2022/23 OFF-SEASON FREE-FOR-ALL, ***FEEDERS*** & Other Wildlife Cams

Please post here anything related to the thread title Blush 

Makov Animal Rescue Station

One of our favourites.

The Pond cam has remained throughout the year, with new-to-us maturing cygnets and fawns still at the bottle-feeding stage:

No table manners !!!

The second cam has been a White Stork nest, which I have not been following during Osprey season.  The nest is very close to the ground because the Storks can't fly!

Today I find that the second cam has reverted to the birdie feeder we love - except it's been totally refurbished!  (Wish they'd zoom out just a teeny tad.)  Improved sound !!!  And look who popped in a few seconds after I started the download Chipmunk 

This was an incidental I came across on BirdwatchingHQ (you know how he hosts lots of cams unrelated to his own):

"Nocturnal thieves..."

  • The chick has been mostly on its own for a long time - but after this video an adult came and fed it at teatime:

    Unfortunately the IR is still not working:

  • Dear oh dear oh dear, I don't think that the coming season is going to be done justice to, somehow Upside downConfusedFrowning2

    I forgot to say that the main reason I posted that last corvid snap was because we could actually see it clearly - so often the light prevents it from showing up.

    scylla said:
    I also had "Corvid flies in backwards" from the other day

    Found it!

    I had to fish the pieces of this out of Recycle Bin, thank goodness they were still there - I mean to say, it's such momentous footage - NOT Rofl

    But s/he was on the nest for 34 minutes, doing almost nothing aside from the activity shown!


    Waterfowl on the river all night:

    Royal Albatross

    Evening meal - then chick left alone for the night - still no IR:

  • Thank you for all your updates, Scylla!

    I found this on the Foulshaw Moss site (chat section) posted by the moderator, Mary. There is to be an online session with Tim Mackrill on Tuesday, 28th February should anyone wish to 'book' (it will be held on 'Zoom'). Cost is £3.50. Here is the link with info and booking section.

    There is also a handy countdown clock on the FM site...not long to wait now!

  • 26 Feb around 16:00 they (male and female humans) did some new cam or mike installation - I tried to do a video but couldn't follow the distance bits so here's a part of the proceedings:

  • Glaslyn

    26 Feb

    These were on-cam for the first hour of the day:

    Work to be done on the railway:

    But they soon got tired Stuck out tongue winking eye

    Those high-viz garments really work!

    Sample of Aurora Borealis last evening.  I've FF'd it so's you can see the "rays" moving:

    Chris Parry's photos on Twitter

    Overnight ducks/geese:


    Royal Albatross 27 Feb

    A little walkabout!

    I forgot to caption FF on it, plus I chopped out some resting half-way thru.

  • Wow, ! to think the Aurora was visible so far south !
    Ah, little big one eating what ? Trust ma and pa still attend
    Thanks Scylla
  •  Aurora - I heard today that it could be seen in Cornwall, Cirrus Astonished

    Something to do with the sun sending out stuff.

    Sandra P said:
    the Foulshaw Moss site

    Thank you for all that, SANDRA - I missed your helpful post until now, looks like I had the posting box open whiile you were posting.

    I thought I'd check out their bird feeder cam, but look what they're saying "We're sorry, this cam is offline indefinitely, until rats are discouraged from taking up residence at the location long term" Frowning2 

    Our charming Royal Albatross chick is still doing well:

  • LotL went down just after 09:00 - maybe the nest is being prepared - I shall be sad to miss the grass, and there was a ready-made nestcup waiting ;)
  • scylla said:
    LotL went down just after 09:00 - maybe the nest is being prepared - I shall be sad to miss the grass, and there was a ready-made nestcup waiting ;)

    Thanks Scylla,

    Explanation re LotL cam offline

  • Thanks Everyone for the pics and posts and videos.
    Just a note re: Glaslyn--The Owls visiting the nest boxes there recently are Tawny Owls, at least two. However, there are both Tawny and Barn Owls in the area and both can be heard occasionally, especially on the Nest cam mic.
    The folks at Glaslyn are unfortunately still having issues with pictures and sound. Sometimes the sound from the nest mic is also picked up by the mic near-ish to the Visitor Centre. The VC is one and a quarter miles from the nest. The mic near the VC is not very close to the VC because they did not want to pick up conversations from people chatting at the centre. The VC mic is also not as high as the mic beneath the nest and it it closer to the Pont Croesor nest than to the VC. Chat at the PC nest could easily be heard when the nest was being cleaned a few weeks ago. (Is all of that clear now?--Lol! Trust you were concentrating--there will be an exam at some future point--Lol!)

    Kind regards, Ann