Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 21 August 2022


I hope everyone has a joyful, healthy, peaceful week!

Thanks very much to all who posted good birthday wishes to me. My birthday was Friday, and I turned 65 years old. I admit that this birthday was a struggle for me. I can't seem to face the aging process with grace and acceptance. LOL

Take care of yourselves all. 

  • Just came on & found that I've crossed posts with AQ again. Hope you don't get hail!!

    Found some comic strips which I had cut out a long time ago, as they amused me: one was a Peanuts cartoon strip with Charlie Brown saying to Patti

    "In the Book of Life, the Answers are Not in the Back!" :-)))

  • LINDA - No hail. There was light sprinkling of snow at Mount Remarkable in lower Flinders Ranges (about 300 km north of Adelaide). A little sleet or snow on Mt Lofty which melted before it hit the ground. Or so sayeth the Weather Girl. I'm off for my hot shower & to flop on lounge for TV and/or book.
  • "Mount Remarkable" and "Mount Lofty" -- Iove it!!
  • Diane and Annette - I found it very interesting to read about the names you give to certain used cars.

    OG - I do hope J’s new medication works well.

    AQ - I too like the names of your mountains.

    I have been for a lovely walk with a group looking at plants, trees, birds - anything in nature really. We try to name them and find out a bit about them. The walk was in a woodland which had a stream flowing through it and we all loved how the sunlight filtered through the leaves.

  • Sounds wonderful, Rusty.

    Good Morning. Raining here as I write, but it's going to stop shortly, we're told. At least the garden's had a bit of a drink.

    A busy day ahead so I'm off to jump in the shower to get going. Hope everyone has a good Wednesday.
  • Blackbird has been greeting the dawn and a few flowers are braving the cold. Spring must be near. It’s what follows spring that I don’t like.

    Just missed you again LINDA. Busy day? Take a break sometime.

  • Just a thought

    Never waste any time you can spend sleeping. (Frank H Knight)

    Half our life is spent trying to find something to do with the time we have rushed through life trying to save. (Will Rogers)

    The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time. (Bertrand Russell)

  • OG and Annette - My Sister was finally persuaded to go to hospital just to be checked out and whilst they said going on a drip for the antibiotics would speed things up she said no. So she is to carry on with the 2nd lot of tablets from the doctor plus 3 days worth of steroids - 6 every morning - from the hospital. She has again been given the strict warnings not to walk about in bare feet and take care when gardening as often a small graze or cut can let the infection start.

    Today is one of my days off and I am off to Thorpeness - about 2 miles away  - to meet up with a group of walkers. Its a planned walk with walk leaders at front and back and will take about 90 minutes. All the walks are offered free by the local Suffolk Coastal Council as a way to keep people healthy and then hopefully keep them out of hospital.

    There is a walk almost every day Mon to Fri and is very well organised.

    Thorpeness itself has an interesting history if anyone is interested with a connection to J M Barrie.

    To everyone else - keep well and stay cool or warm whichever climate you prefer!

  • Your walk sounds lovely, RUSTY
    . HARELADY - Enjoy yours, also ! It's a pity that your sister has hospital/ needle phobia ..
    OG - I hope that you are sleeping better now, and that J is coping.
    PAT said a while ago that her insomnia had been particularly bad. I hope that has improved. I was cleaning out the kitchen freezer at 2am the other morning !
    LINDY - Send me runner beans !!!! I keep looking in M and S as they often have the British ones when they are in season. Has Sue got a moving date?
    LYNETTE - Thank you for the pics you put on, from your time away. I keep thinking about your cat - as others have said, put it on FB or contact your local Cats Protection who will post it.
    AQ/ OG - many years ago, I did look up the 1901 census, but no luck. I thought I traced my grandmother to Glasgow, but that made,little sense as my dad spoke about growing up on a farm. Wherever he was, he had a decent education,