Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 30 October 2022


I hope everyone has a joyful week.

I saw a female turkey in a tree today, the wild woodland species, not a domesticated bird. She was huge and beautiful!

  • Thank you, LINDY for the pics. I didn't realise that Lanzarote was so interesting !
    Sorry, OG, that you had such a rotten night. I hope that tonight will be better.
  • Morning all:

    Heather:  Can you believe how devious little kids are!?  :-))  It's cute and somewhat alarming at the same time.  I mean, what else are they up to when we aren't paying attention!.  When my grandson was being tested for his behavior problems, he was given a timed test, knew he needed more time, so when the teacher was out of the room, he simply adjusted the timer. Of course, he's the kid we need to have around to sort out those car clocks, stoves, etc.  :-)

    OG:  Hmmm.  Little boy stuck between two girls - I wonder if they gang up on him (which would be soooo normal).  Does he have boys to play noisy boys' games with?  We have two little boys next door and I swear they're always having some kind of war or battle or something in the garden judging by all the yelling and shouting.  Still, basically happy healthy sounds, so no complaints on our side of the fence.

    Lindybird:  I'd have to have some green on those hills - somewhat foreboding on such a scale.  I imagine that beach would be volcanic (black sand) too.   Re kiddies, am I right in thinking Rosie has two brothers or have I lost the plot again?  They do tend to be protective of sisters...   Are you recovered from your vacation?

    Have physical therapy today.  It's a question of three steps forward then one or two steps back.  All a bit tiresome.

    Anyway, need to go freshen up and then dig up some breakfast.

    Take care everyone.

  • OG – Could your GGS’s difference simply be that there are three? Coming from a family of 5, I know how children play in pairs and leave the “odd” one out. Also with 2 sisters, maybe he has a desire to “be a man”. I was surprised by your comment “not allowed to diagnose early these days” - I thought early diagnosis was the recommendation.

    HEATHER – Your 4 year old g-dau has a big future ahead – negotiator in chief?

    I saw my breast cancer surgeon this morn. I have passed my year 2 check. My MOT?

  • Glad your check was OK, AQ, and that they are still keeping an eye on you.

    Annette, the beaches vary - some are black sand but unlike some of the other islands, there are some big ones which are golden Sahara sand which is apparently brought over by the wind from Africa, only a hop and a skip away. Rosie has two big brothers and they all have a lovely relationship - now she us talking she is already bossing them around! Glad you're getting some physio help.

  • AQ - They do seem to wait, here, before putting a label on children who are looking as if they're struggling with the norm. They keep a close eye on them and don't diagnose until they see more of an outcome as they develop (or not). This seems sensible to me as if its wrong to label them with a particular condition then they could be stuck with it, whereas it could have been too early and it could be just that they're slower than others at first also of course they might be made to fit into a category which is wrong for them.
  • LINDA - enjoyed photos.

    ANNETTE - girls unlikely to gang up on him - little sister is only four months old! He doesn't need to learn aggression from other boys - he has it in spades! Sorry you are still needing the physio - I assume they checked it really was sciatic nerve problem and not in the joints?

    AQ - current thinking here is that too many false diagnoses are made when kids are too young for testing - then they get a label and live up to it - with parents making unnecessary demands for special treatment for their little pets.. All to do with saving money! Same re cancer checks - all stopped here during covid and not resumed yet! Glad yours was clear.

    Drizzly day here, but to worsen later with wind and real rain. But OH is tidying summer plants into the greenhouse as it is getting noticeably cooler now.
  • ANNETTE - my son was somewhat deaf as a small child which, thinking back, would explain a few of his ' disobedient ' behaviours. Anyway, he had a hearing test which involved him having to acknowledge when he heard a noise etc. The audiologist suspected that he wasn't hearing everything that he said he was and asked my son about this. The reply? ' When you press the button your elbow moves'.
  • I don’t really have anything to add to the discussion about young children’s behaviours. It is very interesting to read and suspected problems must be really difficult for parents to handle having had no previous experience.
    I have been to visit a friend in an assisted living complex in the town. It is purpose built and her flat is really very nice. It was certainly lovely and warm. Her iPad is very old and won’t do certain things now, so I took mine and she borrowed it to order what she wanted. I am not the only one who isn’t happy with Apple. They declare that certain older models will no longer receive updates. If, like me, you need the updates in order to do certain actions, you have to buy a new one. In fact, my friend’s iPad is my old one as her original one was even older!!!!
    I hope everyone has been safe and warm in this windy and wet weather.
  • Rusty:  Funny - I just got off the Apple website because I have an iPhone SE (first generation!!!!) from eons ago that still works.  I don't update it but it still does all the basic stuff I need.  I don't do online streaming; don't read books on anything other than paper and manage just fine.   Trouble is, OH has an old flip phone that is 2 days older than God and it's 3G, which will about as much help as two tin cans and a piece of string come December.

    Heather:  Haha - so much for specialists, although the doc obviously realized something was 'off.'  

    OG;  Oh little girl only four months?!  I lost the plot. Can't keep track of everyone's grandkids.  I agree re too-early diagnoses of kids.    Re leg/hip/back - nobody's exactly sure what I did but nothing on the scans made the docs sit up.  Physical therapy (stretching and more stretching, followed by even more stretching - all different bits) seems to be working.  I think I was just scared to move too much after the initial nasty ouch and that just tightened everything up.  

    Take care everyone

  • Good Morning. Got up early as heard Bonnie scratching about - she is still confused by the hour change. I get really tired in the evenings now, too, as it takes me a long time to get used to the difference. Grrr.

    Annette - Maybe just gentle stretching will make a big difference - it certainly won't harm you. I keep saying I'll do more yoga as I used to find it very good, years ago when I did classes.

    It must be very annoying to find that your tech is getting out of date, even though it works perfectly well. Incidentally, I bought my OH a new smartphone (he'd only ever had 'ordinary' mobiles before) for Christmas and although he was suspicious of it at first, he now says he loves it as it helps him in so many ways every day. A conversion! He uses it to arrange and book his golf and to keep in touch with friends