Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 30 October 2022


I hope everyone has a joyful week.

I saw a female turkey in a tree today, the wild woodland species, not a domesticated bird. She was huge and beautiful!

  • I found this site a while ago, and I personally find him so helpful,as he gently explains what each excercise will do and says able to easily do at home.


    I found clicking his videos tab, most helpful, not sure I would do the 'POP' quickies CHOL:):)

  • ANNETTE - Good that the physio and exercises are helping. I kept forgetting to ask what your orthopaedic doctor said about scan results. Very sorry. It is often the case that I think about this kind of thing but then it never gets on to this page.
    RUSTY - these devices do eventually wear out, don't they ? I don't have an iPad but have an ancient iPhone which was my daughter's, before me. Still works but battery gets low quite quickly, these days.
    AQ - I'm glad that your recent check up was good ! A relief, for sure.
  •  AQ - I am glad your 2 year check up was good. I have first annual one this month followed by a consultants appointment in December. Fingers are crossed.

    Annette - gentle physio sounds to be the way to go. I hope you keep gradually getting better.

    I have been birdwatching near Wrexham today in a lovely country park alongside the river Dee. The walk ended up under the famous Pontcysyllte aqueduct. Birds were rather scarce but we did see 3 gorgeous male mandarin ducks and one female plus a nice dipper. We think we saw about 25 species in all but it was hard work.

  • Doesn't sound like scarce birding to me, Rusty! You had a lovely trip. Thanks for the great picture of the aqueduct, I've only seen it from a distance.

    Good luck with your check up.

    My OH was hoping to get on with the tiling after he returned from golf today, but he had words with our neighbour and she asked him who was responsible for the hedge we share between our front gardens. He said that of course, it was our hedge but that we had always left the trimming of it on her side to whoever lived there (she is our 3rd neighbour). She asked him if he would trim it, even though in the past her gardener has done it.

    So when I came back from shopping, I found him with the hedge trimmer laboriously going around her shrubs and tidying the hedge. Later, after he'd picked up all the debris, he came back inside looking tired. We decided he would rest instead of ripping more tiles off the wall  today. 

    Of course, we both have mixed feelings about it, now. And I regret agreeing to his doing the tiling,  which he didn't want to pay anyone to do when he could do it himself. 

  • Yes. It was a lovely walk yesterday Lindy. Really nice weather and light. I have walked over the aqueduct several times and also driven a narrow boat over it!!!! That’s exciting as there is no fence on the water side!!!
    That sounds like rather a lot of work that your OH did for your neighbour. I do my own garden apart from the annual hedge and bush trim. I pay a nice local gardener to do it. He is very reliable. I don’t have to ring him. He just turns up usually in January because I have lovely winter jasmine growing through the bushes which he doesn’t like to chop when it is looking so pretty.
    I am going away today for a family weekend to celebrate a 40th birthday so I don’t think I will be posting. The “younger” element have lots of plans! It sounds as if I will be busy!!!!
  • Enjoy your family weekend away, Rusty. My sis in law Sue used to have a narrow boat, and has driven it over the aqueduct, which sounds pretty scary! Wonderful views, though.

    Bright sunshine here but much colder- it says only 2 degrees which is quite a contrast to our recent warm weather. I'm off to make a cake to take with us to visit family tomorrow, as we are off to see our Youngest and his brood.

    My OH of course, is going to be ripping more tiles off the wall so I may have to compete with him for space in the kitchen, as although he's done it behind the stove, he's still going around the corner of the kitchen in the same area. Come to think of it, perhaps I'd better revise my plans and bake this afternoon!
  • Sounds like a mass exodus this weekend. I'm off to see my sister in Somerset, and tomorrow will go with my niece, her man and my six year old great-nephew to Stourhead, a lovely National Trust place which always looks spectacular at this time of year. Although I imagine the heavy rain and high winds we have had in the last week or so may have removed most of the leaves. It's a nice walk around the lake, though.
  • Change in the weather - the stormy evening two days ago was quite bad, but only a couple of hours; yesterday quite pleasant in the main -and we were doing indoor catch-ups - but today we had our first frost and thick fog through breakfast time - now sunny but cold. We are planning for lunch at a Dumfries graden centre and Morrison's shopping on the way home. However, J has noticed that it is "black Friday" and we had said both he and OH need new computers - J a laptop and OH a desktop. I am always reluctanyt to take notice of black friday and really don't want to change plans! I think we also need more research first.

    RUSTY - glad you had agood day bird-watching and sight-seeing. Good luck with health check-up. Enjoy the family weekend!

    LINDY - funny that neighbour asked for different arrangement for the hedge trimming her side - but it needs to be kept trimmed for the sake of the health of the hedge as a whole. I am sure he wil get the tiles finished soon, as he hates to see a job half-done! Hmm - don't want tile chippings in the cake! Have good visit - doesn't seem long ago since the last time!

    PAT - enjoy your family visit and Stourhead - a lovely place - well it was years ago, so I am sure it still is!

    We are probably having a fleeting visit from Dau#2 the week after next - her OH's mother has died in Cheshire so they intend to call in after attending the funeral - he had to miss his father's due to covid in 2020. They weren't together, and he doesn't know all the associated family members, so it will all be quite a strain. Haven't seen Dau since 2018 - the one who says I hurt her by speaking to her ex and his wife at a family gathering which she refused to attend!

    OH is ready to set off, so must go and make sure I have everything with me for going out - I think gloves and scarves are called for!
  • RUSTY - I've been on the aqueduct, in a narrow boat !
    LINDY and all - enjoy your weekend away :-)
    OG - my desktop computer is quite old but still functioning. Long may that continue
  • Lindybird:  Very generous of your OH to trim other side of hedge.  Does he want to come here and trim the other side of ours?  :-)   We've also been talking about upgrading one of the bathrooms in the Arizona house, which will need new tiles.....

    OG: Even with Covid, that's a long time not to see daughter.  Maybe she's had a chance to rethink her reaction?  I mean, what are we supposed to do in those tricky situations?  Be rude?  No.  When my granddaughter took Ms. D to Wisconsin visit her ex-husband and Ms. D's half-sister the other year, some members of his family were in full freeze-out mode with other members of the same family during a birthday party for the sister.  At one point, granddaughter took both little girls off to the park and let the adults get on with it.  Hope you had a good day out.

    Sounds like everyone is busy and/or heading off for a day or two.  My OH and I are finishing up marking our ballots for the mid-term elections next Tuesday. I will drop them off at the county election office tomorrow morning when daughter and I go to see her horse participate in riding lessons..  Not feeling very positive given that the mid-terms generally see a shift in parties at some levels; also, the loonies on the other side are a real worry, with the Loony in Chief hinting that he might run for re-election in 2024.  Horrors. 

    Take care everyone.