Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 2 October 2022


Everyone have a wonderful week. Enjoy the rest of autumn. It's predicted to be a rough winter here in the Midwest. I had the first frost this past week. The raccoons are trying to get into my attic!!!

  • I think I'm off to the big city on Thursday night or Friday. My friends in Indianapolis are supposed to leave on a week's vacation, and I'm going to dog-sit for their 3 pooches. They are rescue dogs, and I love them. I could use a change of scenery before I settle in for the long winter. However, my friend has had a bad case of Covid, and if she doesn't test negative this week, they can't go. Whatever the politicians tell you, folks, the pandemic is not over.

    The doggies:

  • DIANE – Thank you for starting us off. Surely it is too early for frosts in your territory? Perhaps the raccoons just know you are a good friend to critters!

    LINDA – Disappointing that you have to miss family visit; better to be safe than sorry. Yes, our stupid pollies are scrapping covid quarantine at end of next week so we have “more freedom”. They think people will use their “personal responsibility” and stay home when sick. Yeah right, when they need money and have no sick leave? I’m convinced many are not bothering to report covid, hence numbers are down. Some medical people said number of deaths from covid so far this year is 10 times our annual road toll, yet we are not rushing to remove seat belts or drink-driving laws so people can have more freedom.

    HEATHER & PAT - Good to see that you are getting your jabs. Better a sore arm for a few days than getting really sick.

    Yesterday I washed and it was such a lovely sunny spring day that everything dried quickly. Later I discovered (!) the duster & vacuum. I had to do twice as much vacuuming as I intended as OH announced he would finish off. Not likely when his ribs are still sore. So then I had a sore back. I fell asleep over my TV programs and went to bed for a shortened night as we have started daylight saving today, already, so soon, darn it.

  • Hallo all. Have read all your news re canceled family trips, creaky OHs and posters. My nephew (don't ask how far removed) is now in Los Angeles before heading to Mexico City, the Domenican Republic (for scuba diving) and then Cuba before heading back to the UK for Xmas. Meanwhile, I seem to be surrounded by a circle of people who are heading to Egypt or the Rhine or the Mediterranean. The only unusual thing on my calendar is the orthopedist next Friday. What's wrong with this picture? :-)

    Diane: Do hope your friend is okay and that you can get away. I often wonder how you're doing in your little house but with no vehicle. Hugs to you. And thanks of course for our new week. You always provide such a positive start! .
  • Surprise phone call from Dau to check we were home (as if not!!!). She & twins called in for a brief visit to deliver a Get Well box of chocs for OH. I shall see them Tuesday for a grandmother excursion. More on that later.
  • DIANE – thanks for the new week. I hope your friend will be well enough for her break. Only three doggies now? I seem to remember when there were five!

    AQ – wishing you well – and OH too! Look forward to hearing about “grandmother excursion” on Tuesday.

    ANNETTE – I assume that is not a complaint about a quieter life this coming week. Don’t start looking for stuff to do – just enjoy it; life will come rushing in again!

    Sorry LINDA and OH can’t make planned grandkids visit – can’t think when I last saw a grandchild – probably just over a year ago! Had a photo of some blond bimbo this week – I think it claims to be GD#2 – why do they all have to try to look the same, and so tarty with it?
  • It is odd, isn't it, OG? They all part their hair in the middle, purse up their lips and make a strange face in their photos. Don't understand it.

    Just been to visit Sue at her bungalow and she is struggling with understanding the heating system. My OH tried to help, but is struggling with it himself, I think. She may need to get a Man in. The whole place will need redecorating so thankfully she is paying someone to do most of it - we would all have turned out, once, to get it done, but we are too geriatric now!

    Edit:  Took a huge chunk of the cake I made, with us. We can't eat it all, & I think that that kind of homemade cake just goes dry if you freeze it. We'll finish what's left, tonight. Not exactly part of my plan to lose some weight before a holiday which is on the horizon for us.

  • AQ:  Grandmother excursion?  Can I come?  

    OG: Life will be rushing in next Saturday at the crack of dawn when granddaughter, Ms. D and Pearl arrive for the long weekend.  Silly me waved the vacuum cleaner vaguely around the house yesterday (OH helped because sciatica still lurking) - there were so many leaves and twigs it was like hiking the Appalachian Trail.  Then dusted furniture: All in the  wrong order  of course but who cares.....

    Lynette:  I hope your son and wife enjoy Santa Barbara.  I'd love to play tour guide but have just sent off nephew and now have a Wednesday deadline for the magazine and way too many things set up for the first part of the week.  If they're looking for places to eat, the restaurant at Arroyo Burro beach is good but they don't take reservations and there's always a wait.  And Jeannine's at the Pier is good for breakfast/lunch.  Tell them the only good place to eat on the pier is the SB Shellfish at the very end....  

    This morning I'm going to hit the supermarket near Costco then be at Costco when they open the doors at 9:45. Meanwhile laundry is also on the agenda.

    Take care all.  

  • Lindy = ... and too busy with your own house, by the sound of it. Don't think of yourself as geriatric - just busy!!
  • Today's quotes:

    Middle age is the time when a man is always thinking that in a week or two he will feel as good as ever.
    Don Marquis

    You know you're getting older when you can't get your rocking chair started.
  • Hello all.   Thank you Diane for starting us off and do hope you get to dogsit your friends dogs. At least it will be a change of scenery before winter sets in.

    Lindybird - sorry to hear planned visit is off.

    AQ - hope all is well with you and OH.

    Had an update today of son's visit to the States and they are now in San Diego for about 3 days chilling before they fly back.   Friday they were in LA and took a tour.  posting a few pics.

    First one walk of fame, second one is the car they did the tour in. Third one is of the famous Muscle Beach and the 4th one of the skyline.