Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 November 2022


I hope everyone has a safe, peaceful, joyful week.

I saw 3 little Winter Wrens outside my porch window this week. Also, I hiked up to my small town for some groceries, and I startled 3 White-Tailed Deer as I crossed the bridge over the creek. They were getting a drink, and they made a loud racket as they crashed through the dry brush. I was glad to see that they were quite plump and healthy to face the long winter.

  • OG - it seems to me ( correct me if I'm wrong) that J is working on an ad hoc basis. I wish he could get a proper contract - my middle daughter has this, she is a school cleaner and dinner lady.
  • OG - very poor treatment of J. As you say, no wonder he feels ill. I must ask the couple of classroom assistants I know if they are employed on temporary contracts. I rather fear they are. Money is very tight in schools I understand.
    Glad you boiler passed its service. I find I am writing fewer letters and am just putting brief notes in my Christmas cards. I bought a small Basildon Bind writing pad the other day and was shocked by the price!!!!
    I too was very cross that the Netflix trailer was released at the time when Will and Kate were in the US. In fact I am cross about the Netflix programme full stop. I am on a free trial for Netflix because I got a new Sky box. I have watched 2 films in a month! bit WILL NOT be watching the aforementioned programme and will not be continuing after the free trial.
    I had a very convivial lunch out yesterday with some former colleagues but am very pleased that I have all weekend at home. I have a nasty cold - blocked sinuses and a lost voice. I tested for covid both yesterday and today and got negative both times. I guess I just have a nasty cold as I said.
  • HEATHER – you are right – J has a “Casual Contract” with the regional council to work as a learning assistant – which was his regular job until 2020. They send a monthly list to the schools, who are then responsible for circulating potential staff when they need them.

    RUSTY - there are a lot of "normal " (non-covid) winter bugs going around here - hope you will feel better soon.

    Very quiet on here this morning - I guess everyone is busy. We are glad we have just about finished stocking the freezer - can probably now eat free through January! We have decided that we would be eating Christmas food if we were socialising, so shall start indulging now, once OH has had his carers' lunch on Tuesday.

    Today is not too cold, and the sun is shining. - could be a sunny week to follow but getting colder. I had two hot water bottles last night, and slept quite well.

    Hope everybody has a good weekend.
  • Morning all:  Lovely rain here overnight..  Am glued to US/Netherlands World Cup match.

    Rusty:  I've had Netflix since Covid arrived and have found lots of good stuff to watch, but not so much lately.  You have to spend a lot of time finding stuff - but it does have some good documentaries, etc. The latest version of The Crown  is on it too, but I've heard negative reviews from UK family in that it's not up to former production standards and casting not so great.  I also have Amazon Prime, which has some good programs, but has a clunky interface. I might drop the latter......  

    OG:  Lots of non-Covid bugs going round here too, but two friends now have Covid and two others who were at an event (art show) with them are now testing.    My niece is coming on December 28 (Thursday) for two weeks and granddaughter suggested a big get together here the following weekend, but I'm thinking niece will need to test for a few days after that flight even if she double-masks at Heathrow and on the flight.

    Well, Netherlands one goal ahead.  Early days yet.

  • Sorry, Annette - it seems that the Netherlands have finally remembered they are supposed to be good at this. It finished 3-1.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Clare: Indeed! Oh well. There's always next time. :-)
  • We are returned from visiting our Youngest today, which was very nice and for which we had a good journey both ways.

    Much hilarity over the childrens antics, and over all our compared experiences of Christmases past! "Not like today's childen" we old 'uns said, which prompted our son to quote the old Monty Python sketch where they all claim to be living in cardboard boxes and holes in the ground, to outdo each other!
  • Rusty, sorry you've got a roaring cold: hope it's short lived. What a shame.

    OG - Sorry to hear about J - things can only get better, I'm sure.
  • STARTING NEW THREAD NOW (a little early, sorry).