Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 6 November 2022


The eclipse occurs in the wee hours of the morning on Tuesday. It will be visible in the U.S. and Australia, but not in the U.K. However, many sites will stream it online with commentary.

I'll put a link to a nice list of online streaming science sites in a post below.

This is the last total lunar eclipse until 2025.

Everyone have a joyful week.

  • dibnlib - I remember you told us a bit about Alison a while ago. I am so impressed with her progress - I was only a runner for a very short time ... until my Achilles tendon snapped ... but used to do long distance walking. My longest walk ever was 32 miles, so she beat me! I once challenged a runner to come on a long distance walk with me - it was slightly less than a marathon distance, but she had to give up after 13 miles - she couldn't cope with the uneven ground and the stiles! I do hope Alison manages to complete her park runs - it's a wonderful invention. And Shetland and Lewis are certainly lovely places to go ...

    Well, our hoped-for visit to Stourhead yesterday didn't happen. For a start, it was absolutely chucking it down with rain. And secondly, my great-nephew developed impetigo. So instead we had a day indoors chatting, reading the papers and generally chilling out. Very nice too ... I haven't done that for a long time. I've just got home after a very wet 140 mile drive and am shattered!
  • Good Morning. Try and rest, Pat. We hated driving in the wet, too.

    A grey day here, with clouds, and I must do various small things. My OH will be cracking on with the tiling this morning, then I hope resting in the afternoon.
  • Our nerines have been beautiful once more.

  • I'm happy to say that Amy is back home ! We got a fright but in the end, all was OK.
    DIBNLIB- What an achievement for Alison, the family are justifiably proud of her. It takes real strength of character to fight eating problems, from my working life I recall all the reasons clients gave for not facing up to the fact that they ate more than needed, or less than necessary. Often real emotional issues and it is hard to confront these, sometimes.

  • HEATHER - good news about Amy!

    LINDA - lovely smile from little Rosie!

    Everyone - good to hear from you all.

    We went to church yesterday - expected rain was one short shower as we drove down. It was a good service done by the chaplain to the local hospital (she was there when I was there for three months in 2017 with the broken femur). Very different service, but enjoyable.

    J went to his church, then for his vaccines in the afternoon. In the night, he got out of bed and fell - not epilepsy related! We think he stood up before making sure he was awake. No damage done. He got an early call for work this morning, replied that he could come. Hurried some breakfast, bought a sandwich for lunch, arrived - and was told they had someone else! IMHO, there should be an hour pay for compensation - haha!

    Only one cleaner this afternoon - other is on hols. Don't know why we didn't have her when this one is on hols - I think she is frightened to come on her own! Will try to find out when we have her friend here this afternoon!
  • PAT - I hope that you are resting today..
    OG - beginning to think that I could do with some help in the house ! I'm supposedly fairly fit but decided to get down on hands and knees to wash bathroom floor after lunch. Bad idea - knees were painful and I had to crawl backwards to find something to help me get upright !
  • I am home!!! Horrid journey down the M6 in heavy rain.
    Heather -so pleased that Amy is home.
    OG - I think J can be justifiably annoyed by the way he was treated. Did they give any excuse? I don’t think he will be accepting that school again. Maybe he should let the agency know.
    Lindy - beautiful nerines. Glad you had a nice visit to the family.
    So, what a weekend!!! I am exhausted but very pleased indeed that I went. We have had a lovely family time. Yesterday my sis, bro in law and I “escaped” for the morning to visit Keswick as I had never been. We dodged the showers and had a lovely walk in Hope Park and along the lakeshore. When we got back we found ourselves on a family walk too!!! My phone told me in the evening that I had walked 7 miles!!!!!!! No wonder I enjoyed my meal at the pasta restaurant we all went to. Well, nearly all - the 6 year old and his mum drove home late afternoon as he had school today.
    I am unpacked and the washing is on. I have a cup of tea and a piece of birthday cake. Very nice.
  • Heather - It depends what you call 'resting'. I didn't do too badly this morning - but this afternoon was my weekly Home Group followed by a monthly Zoom meeting. I'm home now, though, for the rest of the day. And hopefully and early night - and even more hopefully, a decent night's sleep!!
  • HEATHER So glad that Amy is home.

    Nic to read that others are impressed by Alisons achievements, thank you.

    LINDY I envy you those beautiful nerines. We bought some a few years ago after seeing the lovely display a neighbour had. I am afraid ours came to nothing.

    RUSTY Sounds like you had a lovely time.