Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 11 September 2022


I hope everyone has a safe, happy week. 

  • Sorry that I started the new thread a little late tonight. I was doing something else, and I forgot about the time.

    Take care, all.
  • Oh Diane, please don't worry about when - or even if - you start the thread.  I come on much later and am happy to start it and I'm sure AQ or anyone else would be delighted to give you a much deserved break!  Take care

    Thanks all for posts and news and please forgive lack of individual responses.

    TV commentators were all a-twitter at the sight of William/Kate and Harry/Meghan together at Windsor with lots of breathless speculation about What It Might Mean, but was I the only person struck by the fact that the couples barely said a word to each other - or did I miss something?

    Meanwhile, the cooling trend continues, thank heaven.

  • Thank you DIANE for always being there for us. I hope this week is kinder to you.

    ANNETTE – I noticed too that it seemed very “managed”. Stiff upper lip, entertain the troops, the show must go on and all that.

    Our TV has been taken over by endless reruns of same ol’ photos & videos. Desperate reporters are now interviewing those who worked in B Palace in their gap year and children who wrote letters to HM. Correction – one channel has dared to show the football.

    Dau’s house inspected, very nice & modern, large garden. My sausage rolls disappeared like, er, hot cakes. We stayed an hour, it was an hour drive, so late home that a detour for takeaway chicken & chips. Yikes, price has risen, far higher than I expected.

  • Thank you Diane for starting us off on yet another week. It will certainly be one with a difference for many.
    AQ - glad your visit to your Daughters new house went off well and that then sausage rolls were so popular!!!!
    I just realised I didn’t write anything yesterday. I read all the posts but I was having an extremely lazy day watching the golf and the cricket!!! I really feel I should go out for a walk or something today but I have a feeling I will just end up being lazy again. It’s nice to do that every once in a while.
    I hope everyone has a good week.
  • aquilareen said:
    My sausage rolls disappeared like, er, hot cakes.

    I bet they did.  If I'd been there I'd have been first in the queue!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Nah, CLARE, you would have been trampled by the Trio <grin>
  • Ha ha to the popular sausage rolls!!

    Good Morning. Yes, AQ it's saturation on TV here and of course they've plenty of ammunition as HM was the most photographed woman in the world. Lots of bits of film of her at various ages, too. I suppose its educational for those who are younger than us -- I did hear a quote from a young woman yesterday, who said "Wow, she was really beautiful when she was young, wasn't she?"

    Diane, thanks for starting us off again and take care of yourself. I hope things improve for you soon.

    Sunny here and a beautiful September day.

    Rusty - nothing wrong with taking a day off!!
  • At risk of adding to the many images around,  I always liked this one taken by some famous photographer, I forget which one.

  • LINDY Yes, that is a beautiful pic.

    It always surprised me that Margaret was thought to be a beauty. For me Elizabeth was more beautiful.
  • Lovely sunny day. I am thinking about preparing to plant my tomato bush. This year’s spot was taken by potatoes growing from peelings – I now have enough spuds for 2 meals. I feel quite chuffed!