Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 2 October 2022


Everyone have a wonderful week. Enjoy the rest of autumn. It's predicted to be a rough winter here in the Midwest. I had the first frost this past week. The raccoons are trying to get into my attic!!!

  • Clare, how sad was your news: 53 is no age at all. No wonder the family are in shock.

  • Thanks, all. Limpy hasn't talked about it much, which probably means he's thinking about it. When you're 68 you don't want to hear of people unexpectedly dying, who are younger than you (or your age!) - it feels unnerving. Especially if you have multiple health issues.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Life is cruel, Clare. That's why it's precious, perversely.
  • I got wet through this morning, having set out in relative sunshine, but at least I was prepared & wore a raincoat. I successfully sold some more old coins and am now richer by £30.. The rest of the small box of coins were worthless, he said, and as I trust him I gave them to him rather than threw them in the bin. Then I gave a whole travelling case full of books and kitchen bits to the charity shop., including the case.

    Got home triumphant but wet, & crossed another thing off my list!
  • Beautiful sunny spring day. Two short sessions weeding – the rye grass amid the bulbs is now 3 feet high and going to seed, alas. It makes me wheeze – my form of hay fever – so today I tried wearing a face mask. Provided I don’t stay out too long, it works. While we are enjoying the sun, the eastern states have more floods.
  • A greyish day again. I'm off to get my booster jab (at last - my OH had his ages ago, but I come into the next age category). My OH was very tired last night as he pressed on with his tiling in the kitchen, and of course he'd set himself a target of doing a certain amount, so was busy for a long morning.

    AQ - Well done on the weeding. I know it's not your favourite thing but I guess you hate the weeds more. Good idea to try wearing a mask!
  • Lindy - I am having my booster jab today too and, it seems, my flu jab in the other arm!!!! Glad you had a successful day yesterday.
    AQ - well done with the weeding. My plan today as it is dry is to do a lot of chopping down in the garden of things which got battered in the rain whilst I was away. I won’t do any heavy work though as my eye is still blurry and I am having a check up on Tuesday.
    The funeral of the 101 year old lady yesterday was just right. Very simple with tributes from her daughter and grandson which really summed her up. Typical of her - she had requested a purple coffin and got one too!!!!!
  • Lindybird said:
    I'm off to get my booster jab (at last - my OH had his ages ago, but I come into the next age category).

    Blimey.  Our part of the world must still be one of the faster areas when it comes to getting people vaccinated.  I was done only a week after Limpy and he's 68 to my 53.  Hope you don't suffer anything more than a sore arm.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good morning. Came in the study to read and reply on this thread but found other things needing to be done – then the postman arrived, and I can never resist the chance to open the letters – partly because others rip then whereas I prefer to have them done properly with the letter opener! Anyway, here I am now!

    A funny old week. I think I posted on Tuesday. I seem to remember OH using the phone for various enquiries that day, and he eventually got an answer to our biggest question. Why did the other two have vaccination appointments and not me? He found out I was on the list with the community nurses – to have it done at home! One of them came the very next day! Don’t know why I was on that list as I don’t really need a home visit and don’t have them here for anything else! Anyway, job done – and ended up before the other two after all.

    I had decided I really should have a doctor appointment with the hospital having asked so many times what the GP was “doing about my legs” every time I end up in there. His answer on Thursday (one of the partners) was “and what do they offer to do about them?”! He and I had a good chat about various bits, took my BP which was excellent (for me) and decided I am doing okay and don’t need medication changes.

    J ended up with just one full day of work Friday at one of the primary schools in town (not nearest to home, but second nearest). He had a good day. I sneezed all day and felt really bad – could have been a late reaction to flu vaccine, or maybe a cold – anyway I am okay now. OH has his vaccines after lunch – he has been emptying the greenhouse of cucumber and tomato plants this morning, ready to clean it for winter.

    LYNETTE – nice gesture to give an award in Ray’s memory to the cricket club.

    LINDA – I hope your OH has worn breathing protection (and eye and ear) for the tile cutting, and that you will both be pleased with the results. Thinking of you with wet washing and the TO DO list! Congratulations on the flinging yesterday!

    RUSTY – glad you enjoyed the holiday. Sorry about the eye – docs are very quick here with referrals to eye department.

    CLARE – sorry about the young death in LIMPY’s family.

    HEATHER – sorry you have family problems again – but nice for you to see your son soon.

    ANNETTE – glad you have been making progress – good luck with the remainder!

    DIANE – I too was wondering whether you had actually gone to the city – I was offered the guitar guy as a “Facebook Friend” today! I hope that their holiday goes well and that you enjoy the luxury of the city apartment and the dogs!

    AQ – well done with some weeding – hope you can keep the hayfever under control.

    I think that’s me caught up – and just in time for my Saturday brunch!
  • Hello from Sunny Suffolk and for the last couple of days sunny Norfolk.

    Thanks as always for all your news and updates.

    Diane - relax with the animals and recharge you batteries ready for winter but remember to look forward to the spring!

    Heather - as always - sympathy with the sleeping - I am a devotee of the World Service also.

    I am currently awaiting results of an overnight Sleep Apnea test but apparently the hospital is waiting for a part to arrive so they can download the results from the machine. When I dared to ask when they thought I would hear I got a lecture asking me " do you watch the news?" The NHS is going back to the 1970s and is about to implode" I said that I am having this done privately but apparently they all use the same equipment. I get cover through my employer I couldnt afford it otherwise.

    Rusty - ouch that sounds painful but hope you continue to improve.

    Clare - awful for Limpy and you and the family - losing someone young is very hard.

    To everyone else - good health and good times!

    Now to Norfolk - as a treat for my birthday my Daughter planned a few days away for us - her inital thought was Paris and had to ask if my passport was up to date but I said I would rather North Norfolk. We are both devotees of Elly Griffiths and her Ruth Galloway crime novels so she booked us into a small hotel in Thornham and we had a great time. First day was at Titchwell RSPB reserve and wonderful walk along the vast beach there. followed by posh fish & chips at a hotel in Brancaster. The following day to Kings Lynn Museum to see the Seahenge which was found at Holme next the sea - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seahenge. Then onto Holt for a wander and again dinner out. This morning to Burnham Market a lovely old market town with very expensive shops!

    Now back to reality - which is fine with me.

    Do keep all the news comeng and do take care of yourselves