Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 20 November 2022


I hope everyone has a safe, joyful week.

Hard snow and high winds on my patch tonight. The red Northern Cardinals were feeding frantically until darkness fell. They were pulling the poor hibernating wasps out of their nest and eating them. I had to clean and disinfect my boots at dusk because I stepped in coyote scat (poo) when I went to the mailbox!

Hello to all.

  • Rusty -- It's very annoying. I get a lot more stuff delivered, these days, and quite often we find a wet soggy parcel on the step, when we are both in with 2 cars on the driveway and lights on in the house - they obviously have just dumped the parcel and then run away, rather than ring the bell. I do know that they have horrendous things expected of them in terms of the number if deliveries expected to be done, but their job is to actually deliver!
  • Depressing news at the moment with a lot of strikes either beginning or being threatened. Do these people not realise that if they all get a rise, the inflation will continue?? It could be an ever ongoing circle of effect.
  • RUSTY: That Conwy Estuary is breathtaking. So beautiful. I loved the photo of you. Beautiful! LOL It must be lovely to feed the robins.
  • HEATHER: You're right that missing my brother is part of the reason I didn't go to my relatives for the holiday. Also, they live about 50 miles north of me in the city where I grew up. It would have been very expensive to take a taxi-shuttle there and back. Plus, those visits are very stressful for me, for reasons I probably shouldn't share online. ;-)))
  • DIANE – Some relatives have to be avoided to retain one’s calmness!

    A warm sunny day, 31 C, not a cloud in the sky. Washing dried & put away already (2 pm). Alas this dry heat means it is garden watering time again.

  • Just a thought

    Have no regrets for things gone by. (M L Lermontov)

    I had my patience tested. I’m negative. (t shirt)

    Once in a while someone amazing come along . . . and here I am. (t shirt)

  • Good Morning. A pinkish sky here, but no drama as not enough clouds for it.

    Like your quotes, AQ. I like the "no regrets" one as it would have been my good friends birthday today. I still think of her daily. We always described her birthday in the past as The Starting Gun for Christmas preparations, which she loved as she was so sociable and generous.
  • Diane: Big {{HUGS}} on their way to you. Keep on keeping on! You're not alone.
  • Yes. Diane. Sending hugs. Have a cosy Thanksgiving at home. I sometimes choose to spend Christmas at home too, although I am going to my sister’s for the day this year. Having missed out on meeting so much during covid it brought home the importance of family gatherings to me.
    AQ - well done with the washing. I have mine on and am hoping to hang it out when I get back from the hygienists. The forecast is good today. Hence why the washing is on!!!!
    I will miss most of the Wales football match what with my appointment and a couple of other things I need to do whilst I am out. Probably for the best as I would have been too tense anyway!! The parcel is supposed to be being delivered again today. I have left the “safe space” unlocked and put a note on the door too. Not a lot else I can do. It may not come until this afternoon anyway. Fingers crossed.