Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 2 October 2022


Everyone have a wonderful week. Enjoy the rest of autumn. It's predicted to be a rough winter here in the Midwest. I had the first frost this past week. The raccoons are trying to get into my attic!!!

  • Rusty: Sorry you've had such a scare. My cousin had a detached retina and it was very worrying, but she said that the NHS were wonderful. She seemed to recover, although I didn't like to question her too much about what treatment she had as she was upset by the incident. I hope your problem settles down.

    Diane: I'm sure you'll enjoy your break with the dogs, pizza & a comfy sofa! Don't think that your time has been wasted-- we all need "downtime" where nothing constructive has been apparent!

  • Annette - it's actually Cricket Club.. Oh dear, Annette, hope you manage to dump it with them in due course.

    Rang the firm who are supposed to be putting soffits, facias, and drain and guttering up and apparently the original
    order had got lost in the system. however they assured me a surveyor would be out to check on measurements which he did today. Said someone would give me call in a day or two to arrange to do the fitting but that scaffolding would be needed for the job and that the scaffolders could arrive a day or two before the job starts. We wait with baited breath!!

    Diane - have a safe journey and enjoy your time with the dogs.

    Rusty - sorry to hear about your eye trouble, do hope they sort you out and that it can be fixed.

    Take care all and have a good weekend.
    I fashioned a To Do list,
    To help me plan my days -
    It was supposed to stop me
    Muddling round in just a haze.

    I wrote down several things of note
    And started to feel smug --
    Alas, I had succumbed to just
    A "Been there, done it" bug
    For things which got crossed off
    Were small
    And I quickly found I'd not listed them All!

    As fast as one went from the top
    Three more were added to the number:
    I had to resist
    Just ripping up my list
    Before I felt like I was going under....

    Then I realised the truth
    Something I should have learned in youth-
    Action is the key to this
    It's no good just having a good, neat List
    To prevaricate we must desist!!
  • Thanks, SunnyKate.

    Good Morning. Sunny start here, so hoping to get lots done, LOL!! Have a good day, everyone.
  • The sun has come out here now. I am going to tackle my huge post holiday ironing and then this afternoon I am going to a funeral. It will be a celebration of the lady’s life. She was 101!!
    My eye is rather blurry but it doesn’t hurt which I suppose must be good.
    I promise is will reply to all the news as soon as possible. I was a bit thrown off course by yesterday’s events.
  • rusty2 said:
    I am going to a funeral. It will be a celebration of the lady’s life. She was 101!!

    That is worthy of celebration, especially if she lived life right to the end.

    Limpy's family is in shock at the moment.  One of his sisters died earlier this year.  Earlier this week her son, without warning, collapsed and died.  He was only 53 ........ my age.  Absolutely heartbreaking.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Clare - The lady in question still played Scrabble every day in the care home where she was. They had special big letter pieces so that she could see them.
    What dreadful news about Limpy’s nephew. 53 is young in my books. Sending sympathy.
    The sun has come out thank goodness.
  • Clare: Geez. 53 is very very young in my books. How is Limpy?

    Rusty: No worries re posts. Take care.