Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 21 August 2022


I hope everyone has a joyful, healthy, peaceful week!

Thanks very much to all who posted good birthday wishes to me. My birthday was Friday, and I turned 65 years old. I admit that this birthday was a struggle for me. I can't seem to face the aging process with grace and acceptance. LOL

Take care of yourselves all. 

  • I hope that Sam gets a reasonable result. It's hard trying to press upon them that in some ways its important to study -- but on the other hand, it's not the end of the world if results are poor- there are many avenues to success!

    I must gave been awake with you last night, as I struggled to get off at all, due I think to being too tired
  • You're right, LINDY. Academic success is not everything.
    Sorry about your poor night - agree, being over tired doesn't help.
  • AQ - I've lost touch with exam boards etc in England but I think that 5 th year is what we used to call Ordinary level and sixth year exams are Advanced level. In Scotland we had a slightly different system. Highers in 5 th year and Advanced Highers in 6 th year. Except that they are all called by different names, nowadays ! 

  • Sorry about the lack of sleep Heather and Lindy. I had a slightly better night although I was still awake several times and got up early.
    Lindy - have a lovely time at the caravan. Get down the A55 before the Bank Holiday hoardes. That is one road I avoid over summer weekends and holiday periods.
    Heather - I hope Sam gets good results. Sometimes they surprise you.
    AQ - batch cooking is a great thing when you live alone. I hope you can persuade your friend to do some. I enjoy it as I said yesterday. It’s also economical. Yesterday I did a sort of Persian lamb stew with dried apricots and sultanas in. It is spiced with cinnamon. It is very yummy. Today I am going to cook a pan of chilli. My problem will then be to fit it all in the freezer as I only have one which goes under the fridge.
  • RUSTY - I seem to remember, years,ago, that OG used to cook a lamb tagine. It sounded similar to your lamb dish.
  • Yes, Heather, I believe it is like a tagine although I don’t have the proper tagine thing to cook it in. I don’t serve it with couscous either!! Just a couple of new potatoes and some green veg.
    The chilli is cooking now. It smells lovely. I think I might have got carried away with the chilli flakes though!!!!
    My window cleaner is here. Sure sign that it will rain later!!!!
  • An update on our "lost" cat called Jasper. Apparently he turned up on Monday evening and took a shine to Sue's friend.. Stayed with us for the rest of the evening. We boarded up and put a beanbag against the outside catflap hoping that that would keep him in but no, I came down the next morning and no Jasper. He did turn up again in the evening and seems at present that that is what he wants to do. We don't really know any of his history before being taken in by the Cats Protection charity. We are keeping an open mind and just let him come and go as he pleases with the hope that as the days get cooler he will want to be indoors more, who knows.

    Yesterday evening went out with Dau, Son, and DinL for a lovely meal to remember Ray who would have been 80 and also our 54th WA. Felt we gave him a lovely "birthday bash" so to speak. Still waiting to hear from the hospital and then I may feel a little nearer to closure on the issue. We just have to be patient.

    Had a fall in the garden on Monday, just tripped over some stony ground and went flat onto the patio, my left leg taking the brunt of the fall and also my left side of my face. As you can imagine I had a bump the size of a goose egg come up and bruising has been coming out since then giving me a lovely black eye. Its started to feel uncomfortable lately so am taking a mild pain killer from time to time. Thankfully it was not related to my other falls but just a misjudgement of where I put my feet..
  • Rusty, I have just flipped it for you.   looks a lovely woodland walk

  • Harelady - hope your sister recovers but it would have been better for her to have the intravenous antibiotics as it would have helped to clear up the infection a little quicker. However, as its her decision not to let's hope it won't be long before she is feeling a lot better. Hope you enjoyed your walk with the other walkers. Sounds like its a lovely walk.
  • Lindybird - enjoy your break.

    Been light rain here, we are one of the driest regions so it is very welcome. Dau and friends have gone over to Wickstead Park which has leisure facilities and rides for the young people. Hope they don't get too wet!

    Take care all.