Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 2 October 2022


Everyone have a wonderful week. Enjoy the rest of autumn. It's predicted to be a rough winter here in the Midwest. I had the first frost this past week. The raccoons are trying to get into my attic!!!

  • Morning all:

    Lindybird:   I saw Iris some years back.  Wonderfully acted but a tad depressing.   I too was wondering if Diane had managed to get away...

    AQ;  Very frustrating that the whole point of Nanny outing was thwarted by malfunctioning technology.

    Lynette:  A nice gesture re the golf club award.

    Rusty:  Welcome home (I think...)

    Heather: Family problems?  Hope they get sorted, but it seems to be par for the course.

    Got two big decisions/tasks out of the way yesterday.  Phew.  Today I have to fight with our cell-phone service provider because they're still charging me for the international plan that I only had for one month when I was back in the UK; this in spite of them reassuring me last time I called that it was canceled.  Also,  I have to return a broken cable box from our TV company after techy guy provided a newer one during service call:  Stopped by their office yesterday to drop it off but there were 9 people in line ahead of me and the dude at the door insisted I couldn't just leave it with him, so it's still in my car.  Where did all the people go who knew how to do things efficiently and quickly?  :-(

    Meanwhile, onward and upward.....

  • Good Morning. Dry here now but colder: my OH has gone to golf but I think I'll sneakily put the heating on now, just while I hose myself down.

    Sue had a man to help with her Sky installation yesterday, but he had problems with the weather, so may come back today. She has had many irritating problems but is battling on.

    Annette, well done on getting progress on several fronts. Keep on keeping on! (So annoying when you get bad service because of under staffing)
  • Heather, hope your family problems can be resolved soon. Its hard to stand on the sidelines when all you can do is worry, but sometimes it's all you can do, apart from being a listening ear.

    Hope Diane has a good journey & of course, the doggies are pleased to see her! I'm sure they will be ;-)
  • Good morning, all. It's a beautiful day here and I'm making the most of it - I've got a washload of bedding on, and it'll be out on the line in a while. I've also got a (very necessary) haircut this morning. I had my long hair chopped off a few years ago (hell of a way to celebrate hitting 50) and it's so easy to look after.

    I should also mention that I had a flu jab and Covid booster on Saturday and, apart from a sore arm for a couple of days, I'm absolutely fine.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Hope you got your bedding dry, Clare -- my towels had to be rescued.

    Did a lot this morning, winkling out things which we might need to pack, but then after a nice lunch I fell asleep again whilst my OH went on his dog walk. Did manage to begin a new "To Do" list!!!! Now just have to act on it, LOL!!

  • ANNETTE AND LINDY: I'm leaving on Saturday or Sunday. My friends couldn't agree on a vacation destination, so they were late making plans. Then they had to move their travel dates forward in order to get reasonably priced air fares. They're going to the Dominican Republic to some resort. My plans aren't so posh. I'm going to eat pizza, cuddle dogs, and watch the movie "Don't Look Up" on Netflix.
  • ALL: I promise when I get back I'll be better about posting replies on here. I need to settle down, get on a regular schedule, and get some stuff done. This summer has been strange and unproductive.
  • Lindybird said:
    Hope you got your bedding dry, Clare -- my towels had to be rescued.

    Bone dry, Lindy - sorry.  I hope you get a better day tomorrow for your towels as they are a sod to dry indoors.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Sorry I haven’t been able to do my report on the holiday. I have had an emergency opticians appointment this morning and he sent me immediately to the eye department at the hospital because he was worried I had a detached retina. I have got a detachment of the vitreous humour which I have had before and which causes floaters. It happened whilst I was away. It seemed very sudden one lunchtime. However, there was a suspicion of more. After another very intensive exam at the hospital, the specialist there said he thought it was just the remnants of the bleed after the detachment of the vitreous humour. I am emotionally exhausted now. I have to go back next Tuesday for him to make absolutely sure of his diagnosis.
    I am very impressed by the swift action of the NHS. Both opticians were very young good looking men!!!!!!!!!
    By the way, this sort of detachment increases with old age. Marvellous!!!!
  • Rusty - looks fantastic. Glad you had a good holiday.

    We've had some rain here over the last few days but not anything significant. We happen to lie on the border of one of the dryest areas in the UK.

    Lindybird - love those quotes