Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 25 September 2022


I hope everyone has a serene, peaceful week.

The moon turns new on Sunday evening/night.

  • Had a day of this & that. This morning, moved lots of stuff in our under stairs cupboard- found an old travel bag with a broken zip, so that can go. Also found a small wooden box of my father's which when opened, revealed some more very old coins! You may remember that I made an effort and sold his collection not long ago! Now I'll have to look into their value & sell them.

    This afternoon, went to order our new kitchen tiles. Dithered a bit when we got to the shop, as nothing seemed the same as I remembered- the colours looked brighter. However, plumped for my original choice in the end (green) and my OH also ordered all he needs to do the job - grouting & trims, adhesive etc: it will arrive Thursday so he can make a start this weekend.

    My confidence in his choice if he'd been left to do it would have been badly dented by an incident this morning. I had showed him the difference when we were out yesterday, between green and aqua blue. But this morning, when I mentioned a garden tub I was going to plant up with tulips shortly, he said "Oh, the green one" ---- pointing to a very blue one!! Aaargh!

  • Hi Annette, I think he wanted the experience, no doubt his wife was sitting inside safely. No, they wouldn't have taken the elevator down as they were up in the helicopter at the time and as I understood it, the heli only landed on their private patch in the GC. That should be nice that a family member is looking you up. Son should reach SB in about 3 days.

    Lindybird - looks like its time for replacements. LOL
  • Thank you HEATHER, ROSY & LINDA for your thoughts & wishes. OH has reduced his pain meds to zero; despite this, he mentions that he is “sore”. <sigh>

    Great excitement yesterday in our dull lives when a mobile storage unit was delivered to a driveway up the road. We are speculating whether they are moving or renovating. My thrill for today has been the food shop.

    LINDA – I am convinced men have no idea of the nuances of colour.

  • Good Morning. Sunny here after a misty start once again.

    Good that your OH appears to be improving, AQ. Hard to tell, sometimes! Yes, my OH has always had a strange idea of colour, and often refers to his sweaters in a way we can't agree on. His descriptions are way off!!
  • My OH couldn't distinguish between shades of green and grey. Just as well that he was exempt from National Service in 1948 ! He'd been in hospital for ages with osteomyelitis following a neglected injury when playing football.
    It's cold here and the heating came on during the night as it was only 15 degrees in the house.
  • This evening OH has eaten a full-sized dinner - baked pork cutlet, with potato & 3 veg; followed by a small apple pie. I declare him repaired. Too bad he still seems confused at times but that is the Parkinsons alas. For me now, a shower and then an attempt to stay awake for TV program!
  • That is great news, AQ. Eating well, a good sign !
  • Been to our favourite garden centre for a coffee & a look around. I had a coupon to collect some free red tulip bulbs, so I bought some more to go with them & when we got home, I planted them all in a tub ready for us to enjoy in the spring.

    My OH has been busy this afternoon taking the old tiles off some of the kitchen walls, ready to begin retiling. He's keen, as usual, to get on with the job. Bits of tile everywhere, so now I'm glad I didn't get around to putting my cookbooks back on the shelf!!
  • Good to read that AQs OH is now back to enjoying his food. Hope he continues to improve.

    Heather, we had the heating on last night just for a while. Tonight we're sitting by an electric fire on low - it's gone much colder since the sun went down.

    Today's quotes:

    You know you're old when you notice how young the derelicts are getting. Jeanne Phillips.

    No woman should ever be quite accurate about her age: it looks so calculating.    Oscar Wilde.