Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 2 October 2022


Everyone have a wonderful week. Enjoy the rest of autumn. It's predicted to be a rough winter here in the Midwest. I had the first frost this past week. The raccoons are trying to get into my attic!!!

  • Good Morning. What a shame, AQ. I wonder how often that happens - maybe the computers are not in use as often as they are supposed to be, then. I can feel your disappointment, but at least the girls were interested. Maybe a return visit, sometime, though it might be too late for the school project?

    Mild weather here. We had the heating on for an hour last evening but thankfully it's not necessary yet to be shivering.
  • Hope you enjoyed your daughters birthday, Annette, even if it was low key. Printers certainly seem to be in a world of their own, don't they.
  • AQ so sorry you had a disappointing day, you try so hard to ensure your younger generations , have wonderful quality advice and experiences.( I liked your post for your info, but not for the disappointment Doh!!

    Hope this may bring some cheer,  outside my kitchen window, before the frosts and 'forget me not's' take over


  • ANNETTE – how good of your Daughter to decide on her birthday breakfast at home!

    LYNETTE – we are waiting for two consecutive dry days to get at least one more mowing in before the end of October. Don’t expect much from your snowdrops planted now – they do much better planted “in the green” just after previous year flowering. They may do well in their second year, when their roots have had time to establish.

    AQ – sorry the Grandmother day was not as you wished – I hope the girls managed to fulfil the necessary research, but so much better if they could have done it “hands on”.

    LINDA – our shared printer was okay with my PC but wouldn’t listen to E-E’s yesterday – seems to like both today!

    Lovely garden photo, SUNNY KATE.

    Yesterday was cleaning day. OH managed to lose time between their departure and dinner, which was therefore rather late – but very good, so worth waiting for. Quiet day today. So he is catching up on his ironing – one of the cleaners does most of it, but I won’t let him give her handkerchiefs to iron. J is wrestling with primary schools all wanting him at once, suddenly, but not answering his email enquiries. Baaah – no wonder he gets depressed and frustrated!
  • Hope that J can get them sorted out, then, OG. They sound rather disorganised, though.

    Lovely bit of colour, SunnyKate. We have spots of brightness around the garden, but nothing in one place now. My OH has just been pulling out some of the plant debris which is finished.

    I've been attacking the ironing pile again, & decided to watch a shortish film whilst doing it. I chose "Iris" which is about the life of Iris Murdoch. Beautifully played in later life by the incomparable Judi Dench, and earlier by the stunning Kate Winslet. Her husband was Jim Broadbent, who was just unbelievably good. He was shown in earlier times by the actor from Downton, Hugh Bonneville. A sad story of Iris descending into old age and Altzheimers, yet uplifting, too. Recommended.
  • Today's quotes:

    Excuse my dust.
    -- Suggestion for her own epitaph by Dorothy Parker.

    Youth is in the mind, not in the condition of your flesh.
    Ginger Rogers.

    (Last ones tomorrow, as I've neared the end of my book)

  • Kate - what a lovely display

    OG - thanks for tip on snowdrops, will take that into consideration. I have over 300 bulbs to plant (or rather my gardner has) but I have said to do it randomly and we will see what comes up. Going to plant bluebells and snowdrops by our tree stumps and tulips and narcissi under the front window. Then wait and see.......... Do hope that J gets a reply soon, its a matter of courtesy, surely. Good luck for his finding a school job.

    We have our Cricket dinner on Friday. I asked our chairman if I could donate a cup in Ray's memory as he was a keen cricketer in his day and helped administrively and with the umpiring in his later years. So we are going to
    award it to Junior Clubman of the Year and this will then be given out each year. We already have a Senior Clubman of the Year award. Nice to appreciate all that the youngsters put in to the club.
  • Kate - what a lovely display

    OG - thanks for tip on snowdrops, will take that into consideration. I have over 300 bulbs to plant (or rather my gardner has) but I have said to do it randomly and we will see what comes up. Going to plant bluebells and snowdrops by our tree stumps and tulips and narcissi under the front window. Then wait and see.......... Do hope that J gets a reply soon, its a matter of courtesy, surely. Good luck for his finding a school job.

    We have our Cricket dinner on Friday. I asked our chairman if I could donate a cup in Ray's memory as he was a keen cricketer in his day and helped administrively and with the umpiring in his later years. So we are going to
    award it to Junior Clubman of the Year and this will then be given out each year. We already have a Senior Clubman of the Year award. Nice to appreciate all that the youngsters put in to the club.
  • LINDA & OG – I don’t know the results of the school project. Yesterday’s outing was to be an extra from me – I am trying to let the girls know where they have come from & what our ancestors endured to make a new life in a new land.

    KATE - Beautiful display.

  • Good Morning. Dull, grey & wet, with winds today. My OH is frustrated as he tries to cut up the tiles outside -- when you cut them it creates messy dust. Will have to see if he can continue half in & half out of the garage

    AQ -- I know the feeling. I want my grandchildren to know some of the family history, so have been wondering whether to write about it, although it could be quite an undertaking!! I did tell my father once "You must write all this down" as even his own life had been very colourful, to say the least.