Weekly Chat (Non Osprey) 17th Sept. 2022

Good Morning. Just starting us off again: Everyone, have a good week!

  • LINDY How lovely that poem is, thank you. I thought the service and our armed forces were quite magnificent. I do love to hear the pipes and drums.

    OG Sorry to hear that not surprisingly Js depression is dragging you down.
  • Thank you so much, if you enjoyed my poem. It's been a sad day, alright, losing someone who has always been there for most of us, all these years, and who was an exemplary monarch - we are the envy of the world.  Edit:  Dibnlib, magnificent is a great description of our wonderful armed forces and we can be so proud of them.

    OG- Sorry that J is struggling. It's difficult when depression strikes. I believe that extra sleeping is a symptom, and it makes sense to me, as it gives the brain a rest when it's worn out. Difficult for you I mean.

    We are just watching the final bits of the ceremony which we missed whilst on our journey home. I'm tired again, after a busy day. We have a busy week ahead, with kitchen alterations. Sue seems to be coping with preparing for her move, and has been packing things up ready, & selling some surplus furniture.

  • Hallo all: Well am now free to do normal stuff given that TV coverage of all things Queen will taper off. Marvelous parades - I especially liked the almost incongruous footage of the hearse, surrounded by all manner of military personnel and mounted escorts, winding its way along the peaceful country roads near Windsor. I was holding my breath as the bearer team started up those steps into St. Georges Chapel - apparently the coffin weight 500+pounds!

    OG: Sorry that J's mood is so bad - that sort of thing really can affect others.. Is he on any anti-depressants? Do you think it's related to job or lack thereof?

    Back to organizing my desk and all these piles of paper which are multiplying like rabbits!
  • OH became worse early hours of Monday morn. No way I could get him in a car or even move him, so at 5.15 am I called Ambos. They arrived nearly 2 hours later, not bad for priority 5. We spent 5½ hours in emergency, finally an xray, no fracture but experienced Doc said delayed damage to spleen is common after falls and there were probably hairline fractures. We caught a taxi home, luckily we had been taken to a nearby hospital which had no ramping unlike the bigger main hospitals. Treatment - rest & pain relief. Now how does one get a 2 year old (!) to take his medicine for 7-10 days? Most of today he has been sleeping.

    Unable to make replies as I am extremely tired - I watched the whole of the funeral from teatime until after 1.30 am our time. I doubt I shall ever see such magnificent occasion, incredible organization. I thought the saddest sight was HM’s horse & corgis. How does one explain to them she is gone.

  • Good Morning. Looks autumnal here. Sort of feels it, too.

    AQ -- So sorry you've had such a difficult day. Very tiring for you. I hope your OH will settle down and take his meds., then recover. I suppose its a matter of time and rest.
  • AQ - so sorry to hear about your OH. I do hope the rest helps and that you are able to persuade him to take the tablets.
    OG - very sorry to hear about J. I have had some experience of depression and appreciate that it is very difficult to know how to deal with the person, I assume he has some medication?
    Lindy - I really appreciated your poem. It expressed everything beautifully.
    What an amazing day it was yesterday. Apart from the drive along the main roads to Windsor, I watched it all. It was moving, inspiring, spectacular and, as several people have commented, exactly what the Queen would have wanted. I bet the security people are glad it is all over.
    I am taking my friend with the broken arm to orthopaedics again today (another 3 weeks have gone by) She says her arm is feeling much better now so I really hope they take it out of the brace she has been in for nearly 3 months. I don’t know how I will console her if she comes out of the room with it still on!!!
  • aquilareen said:
    Now how does one get a 2 year old (!) to take his medicine for 7-10 days?

    Tell him that Limpy is currently taking19 tablets (including 7 painkillers) every morning.  I'm hoping your '2-year-old' doesn't have to take anything like that many.

    aquilareen said:
    I thought the saddest sight was HM’s horse & corgis. How does one explain to them she is gone.

    You can't.  All you can do is give them lots of love.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • AQ Do hope things improve for you both soon.You must be so tired coping with it all. Like you I loved seeing Emma, the pony and the corgis....very sad for them too. Those steps at St Georges must have been a nightmare for the pall bearers, they deserve a medal. I broke down when the regalia were removed from the coffin. I know they can't be buried with HM but still found it heartbreaking. Finally the royal family can mourn in their own time. They have been so stoic since the news of the Queens death.
  • There were a few things that brought a lump to my throat and tears to my eyes yesterday. The pony and the corgis, of course. The tolling of the bell, both at Westminster Abbey and Windsor. The Last Post. Crimond. The coffin disappearing at Windsor. Some of the music - and that goes for Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales as well. Seeing the faces of The Queen's children - having to mourn their mother in the full glare of publicity. The slow marching, particularly through fields and country lanes at Windsor before meeting the crowds. Actually, almost all of it. We will never see her like again. And the Brits certainly know how to do ceremonial. I think she would have approved of her send-off.