Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 6 November 2022


The eclipse occurs in the wee hours of the morning on Tuesday. It will be visible in the U.S. and Australia, but not in the U.K. However, many sites will stream it online with commentary.

I'll put a link to a nice list of online streaming science sites in a post below.

This is the last total lunar eclipse until 2025.

Everyone have a joyful week.

  • Diblib: A reason for only the hind legs?? She had some other legs, too, but I was on a coach and I couldn't snap the pictures quickly enough!

    Over the weekend, I'll try to find the time for my Tale of the Stretchy Top Which Made Me Laugh Uncontrollably!!
  • Unknown said:

    Diane:  Thank you.  Not sure if I'll be up in the wee hours of Tuesday morning!  I do hope you're doing okay and hoping that things are a tad easier? How's your little house?  I assume you're still looking for a vehicle?  


    ANNETTE: I'm okay. Time seems to have gotten away from me since I got back from Indianapolis. I will do preliminary work on my house over the winter to prepare for some of the heavy repairs/renovation in the spring. No contractors were available before then. Still looking for a decent vehicle, but the good news is that prices are coming down. I hope your back is improving. 

    Hello to all. Wishing you all well.

  • Diane: Great to hear you're making progress re house and fingers crossed used car prices will continue to decline. :-)
  • Ditto from me, DIANE ..
    My Danish friends arrive tomorrow. I've been busy doing a deep clean of - well - everywhere ! If only my enthusiasm would match the work I think is needed. My gas boiler started misbehaving last weekend. It wouldn't switch off so goodness knows what the gas bill will be like. The earliest I could get a Scottish Gas engineer was late Wednesday afternoon. The powers that be didn't prioritise the repair as I still had heat and hot water. However when the engineer arrived he disagreed - said it should have been done as a matter of urgency. Anyway, it is all fixed now.
  • This morn I collected book I had ordered for Miss11 (her choice & part of her χmas gift). My outing was somewhat spoilt when I discovered a piece of cardboard attached to bakery “TEMP CLOSED”. How dare they!
    After lunch a long long long chat with Dau, catching up on their school concert, weekend outings & other events. Then phone died. When I tried to send an email to say I had not dropped off my perch, I discovered we had no internet. Ten mins later it was back. Maybe we talked too long? I was reminded of Ye Olden Days with trunk calls when operator would interrupt “3 minutes, are you extending?”
  • Oh Heather. I don’t remember you saying you were expecting your Danish friends. I do hope you have a lovely time with them. I gather it is rather wild and windy up there with you. Very mild though I believe.
    Diane - I hope you get the small jobs done in your place ready for the contractors in the spring. I also hope that you find an affordable vehicle soon.
    OG - I hope people are feeling better at your house now. I am glad you enjoyed the garden centre.
    Lindy - I await your tale of the “stretchy top!” I enjoyed the rest of your holiday photos. I can’t believe a whole week has gone by since I was at Center Parks. Also, sorry you have been upset by the relative who has changed his surname.
    AQ - sorry about your Internet problems. Well don’t with the book for Miss 11. I really must make a start on Christmas presents. My Canadian friend emailed me to say she had posted mine! I haven’t even thought about what to send her!!!!
    I did some shopping in the local town yesterday and visited a friend for coffee. Today I am going out for lunch with some former colleagues. I really must cut the grass too!!! It is growing fast and strong and it is November!!!!! My winter jasmine is flowering beautifully (I must take a photo for you) and my 4 year old mahonia is going to flower well this year too. I am pleased about that.
  • LINDY - Rusty has reminded me about your family member who wants to change his surname. I imagine that he is the only one who would carry the name on ? If not, then it isn't maybe that big a deal... Years ago when I was working in local government, we had a notification from an employee that upon his forthcoming marriage he would be changing his surname to his future wife's. His name was Badcock. I had every sympathy with his future bride :-)
  • My winter jasmine to cheer up a dull day.

  • LINDY Sorry, like HEATHER I was referring to the person who had changed his name. I should have explained this and not just sent a quick few words.
  • Hello all, just dropping in, not going to read all the way back but hope everyone is keeping well.

    Rusty, love the winter jasmine photo, send the smell through !!

    Not a lot happening down here but medical isses are slowly being dealt with.

    Lest We Forget - Rememberance of all those lost in Wars.

    Have a good weekend, all.