Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 13 November 2022


I hope everyone has a peaceful, easy week. 

Well, folks, winter made a hard landing on the Midwest today. On Wednesday, the temperature on my patch was 70 degrees F (that's 21 C) with sunshine and a breathtaking sapphire blue sky. The forecasters warned us that it would turn cold Saturday (today) with a light "dusting" of snow. I slept in this morning, and when I woke up, 4 inches of drifting snow covered the ground in a gale-force wind! The Northern Cardinal pair has been coming to my porch to eat the late-season wasps, and the red male landed on the window sill and looked at me with such a confused expression! LOL I was lucky. The winter storm hit further north with such ferocity that the interstate highways had to be closed!

Hello to all!

  • Diane: Thank you - and I imagine the male Cardinal wasn't the only one confused. I'm now awaiting the AZ Governor results (the race what that awful Kari Lake). Was talking to a friend whose daughter can't find anyone to do a small addition to her house; contractors are so busy.
  • Annette: Cortez Masto was just projected the winner in Nevada. Democrats will keep control of the Senate, regardless of the outcome in the Georiga run-off.

  • DIANE – Our max temp mid-pm was 21.3 C and it is now a blue sky day after earlier threatening clouds. We are expecting another thunderstorm this eve. Surely not as dramatic as yesterday! No sign of any birds here, not even the hated noisy miners. All must be sheltering somewhere. . . or blew away.

    We had no power outage in storm and our internet survived but curiously overnight it died. Perhaps too many outages across the state affected the NBN. So many homes are without power that it will take until Tuesday to repair all. Trees & power lines down everywhere. Sometime mid-pm OH’s internet restored itself, but not mine. Having learnt something from s-i-l’s visit, I remembered to press a magic button. Success!

  • Diane:  YAAAAAY!!   If I could have 'liked' your post a million times, I would've done it!   Just checked the news before I headed off to bed.  So relieved.    Don't know if you watched the PBS NewsHour on Friday but David Brooks and Jonathan Capehart were discussing the better-than-expected results for the Democrats and Capehart commented that "voters decided they preferred a party that was out of touch over a party that was out of its mind."  :-)    (I shall still write letters to Georgia voters on behalf of Raphael Warnock.)    Also, I gather that all but one of the 2020 election deniers who ran for Secretary of State positions lost their races too.

    AQ:  I sometimes wonder how birds manage during really fierce winds.  Hurray for magic buttons!

  • Good Morning, All. Thank you to Diane once again. What strange weather! The animals & birds must be confused, all right.

    Great news on the political front. Love the quote!!

    AQ - Well done on your tech decision on the Magic Button!

    Sun coming out here. We have booked for a lunch out, at my OH s request, and are going to watch the ceremony at The Cenotaph on TV first.

    Everyone have a good Sunday, wherever you are.

  • Yes. Diane and Annette. I too am very pleased by the results which have been reported this morning.
    Thank you Diane for starting us off. Sorry winter has arrived. No wonder your cardinals were confused. I hope you are warm in your home despite the renovations which need doing.
    AQ - I hope the thunderstorm doesn’t materialise tonight for you or, if it does, that it will not be too bad. I see that the cricket is in danger of being rained off in Melbourne.
    I got a few more jobs done in the garden yesterday. Does anyone else notice more and more jobs every time they go in the garden??????
    I have been invited to some friends for lunch today which will be nice. They have invited a group of us. I think they just wanted a get together but it will be a lot of hard work for them. I have bought a couple of bunches of freesias to take. Other friends are taking wine, chocolates etc. We have tried to coordinate.
  • Thank you Diane

    LINDY Didn't watch the ceremony at the Cenotaph but will watch the highlights later. The remembrance service at the Albert Hall last night was very moving. Makes me proud to have served.
  • Yes, very moving every year, dibnlib. We always watch it. At least it wasn't cold, this morning, for those standing to attention for a long time in London.

    We enjoyed our lunch, and the ride there and back. The sun was making for bright slivers of blue between puffy clouds, with all the clouds around the mountains blown away since yesterday. There were fields full of pregnant sheep, and some of the yellow gorse looks as if its coming out because it thinks it's spring!

    Collapsed in a chair now, after enjoying a melon starter, roast turkey dinner and cheesecake. My OH had roast beef dinner as he prefers his turkey at Christmas.

    Hope that Rusty enjoyed her friends lunch.
  • Lindy. It sounds as if you had an excellent lunch. We had a buffet which was ideal as there were 9 of us. We talked and talked and reminisced. It was a really convivial few hours. I feel very lucky to have such lovely friends.