Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 9 October 2022


The moon turns full on Sunday.

Everyone have a safe, wonderful week! I'm off to the big city.

  • Clare - Your photographs are spectacular. Thank you so much for sharing. Looking forward to the next lot.
  • Thank you for your good wishes for the golf. It was a very good day. It stayed dry until we were all in the clubhouse. My game was inconsistent as usual but one of the ladies I played with won. I won a bottle of wine in the raffle and I bought some nice things from the craft stall which will make excellent stocking fillers for Christmas. The final total isn’t in yet but we raised over £400 for cancer research. Considering there were just under 30 of us there I think that was a great effort. There was a very happy, lively atmosphere in the clubhouse during the afternoon.
  • Superb, Rusty! Both that you had such a good day, and also that so few of you managed to raise so much. Well done.

    We've had a misty, drizzly day so my laundry had to be dried inside. Sorry, I seem to dwell on laundry a lot these days. My OH wielded the hoover whilst I went out for milk & eggs. I had to move a lot of items off the kitchen worktops while he was busy tiling, and must say that it's nice to have more room when cooking - I'd better find somewhere to keep things more out of sight in future!

  • Bravo Rusty!  (Hope the wine is nice.)

    Clare:  Yes, your photos are exceptional and truly professional grade.   Amazing.  I know you've won competitions, but any luck getting them published?

    We've had thunder here and now it's raining.   What on earth is going on?!

  • CLARE – I showed your pics to OH who is a severe judge. He was impressed. (as I am always with your photos.)

    RUSTY – Well done on starting Cmas bits & bobs. . . and well done to your group for the total funds raised.

    No sign of the rain predicted for today. Will we, near the coast, get the predicted later thunderstorms?

  • Just a thought

    I don’t want a house. I just want to travel and pet a lot of dogs.

    Never judge a resort by its postcards.

    I don’t know where I’m going, but I’m going. Are you coming with me?

  • Good Morning. Misty again here. Had a broken night for some reason, so will have to catch up with a nap later.
    Great interview on breakfast TV at the moment with the famous UK astronaut, Tim Peake, answering all the questions we would like to ask. He says that the thing he missed most whilst in space was fresh bread and pizza, as there is no equivalent. Also, not a good idea to sneeze inside your helmet!!

  • Lindybird said:
    not a good idea to sneeze inside your helmet!!

    Yugh!  That paints a disgusting picture.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Lindy - I just watched that interview with Tim Peake. I am wondering if my 6 going on 7 year old great nephew might like that book for Christmas. He is massively interested in space. I need to go to a bookshop so that I can look and see how it is set out. You don’t get the idea online do you?
    It’s a beautiful morning here so what am I doing? Going grocery shopping!!! I am then going out to lunch with some former colleagues. 2 have had to cry off because they have got covid. It’s still about isn’t it? I have got a cold, brought about I think by all the air conditioned environments I was in whilst I was on holiday. I keep testing for covid and keep being negative. I don’t feel ill as such. I suppose in the past we would have thought nothing of having coughs and colds.
    I hope everyone has a good day.
  • Unknown said:
    I know you've won competitions,

    Only within the intermediate section of my local photographic society.  I'm now in the advanced section for monochrome photography (and I've placed a few times, to my considerable surprise) but I've yet to represent my society in an inter-club competition.  I'm very pleased with how I'm doing but I still have a way to go.

    Many thanks to everyone for all the lovely comments!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.