Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 20 November 2022


I hope everyone has a safe, joyful week.

Hard snow and high winds on my patch tonight. The red Northern Cardinals were feeding frantically until darkness fell. They were pulling the poor hibernating wasps out of their nest and eating them. I had to clean and disinfect my boots at dusk because I stepped in coyote scat (poo) when I went to the mailbox!

Hello to all.

  • RUSTY – If we were ever to meet. I’d surely recognize you LOL.

    Camera outing today to photo two less-than-stately homes and some street art. This installation is named “Ground Dwellers”. I “captured” them on the edge of a park close to a side street.

  • Love those, AQ!

    Good Morning. Not sure if I wrote here yesterday- it was one of those days which flew by. I had a long talk on the phone, Then we went to discuss some financial things in the town, and other errands, and found we needed a document to finish our transaction, so we came home for it and then my OH went back with what was needed while I got on with h.work. then magically, it was lunchtime - we got a salad ready and sat around afterwards after all the rushing about. Then my OH gave a shout! He realised that he'd missed his dental appointment and it was already half an hour too late. Grr.

    I'd thought about it at breakfast time but then forgotten to remind him... He'd thought about it earlier, too, as he has done this in the past and been mortified. Ugh.
  • Oh dear Lindy. Missing an appointment is easily done especially when you have other things on your mind. I have a hygienist appointment tomorrow morning at the exact time Wales will be kicking off in the football. How did I manage that!!!!???
    I hope our American friends here can enjoy Thanksgiving in a way which suits them best,
    I am meeting my sister for a little shopping expedition this morning plus coffee of course. I am very lucky that she only lives 30 minutes away, so we are meeting at a convenient garden centre mid way between the two of us.
  • Enjoyed your photos, Rusty.

    Its been a beautiful pink sky here so I guess I must have just missed a red sunrise when I woke up.

    HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all of our American friends. Can't believe its that time of year again, and all the shops are filling up with Christmas stuff, too.
  • LINDY Oh dear, I do hope your OH isn't having any dental problems!
  • Enjoyed our time out on Tuesday and stocked the freezer again!

    ANNETTE – don’t like the idea of Mountain Lion stalking the goat – or horses! Don’t really like the idea of having a gun either, but that’s just me! Happy Thanksgiving to all who are celebrating over the pond – is this the weekend your grandson is visiting?

    DIANE – OH can get free test kits via the Carers’ Trust – or could, I think they still have them. Fingers crossed for the chooks – I know you made friends with them last year!

    AQ – I do like coming across street art as well as the original wildlife!

    LINDA – will OH have to pay for the missed appointment? I hope he is not having any dental pain.

    J had thought he might not have work today with teachers being on strike and school closed to children, but their deputy head nominated work for the LAs, so they all shared a chippy lunch together too!
  • Thank you for your concern, but my OH was only booked for a (long overdue) checkup at the dentists. He has had one tooth which is concerning him, but it's not urgent, I think. He rang them up to apologise and was given an appointment in December. No charge for the missed one, as we are very long standing customers and its a private practice.

    Diane, we can get Covid test kits for only a couple of pounds here - they used to be free but since they started charging, the figures published about infections are rather dubious, as of course a lot of people can't be bothered. The deaths noted have markedly decreased though, thank goodness. OG - I hope you & EE remain free of infection after your unfortunate meeting with the family. Glad you enjoyed your trip out on Tuesday.

    I went to a local charity today where they help the least fortunate --  they give out food and warm clothes locally. I left them some saucepans I no longer use rather than throw them away. Too good to throw, but not good enough due to slight wear, to give to a normal charity shop!! Gratefully received, so I've done my good deed for the day.
    Sorting through my many cookbooks, I sat reading them! Must do some of the recipes I used years ago and which we enjoyed.

    It was sunny this morning, if rather windy, but this afternoon we got the promised deluge from the sky - it was sleet, I think, as it really hammered on the conservatory roof.

  • Morning all and Thank You for the TxGiving wishes. Am girding my loins.....

    OG: Yes, grandson and partner arriving later this morning. And I don't like guns at all either. Still, all law enforcement here carry them but in spite of the headlines, rarely use them.
  • Rant alert!!!!!
    I was expecting a delivery today via Yodel. Due between 15.00 and 17.00. I was in all afternoon. I used to app to track it. 18 deliveries away,12, 6, - I just popped into the kitchen and missed the delivery. They obviously didn’t ring the bell. If they knocked on the door I may not have heard them. I was very very annoyed. They left a card. It was obvious I was in. Curtains open and lights on and football on the TV. They didn’t leave the parcel on the steps either. My “safe place” was locked because I was in!!! I rang but got some automated lady. No help online either. Eventually the automated lady let me press various buttons and the delivery should be tomorrow now. About 10 minutes before all that, a Yodel van stopped opposite my house and the man got in the van and seemed to be sorting parcels. I stood in the doorway with the outside light on but he drove away. That was when the app said 6 deliveries away!!! Grrrrrr!!! End of rant. Thank you for letting me do so.
    Tomorrow I have my hygienists appointment. I will leave my “safe place” open and a note on the door too. Not much else I can do.