Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 November 2022


I hope everyone has a safe, peaceful, joyful week.

I saw 3 little Winter Wrens outside my porch window this week. Also, I hiked up to my small town for some groceries, and I startled 3 White-Tailed Deer as I crossed the bridge over the creek. They were getting a drink, and they made a loud racket as they crashed through the dry brush. I was glad to see that they were quite plump and healthy to face the long winter.

  • Good morning. We are hoping the school is having great trouble finding help today – J is off sick!

    LINDA – great that some honest person handed in the phone. Sorry about the tooth – I really must make an appt for one of mine which is gradually disappearing! I have successfully made my blood test appt for tomorrow – and not the very early one which receptionist was trying to insist on. Have a lovely visit to Bents!

    HEATHER – well, you are making use of the awake time to update your science knowledge! We have just received a delivery – at the promised time!

    Said I would tackle the Christmas letter today – more an account of what we didn’t do this year than what we did! Now I “must” unwrap this delivery, of course. Prevaricating? Who me?
  • My parcel came!!!! Hooray. It has quite stressed me out. Thank you for letting me rant.
    OG - I used to do a Christmas letter when I was working but I just write little notes in some of my Christmas cards these days.
    Sorry to hear J isn’t well. I wonder if it is a reaction to the way he was treated?
  • I hope that LINDY and co enjoyed the garden centre today.
    RUSTY good about the parcel! I see a lot of folk.on local social media complaining about missing parcels, etc.
    It's getting a bit colder here. I may have to resort to the hot water bottle tonight.
  • I have been reading, lurking & failing to comment! Weather cooler again. I may be winning my war against weeds. I am also spending 10 mins a day digging up my bulb patch. No wonder the display was poor this spring – if they were in a pot they would be considered pot-bound. I am keeping a few of each variety and tossing the rest into the green bin. Now to remember to replant next year. . .  

    I have been thinking about my χmas letters and I really should post the overseas ones when out tomorrow.

  • OG: I am hoping that the school couldn't find adequate staff today. They weren't behaving ethically with J. I'm sorry for him and for you. Hugs to you and EE.
  • AQ: If you win your war against the weeds, would you please come over here and conquer mine? I'm ashamed to admit that I have one that has grown into a tree!!! Seriously, a tree...
  • Diane - I had to chuckle about your “weed tree” Actually, I can relate to that. A neighbour 2 doors away has a huge oak tree at the bottom of her garden. Squirrels love the acorns and bury them in my garden. Sadly, I have had to pull up several oak saplings over the years I can’t possibly have a huge oak tree growing in my little patch.
    AQ - congratulations on the weeding.
    I am having my hair done this morning. My hairdresser can talk and talk!!! We never run out of conversation topics.
    Fog seems to be forecast but there is none here in North Wales. It is a beautiful, if chilly, morning.
  • Good Morning. We have mist over the fields here, not exactly fog.

    Rusty: My hairdresser is the same, there is never a pause in the conversation. She also repeats herself a bit, when having a moan about her in-laws etc. We do have lively discussions though. Glad to hear that your parcel finally arrived! It is very unsettling when waiting for something and then wondering what has happened to it when it doesn't appear.

    AQ - Well done on getting somewhere in your Weed War. They are such sneaky opponents - you do one bit, then turn around and find them coming up behind you!

    OG: I hope that J is recovering. Shabby treatment from the school, shocking.
  • RUSTY - I think J's problem is at least partly psychosomatic - not surprising with all he has been through. I made some progress with Ch letter last evening as OH wanted to do something on his PC as well - of course he will read what I have written and lay claim to half of it! May do a bit more today. Variable fog here today - not bad for local visibility but wouldn't want to be on the M'way.

    AQ - is the war with the weeds ever fully won? Let us know when you find out how - e g tons of concrete?

    Re recent chat about Wrens - ours made his first (observed) winter visit this morning - much to the disgust of the Robin who is kept busy chasing the Dunnocks! Blackbirds are appearing in larger numbers - quite chaotic at times.

    Excuse lack of further replies ..... things to do.