Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 9 October 2022


The moon turns full on Sunday.

Everyone have a safe, wonderful week! I'm off to the big city.

  • Thanks, Pat - that's very helpful! I'd already considered taking Limpy across because of the corncrakes, but this absolutely settles it.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • You should definitely get corncrakes - usually in the pub garden to the left of the ferry on Iona. You may need to go a little way along that road - which leads eventually to the golf course - before you hear them. I have never not heard them on the island ...
  • Actually, that's not quite true, as I've been over in the middle of winter! But in season ...
  • I love Mull. Didn’t get to Iona though. Have only ever heard corncrakes in Finland.
    Good news. All well with my eye. I have been discharged. Can’t see much at the moment due to the dilating drops I had in both eyes. My sister drove me there and back.
  • Talking of Mull, I've just posted a few photos from our return visit earlier this year.  Click on this photo to see a few more:

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Fantastic photographs yet again, Clare. Looking forward to the next lot.
  • Great news, Rusty, about your eye. It must have been a worry.

    Clare, thanks for the link to more photos - I'm off to have a look....
  • Morning all:   Well a quick read of recent posts had me googling Iona etc., but then I ended up with images of Staffa and its truly amazing geology.  Didn't realize Fingal's Cave was part of that formation, which then sent me off to YouTube to hear the music again - and had forgotten or never knew that it was part of Mendelssohn's Hebrides Overture.  So, nice little diversion, only to be sent back to Google by Clare's mention of what I read as corncakes!!  Sounded like a little-known delicacy from north of the border but no!  Google redirected me to corncrakes where I saw it described as a 'singing' bird, but after yet another detour to YouTube, decided it sounded somewhat raspy....

    Rusty: Hurray for eye news.  Portugal is lovely; never been there, but have an acquaintance who's heading there for four weeks to ride Lusitano horses.

    Meanwhile, kids, dog and daughter left last evening to head back to Arizona (daughter is staying there two weeks). Sooooo peaceful here now.  Granddaughter and Great-g'daughter (aka Ms. D) scrubbed out the fountain, tidied up remaining 6 plants that I didn't get to following my slide off the garden cart, vacuumed the house and then washed all the towels, tidied up the bathroom, etc., before they left, leaving me no post-visitor clean up!  Now OH is threatening to take me out to dinner tonight, but I've said I might enjoy that more when my back is better.  I'm planning on finishing a book - a mystery called Broken Harbor - by Tana French and doing Not Much.

    Take care all

  • My eyes took ages to come back to normal after they had had the dilation drops put in for the examination and scan at the hospital. What amazing equipment they have these days. The lady who did the scan came from somewhere like the Philippines I believe. Her first name was Twinkle. The whole eye saga has been extremely efficiently and quickly dealt with.
    Whilst on medical things - Clare - having had breast cancer last year, here in Wales I am eligible for free lateral flow tests. I just have to sign into my NHS account and request a packet. They come the next day. Another amazing thing.
    I loved the sea eagle photos too
    Lindy - I am glad you had a good visit to the family and that the cake was a success. You must be in full holiday preparation mode now.
    Diane - I hope the dog sitting is going well and that you are enjoying your break.
    OG - sorry J got a tummy bug after one day at work. I hope is is better now. Did the grass get cut? I cut mine whilst it was still wet on Saturday because I knew it was my on,y opportunity before it got aerated and scarified today.
    Annettte - have a good rest now that the family has gone to AZ for a while. I am glad they did some jobs for you.
    This afternoon, being still unable to drive because of my dilated eyes, I walked to a friend’s house. I showed her my Portugal photos and she showed me her photos of their recent holiday.
    Tomorrow I am playing golf. It is our ladies section’s annual “wear it pink” competition where we raise lots of money for breast cancer research. As you might have guessed we wear pink. I have a pink tee shirt and cardigan which will do. Some ladies go a bit mad with pink wigs and tie pink balloons to their trolleys!!! Obviously I must play but, sadly, the forecast isn’t very wonderful. I am sure we will enjoy ourselves though especially in the clubhouse afterwards with all the raffles, cake stalls etc.
    Good. I think, I have caught up here now so I should be able to start my Portuguese saga soon.
  • rusty2 said:
    Whilst on medical things - Clare - having had breast cancer last year, here in Wales I am eligible for free lateral flow tests. I just have to sign into my NHS account and request a packet. They come the next day. Another amazing thing.

    I suspect if cancer survivors weren't considered vulnerable enough to get free tests all hell would really break loose.  I'm very pleased it's so easy for you.

    rusty2 said:
    I loved the sea eagle photos too

    I'm so pleased!  I had an amazing time taking them.  It's impossible to describe the extent to which these awesome birds just fill the sky - it's incredible to see them.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.