Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 25 September 2022


I hope everyone has a serene, peaceful week.

The moon turns new on Sunday evening/night.

  • Clare Bailey said:
    How nice to see you on this thread, Scylla the Magnificent!

    The little life I have is so dull that I can't contribute, CLARE - but I love reading everyone else's titbits here, there's something very comforting about the "ethos" in these troubled post-Brexit times Blue heart

  • I'm trying to cheer things up in my head by imagining a number of politicians being dropped off a cliff. Bother is it's taking longer and longer to picture it, due to sheer numbers!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Clare Bailey said:
    I'm trying to cheer things up in my head by imagining a number of politicians being dropped off a cliff. Bother is it's taking longer and longer to picture it, due to sheer numbers!

    In any case, that's too quick - they need to be dangled by sensitive body parts.

    There!  Now I've ruined the comforting ethos Tired face

  • Ouch! Scylla, were you in the Spanish Inquisition in a previous life?

    I should mention that I'm listening to some nice, quiet, peaceful Megadeth at the moment so this conversation feels entirely appropriate.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Annette - they are travelling down from San Francisco down the Pacific route to Monterey Bay, Morro Bay, and Santa Barbara, staying a night in each port of call so from your description it looks like they will find it quite piicturesque and interesting.

  • Lynette: You can never have too much chocolate! I'm in Santa Barbara - it's a lovely town. If they're taking Highway 1 as opposed to Interstate 101(which is faster), it's spectacular and winding from Monterey Bay south. (Interstate 5 is even faster but seriously boring and unattractive.) I hope they're planning on spending a day somewhere en route. Anyway, Cambria (just north of Morro Bay) is lovely too - as are most of the small towns that dot the route. In Cambria, Moonstone Beach has a lovely boardwalk beside the ocean. And if they've only got a short time in Santa Barbara, the Courthouse is fabulous (Spanish Revival Architecture); its bell tower provides a 360 degree view of the entire town. Stearns Wharf (the pier) gives a nice view back to the town. You can park on it, but fair warning: Most of the restaurants offer a view, but not much else. The best place to eat is the Santa Barbara Shellfish Company, a very casual place right at the end of the pier. Further east is the Reunion Kitchen, which is right on the beach, as is the Shoreline Beach Cafe, in the opposite direction on west beach, where the outdoor tables are right on the sand. And my favorite bakery/breakfast place is Jeannine's, which has just opened a new location on Cabrillo Blvd, right across from the entrance to the pier. Anyway, they're going to see a lot of different geography!

    Annette - see the reply above your description. Looks as if they'll have a lovely time travelling down the coast.
  • Hi all:

    Rusty:  Have a super time in Portugal.  Take photos!

    Scylla: Oh my - a blast from the past.  So good to see you!

  • RUSTY Have a lovely time in Portugal.. Our river cruise was due to take place in 2020 but has been postponed a couple of times and we now should go in July 2023. We have 2 nights in Lisbon, then travel to Porto to embark for a weeks cruise.
  • RUSTY Have a lovely time in Portugal.. Our river cruise was due to take place in 2020 but has been postponed a couple of times and we now should go in July 2023. We have 2 nights in Lisbon, then travel to Porto to embark for a weeks cruise.
  • ANNETTE - didn't like the sound of your garden injury - hope it's getting better each day.
    AQ - thinking about you and your OH. It's a worry for you x
    LINDY - what a horrid welcome for Sue. I had a neighbour, years ago, who used to deposit dog poo on the doorstep of the house opposite. She had no evidence that it was their dog. Actually, she wasn't a nice lady at all and was very good at nasty throwaway remarks...
    RUSTY - Sending good wishes for a lovely holiday !