Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 9 October 2022


The moon turns full on Sunday.

Everyone have a safe, wonderful week! I'm off to the big city.

  • RUSTY – That PCR test delay is terrible. You would be almost “over it” before they let you know. I hope you are soon feeling better. Thanks for the travel pics. Yes please more travelogue.

    CLARE - Poor Helen positive too. I do hope that LIMPY’s symptoms are only in sympathy and not covid.

    HEATHER - Some men have minds of their own. My OH would be difficult if he had to be tested.

    LINDA & OH – Have a great holiday.

    Yesterday I visited garden centre for some chard & my sole tomato plant. By the time attendant found the variety I wanted, It was teeming with rain. I grabbed a punnet of 4 and fled for shelter. I have planted 2 and Dau#2 gladly accepted other pair. I see that chard is now named rainbow silverbeet. Ho hum. I called into library for my “fix”. A few minutes before opening, there were two dozen people waiting but only 4 of us masked. Our covid restrictions have almost disappeared, only for hospitals & aged care. Pollies think pandemic over. Yet medical experts predict our next peak 6 Dec.

  • Good Morning. Thank you for the good wishes, everyone. I wish I could take you all with me! but in a way, I can as we will have WiFi connection this time.

    If you're watching BBC Breakfast News they're doing the NewsWatch segment at present, which I saw yesterday: it's pointing out that the BBC who are supposed to be impartial and balanced, has been spreading doom & gloom and scaremongering on a wide scale. We have been noticing this for ages. They knock the government whenever they can and subtly spread the idea that things which are "bad" are all caused by bad decisions from the top, when in fact its world events which have been causing most of the instability. Bah!
  • aquilareen said:
    Poor Helen positive too. I do hope that LIMPY’s symptoms are only in sympathy and not covid.

    She hasn't tested positive but I'm sure it's Covid - and I'm now in no doubt that Limpy also has it.  Curiously, though, he hasn't got it as badly - his temperature is down and his sense of taste has returned but he's now coughing and sneezing.  He can also do a mean Darth Vader voice at the moment!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • AQ - I emailed the Office of National Statistics re my late PCR test result. They sent me a very good explanation. I take part in a survey. Therefore, the analysis of the results has to be in a queue behind the priority medical tests. Normally I am not being tested because I am ill or about to have an operation or something. It is purely for statistics. I can accept that. I should have tested myself I suppose but I didn’t feel ill. I just thought I had a cold!!! Anyway, the rain has stopped and the sun has come out so I am going to have a walk to the post box.
  • Lindy - Hope you have a wonderful holiday. Look forward to lots of pictures and reminiscences when you return.

    Rusty - Please keep going with the travelogue. It's so much better than politics!! I also enjoyed your description of the 'pink day'. We used to do the same sort of thing at my golf club - don't know whether it still happens, as I haven't played for a couple of years, unfortunately. I really don't want to think I've given up - but nobody else wants to play at the time of day I do, and it gets rather boring going round on your own all the time!

    Clare/Heather - Hope Covid has not spread to you and yours. It's rife around here - every second person seems to be infected. And 'they' keep telling us it's in the past ...

    Clear cloudless blue sky out there today. Yesterday was grey and drizzly - but I still enjoyed my walk around the lake at Hever Castle. Hadn't been for a couple of months and it was good to be back. Everything looks very autumnal - must be something to do with the season!

    Take care, everyone. Dodge any viruses that are flying around.
  • ANNETTE - think your MRI scan was scheduled for yesterday ?

  • I went on my walk to the post box. I was surprised that I needed to sit down with a cup of tea when I got back. It’s only just about a mile there and back. It’s quiet and semi rural here so very easy to avoid dog walkers etc.

    Anyway, I have recovered so here is a bit more of the travelogue.

    In the afternoon on the first day, we all “did our own thing” in Lisbon. My friend and I took the funicular up a hill and got a great view of the city. We also had a super lunch up there outside at a cafe.

    A lady was selling pina coladas in the actual pineapples!!!!

  •  On the 2nd day we went to Sintra. My friend and I decided to go round the National Palace.

    We were really glad we did because we loved the unique decor especially of the ceilings. They had a swan ceiling and a magpie ceiling. Amazing. It dates back to the 15th century

  • I think if you tap on the photos they will enlarge so that you can see the amazing painting.
  • They do indeed! Love those ceilings - I wonder why those birds in particular were featured?

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.