Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 21 August 2022


I hope everyone has a joyful, healthy, peaceful week!

Thanks very much to all who posted good birthday wishes to me. My birthday was Friday, and I turned 65 years old. I admit that this birthday was a struggle for me. I can't seem to face the aging process with grace and acceptance. LOL

Take care of yourselves all. 

  • Evening all  Thanks for all the chatty news; forgive the dearth of individual responses.

    Heather:  Fab!   I bet Sam is thrilled at his results, but perhaps not as much as the rest of the family.

    Lynette:  The story of your cat reminds me - and probably other old-timers on the thread - of a former poster called Margo who found a stray at the bottom of her garden and was able, over a period of weeks or months, to coax it to accept food at the door and ultimately into the house where it became a much loved member of the family.  Good luck with your adoptee!  :-)

    Yesterday was the memorial service for my sister, which we all got up at 4 a.m. to watch via livestream from the chapel.   Am worried about my BiL: Now that all the immediate matters have been dealt with, he's going to be alone in that big house with not a lot to distract him.  My niece will go back home although she'll be visiting often, but still.....   I spoke to him this morning and will keep in close touch.  He says he's going to put the house on the market and take it from there.  We're all hoping he'll move closer to his daughter. The last awful months have drawn them closer...

    Meanwhile, am hoping thing will settle down soon on this side of the Pond.

    Take care all.

  • Every time I see donkeys in the news I remember dear Margo.
  • Me too, AQ. She was a lovely lady. I had the privilege of meeting her once, when she did a volunteer stint at Loch Garten. It was cold and damp but she had fulfilled her ambition.
  • I think of Margo often. Yes, donkeys, and cats and of course, ospreys can remind us. Such a gentle soul. She would have been thrilled to hear that the Poole Osprey Project is now bearing fruit.

    Annette, I was thinking yesterday about the loss of your sister and that you hadn't mentioned returning for the funeral. I hope it wasn't too distressing seeing it from afar. {{HUGS}} Your brother in law sounds sensible, considering moving now and turning a new page in his life. Can't be easy.

    We awoke to rain here, but it's trying to brighten up now - we are both tired so may do little today anyway-- have brought stacks to read including a book I'm three quarters of the way through.
  • Looking back, I can see I didn't congratulate Heather or rather, Sam himself on doing so well. It's good to hear such news when everything else newswise is so grim at the moment.

    My sis in law Sue is also celebrating, as her beautiful and talented grandddaughter has done well too. Its been a difficult couple of years for them all and so they're to be commended.
  • HI!

    LYNETTE – what happened to your previous cat? I hope this one will settle – or soon make up his mind where he wants to be!

    PAT – punishing walks yesterday – I hope you slept well last night and have an easy day today!

    LINDA – glad you arrived safe and sound – sorry about difficult journey and a damp morning – hope it gets brighter later.

    ANNETTE – I also remember Margo’s cat – didn’t it have only one eye – and later turned out to belong to someone local – not a stray at all? She was quite a character. Glad you were able to watch the memorial service. I hope your BiL can sell quickly and will move to somewhere sensible – it must be at least three years they were “considering” moving nearer to your niece! Is your Daughter struggling to settle in her new apartment?

    A third consecutive dry day here, so the deck has been treated this morning! At last! OH and I went to usual garden centre and butcher/deli on Wednesday. Lunch was very disappointing, but shopping was good – freezer well-stocked now. Will have to think of a different way to get a decent lunch, we think. J decided to stay at home but took himself out for a snack lunch. Expecting a quiet and productive weekend in the garden as church is digital again (due to illness) and I can’t tolerate the whole thing on screen.
  • OG - Yes, it was a tough walking day yesterday, but after a mint and chocolate chip ice cream I rallied enough to walk back! And yes, I had a wonderful night's sleep last night! But not an easy day today - a three-hour drive home, in Bank Holiday traffic. Hey ho I'm safely home now, to learn there was a power cut a couple of days ago and all the televisions have been knocked out and the site manager and the engineer are now fiddling with the dish and stuff in my loft. After a pause ... they have just shown me the broken part - cracked and ruined plastic bit that looks as though it was struck by lightning. Anyway, everything is now working, so I'm watching the Test Match!
  • Pat - Bank Holiday traffic!! Ugh! I try if at all possible to stay local at these times but I do understand that, for some people, it is the only time they can travel. Glad you slept. Thank goodness your TV could be fixed. I too am watching the Test Match.
    OG - sorry your lunch out was disappointing. Isn’t that the place where you usually enjoy it? At least you have got your freezer well stocked. Glad the deck is treated too.
    Lindy - I hope the weather brightened up and that you have had a pleasant day.
    Annette - I am glad you were able to share in the memorial service for your sister.
  • Pat, glad you got home alright. Rusty - yes, the sun came out and we were able to go for two short walks and later, sit outside for a while. OG - Pity about your disappointing lunch.

    Today's quotes:

    Middle age is nature's way of showing a sense of humour. Fred Schoenberg.

    Old age is a shipwreck. Charles de Gaulle

    You're not as young as you used to be. But you're not as old as you're going to be. So watch it! --- Irish toast