gone off to golf with 2 hats on - it takes a lot to put them off!

    It's only about minus 2 here now -- the frost remains on the greenery even though we have a watery sun.