Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 25 September 2022


I hope everyone has a serene, peaceful week.

The moon turns new on Sunday evening/night.

  • Thank you all for the good holiday wishes. Lynnette - it is not a cruise. We fly to Lisbon and then it is a coach tour. Having woken early to heavy rain and a cold bedroom, I am rather pleased that it seems to be 25 degrees in Lisbon at the moment!!!!
    I am also rather pleased to get away from all the politics and gloom and doom on the news for a week. My friend and I have been going on holiday together for nearly 30 years and, wherever we are, we never put the TV on!!!!!
    Annette - I hope that is now the end of your power outages.
    Nice to see Scylla on here.
    As these tours are usually pretty full on, I doubt whether I will have time to post. I will take photos and then try to post some when I get back. Keep well everyone.
  • Lindybird said:
    Behave!! You can't suggest bodily harm to politicians on here! You'll get us all banned or something ;-))

    My suggestion was considerably less torturous than Scylla's.

    Knowing my luck even if they went over a cliff their own hot air would cause them to float gently off to safety.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Morning. Raining here - the sparrows were having parties in our large bird bath yesterday as it was extra full of water after the showers.

    My OH came home from his early morning walk yesterday and said that he'd seen a fox in the distance- not possible to see the condition it was in, but knowing how many rabbits there are around here, can imagine it would be fairly well fed!

    Sue managed a phone call but has had various problems including a difficult mobile signal, no land line installed yet, and a three day wait for Internet connection.

    I slept on the sofa for one & a half hours yesterday, feeling tired after our gentle morning outing. Still managed a night's sleep just now!

    Hope things improve for you, Annette - no fun being at the mercy of the power suppliers. Well done on fitting your battery! An achievement!

    I hope things are going better for AQ & her OH.
  • Quiet on here. I hope that OG & EE are just busy.

    Today's quotes:

    Time & trouble will tame an advanced young woman, but an advanced old woman is uncontrollable by any earthly force. Dorothy L. Sayers.

    Middle age: when you're sitting at home on a Saturday night and the telephone rings, and you hope it isn't for you. Ogden Nash.

  • I keep meaning to write on here but today is just one of those days ! My son phoned just as I started eating lunch, two daughters have phoned a couple of times. I know that I'm lucky to have them so will not complain.
    I've got my covid and flu vaccinations on Friday. Eldest daughter is driving me there.
    ROSY - Good that you have made the right decision regarding moving. It sounds as if it's a retirement community?
  • Lindybird:  Gosh.  Lots of advanced old women on here!  :-)

    Heather:  Nothing like picking up your knife and fork or jumping in the  shower to start the phone ringing...

    Clare:  Had to smile at the image of politicians floating away to safety on their own hot air.  Too true.  But then how far would they get, being so full of you-know-what.  Did not spend a lot of time imagining Scylla's option.  

    Handyman coming today to install new bits and pieces in the shower.  Meanwhile, the chain on the ceiling fan in one of the bedrooms detached itself when I pulled on it yesterday and last evening, I turned on a table lamp in 'my' room only to find the switch has gone kaput.  Really!  What next?

    Take care all.

  • Rosy - Glad to hear you are settling into your new surroundings - it will take a bit to be fully intergrated I assume but no doubt you will benefit.   Happy Birthday to your OH What an increase - it's an insult.,

    Annette - hope you don't have too many outages, always a nuisance that. Just had some pics through from Son of their time in SF. Now about to pick up car and drive down the coast so hopefully there will be a few more in due course.

    Just going to post one or two of their visit so far;


  • Unknown said:
    But then how far would they get, being so full of you-know-what. 

    You mean, Store High In Transit.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Lynette:  Water is low in that dam!  I wonder if he took the elevator down into the innards....   I'm amazed there isn't some Health and Safety ordinance that forbids people from hanging on the side of those trams.  I didn't like going up the steep hills when I was sitting safely inside!  Still, looks like he's having a good time.  We have a UK family member en route to Santa Barbara tomorrow - have never met him but we're going out to dinner either Wednesday or Thursday.