Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 23 October 2022


I hope everyone has a relaxing, safe, joyful week! 

The sky was intensely blue and cloudless this afternoon. I saw both red-tailed hawks soaring when I walked to my small town to get some groceries. 

Our annual Covered Bridge Festival ends tomorrow. We usually have over a million tourists visit our rural area during the two-week festival. They tour the 32 covered bridges, visit other historic sites, buy quilts and other hand-made items from the hundreds of venders, and eat the traditional foods on offer. So, our country roads have been busy. It's a real economic boon for our people, so I'm glad for it, but I think the wildlife and I are happy it's almost over.

  • LINDY my OH organised a smart meter for electricity years ago and I hated it and eventually he got fed up with checking it and I hid it away ! But I'm looking at it again just to confirm what I already knew/suspected about which appliances are the most greedy :-)
  • I have a smart meter for both gas and electricity but, as I could never fathom what the inside one was telling me, I unplugged it a long time ago and don’t bother now. As it is cold and damp here today it feels cold, and I currently only have the heating timed to come on for an hour in the morning and a couple of hours in the evening.
    My hairdresser came this morning and we had our usual good chat. I have known her for nearly 40 years. She only does “special” clients now. I have no idea what I will do when she retires.
    I am so glad I made myself cut the grass yesterday. I wouldn’t have been able to do it today in these damp conditions. The other day, a friend brought me the next book in a series of detective books he keeps lending me, so I think I will wrap myself in my blanket and start that this afternoon.
  • Thought I would tell you this lovely story. Yesterday I went for an eye test. Knew my prescription wouldn't have changed much so had decided not to replace my specs. When we arrived we had a few words with someone who usually works in the lab there. We knew she had been seriously ill and it was nice to know she had returned to work. I decided to browse and found some frames I really liked so decided to get new specs after all. Half way through doing the paper work Tracey (mentioned above) had a quick word with the lady who was helping me and I heard 50% mentioned. It turned out that Tracey had asked my assistant to take 50% off my bill .......obviously a perk This meant a saving of £139. Wasn't that kind.

    RUSTY interested to know what detective books you are reading. I have just started the latest Peter James which I have borrowed from the library.
  • Dibnlib - the detective series is by LJ Ross. It is about DCI Ryan. All the books are set up in the North East of England around Newcastle. The first one in the series is called Holy Island. It does get a bit creepy and gruesome at times but then there are lighter quite romantic parts too. The same characters reappear in the subsequent books and their relationships develop too.
    The chapters are quite short so they are the type of book where you think you will just read one more chapter and then you realise how the time has flown by. LJ Ross is a woman by the way.
    That is a lovely story about the lady who had been so ill and the 50% off your new specs. Do you think it was because she had appreciated your enquiries as to her health?
  • RE detective books, I'm reading The Magpie Murders by Anthony Horowitz and have The Moonflower Murders waiting in the wings.  Just finished his The Word is Murder, which I really liked.  I find him an ingenious writer and am relieved to see he has other books I can add to my list.  Sad that reading murder mysteries provides such an escape from the real world....

    I'm off with daughter this morning.  The horse she sent to the therapeutic riding school is now being used in their lessons and we're going to go watch.

    In spite of California voters giving the thumbs down to daylight savings time a few years back, we apparently are still going to turn back the clocks on November 6.    :-(

    Heather:  If it were a bona fide writing assignment, that would be fine.  Anyway, sent off my assignment and an e-mail to the editor late yesterday afternoon explaining - not in so many words - that life is too short to spend it frowning at a computer screen.

    Must get hosed down.  Take care all.

  • RUSTY Thank you for the info. I have now ordered "Holy Island" from the library. I love detective novels esp when the characters reappear in a series of books and they have to be UK based.

    I have been going to the same opticians for years and Tracey has always been there. Earlier this year she was visiting a local hospital to have dressings changed while my OH was there to have dressings changed on his throat. Hence we found out how ill she was. I do think she may have appreciated our enquiries after her health. I certainly appreciated her kindness. It was a lovely coincidence that she was working that day!!

  • Here I am! I've been trying to rejoin as there seemed to be no way the system was going to let me in.....
  • And it's worked-- so now I'm a slightly different Lindy!

    How nice dibnlib, for you to have a treat from the opticians.

    It's been damp all day here, and now it's getting colder too.

    My OH has been reading some Peter James, recommended by Sue who also enjoys those types of books.
  • Bonnie, quite exhausted after getting home again and finally having her beloved Dad back. She has been fine whilst we were away, but was ecstatic to see us again.

    Edit:   erm, not sure why the pic has come out so big!!!

  • What a lovely story, DIBNLIB - thank you. Tracey must be a special person and obviously appreciated your kindness and friendship.