Weekly Chat (Non Osprey) 17th Sept. 2022

Good Morning. Just starting us off again: Everyone, have a good week!

  • AQ; I still haven't cleaned the house since granddaughter, Ms.D and dog departed. The dust and everything else just rearranges itself. Thing is, they're due here again in a couple more weeks and now I'm wondering if I shouldn't just wait..... :-) This day of mourning? Is it for the Queen? If so, a bit late....
  • ANNETTE - Yes, for mourning HM. Late because our PM had to return from London and flaunt himself on our little stage. I haven't bothered to watch him. Meanwhile some people who claim ancestors here a very long time are protesting about colonizers . . . and then there are those who want a republic . . . what kind? (banana? or another I shall not name?). The holiday has delayed already delayed elective surgeries and other vital things. Never mind, the shops are open this afternoon.
  • A quick look in - very busy here - glad it's not a complete new kitchen update. But a lot of cupboards & drawers had to be removed & emptied, so kitchen bits everywhere in the house, even casserole dishes & food mixers in our bedroom! My OH came home mid afternoon & was shocked to see the joiner was here already (I think he got it wrong) and I was trying to alternate between taking things out of the way, and keeping myself out of the way!

    Went to bed completely whacked after eating a takeaway pizza which my OH bought to save us even thinking about cooking. I'm going out this morning for shopping, so will get something easy for tonight. Hopefully the joiner will be able to finish off this morning.
  • AQ and Annette - so pleased you liked my little tale about exploring Wats Dyke. I was amazed how clearly it is still marked by those trees. I may go in the other direction at the weekend and see how far I can follow it that way. It seems to follow a road I used a lot for my lockdown walks!!! Who would have thought!
    Lindy - you sound shattered. I do hope the work is all finished today and that you and your OH are pleased with the results. Now, of course, you will have to refill all the hastily emptied cupboards!!!
    All this talk of cleaning on here and I am going to join in!!! I was out and about this morning, and had planned to cut the grass this afternoon. However, the rain has arrived earlier than forecast. So, I fear, I will have to move on to house cleaning. It is really not my favourite thing to do at all!!!!
  • Rusty - I quite agree. Housework comes at the very bottom of the tree, after I have done all sorts of things I simply had to do first!!! Unless, of course, someone is coming to see me ... in which case it suddenly becomes top priority!
  • Have read through above, but no time for individual replies, except pleased about ANNETTE's daughter's horses, and sorry LINDA had a hurried arrival from the joiner - is it just worktops being done?

    Busy week here - with two outings!!

    Last evening we went to a charity quiz at one of the local churches - the three of us and a friend from our church made up a team - we were above average but didn't win. Attendance was disappointing overall.

    Tomorrow E-E and I are going out for lunch, then to a flower festival in the historic Crichton Church in Dumries. We shall also call in morrison's on the way home for a few items which we prefer from them. J intends to drive himself to Caledonia Park (former Gretna Gateway) for lunch and a general look around. Today has been wet - overnight and through to 4pm - but is supposed to be mostly dry tomorrow.

    Everyone have a safe, happy autumn. Have a lovely spring, AQ.
  • Rusty - I enjoyed your outing to Wats Dyke,too, but I didn't have time to say so! Yes I was shattered yesterday, but had a solid night's sleep which helped.

    The joiner finished at lunchtime today - I think he thought it would take him less time than it did, but he had a bit of a battle with removing & then replacing the sink. We're pleased with the results - gleaming new white marble effect worktops. Now I have to find some tiles I think will look good with it, & then my OH wants to do the marathon job of fixing them on, himself. I ordered a new kitchen recycling bin two weeks ago but it never appeared, so had several conversations with J. Lewis about where it had got to - yesterday they offered to send a replacement. Looking forward to going into winter with a new fresh look!

    Yes also, Rusty, to the remark that now we just have to refill the cupboards -- not an easy task. At 1st, I thought I could just retrieve everything but then found that there's fine dust in the cupboards from the sawdust. Wiping down commenced. Then, a lot of things had been distributed around the house but not always together in groups. Some things are now put back but some are awaiting either "sorting out" or need pruning as way too much content.

  • Yes, OG, just worktops as we have lovely wooden oak cupboards but also my OH is going to retile soon. Hope you enjoy your lunch out., & the flower festival.

    My OH mowed the lawn this morning & it then rained after lunch, so  good timing. He is off to a special End of Term  type Golf Day tomorrow, so will be gone all day. A chance for me to tidy up & sort out.

    We have tiny strawberries still coming, and there are some yellow flowers on our clematis on the archway which seem confused as to the actual season. Lots of chattering sparrows, as a 2nd batch hatched and they're everywhere. Yesterday I was thrilled to see a Nuthatch on a tree by the kitchen window during my breakfast.