Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 21 August 2022


I hope everyone has a joyful, healthy, peaceful week!

Thanks very much to all who posted good birthday wishes to me. My birthday was Friday, and I turned 65 years old. I admit that this birthday was a struggle for me. I can't seem to face the aging process with grace and acceptance. LOL

Take care of yourselves all. 

  • Gosh, you've probably all been busy and all I've done is spray some weeds and put the dishwasher on !
    I have a ' to do ' list beside my bed but it's so easy to say that tomorrow is another day :-(
  • HI. All. Not much to say from here as I have had so little sleep that I can’t remember what I have done over last few days!.. We did go to church on Sunday but didn’t stay to chat with people as J was ill at home in bed – he’s much brighter again today. I think it is connected with getting used to new medication. OH has been using ear drops to clear wax, but has to wait until next Tuesday to see nurse for syringing! His hearing has been appalling for the last few weeks – never good even with his hearing aids in. I am just very tired, no new problems.

    DIANE – thanks for our new week. 65 is most definitely not OLD, but can understand how you feel, with all other problems etc.

    ANNETTE – wow, your GD is clocking up the miles with her visits – nice for her Mom to see her, but all that driving after a working week must be very tiring. I guess you are getting gradually used to a new normality.

    HARELADY – sorry about your Sister’s cellulitis – I hope she will recover without going into hospital.

    CLARE – good to see a post from you. I hope all is well with you and Limpy and Helen.

    RUSTY – you had a busy start on Sunday, so I hope the rest of the day was relaxing.

    LINDA – so, a typical Sunday for your OH! Age has to be relative, according to how relatively fit and able we are – I am definitely held back by my lack of mobility. I see so many things mentioned, and think I’d love to join in, before I realise I can’t. Send beans – so long as they are Runners – can’t find them anywhere to buy!

    LYNETTE – good to see you – can’t understand why possible sleep problem diagnosis is taking so long!

    AQ – sorry about the grumpy day – but we all have them. Liked the tee shirts quotes – especially the middle one!
  • We picked up a new pussy on Sat but unfortunately yesterday he got out, he had found the outside cat flap which we
    had put a board against and which he had managed to flip it down, and escaped. We have not seen him now for 24 hrs and don't know where to look for him. Dau and friend have been looking around our area but no sighting of him. He was a timid cat and previously been a stray before being in the care of Cats Protection. He may find his way home but to me it is doubtful as he had only been with us for 24hrs.

    OG - hope you manage to catch up on sleep and the J will soon recover. The sleep study that I have to take is relating to the last time I was in hospital, late June, early July. Hopefully something will come of it.
  • CLARE: So nice to see you! Lovely to read that Limpy's sense of humour remains intact. I hope you both have had a good summer. I thought of you yesterday. I was walking up to the convenience store on the highway to buy a Mountain Dew. A very large crow flew down from a tall tree along my creek. A pick-up truck came barreling down the highway. The crow flew too low and was right in front of the truck!!! I winced and gritted my teeth for the impact. But just in the nick of time, the crow got lift and ascended, clearing the truck by just inches. The crow was unhurt, but the driver looked a little undone!

  • Annette: Nope, I have not purchased a new vehicle yet. Due to the ongoing supply chain problems, second-hand cars have been sparse here all summer. The vehicles that were available generally had bad Carfax reports. They'd been wrecked in the past, were hurricane cars*, had unresolved liens, etc. The ones that were acceptable were wildly expensive. It appears that the situation may be easing now, though. Hope life is improving for you, my friend.

    UK people: A "hurricane car" is a vehicle that has been sitting in flood waters, either coastal salt water or (more likely) major river flooding. Unscrupulous dealers bring them North to the Midwest to sell them to folks who don't read the Carfax carefully.

  • Had a pretty normal day today.  Amazing. Busy the next three days though.

    Diane:  Carfax is invaluable when shopping for used cars.  And OMG, the prices are ghastly; let's hope things are easing.   Re 'hurricane' cars - yes, when I worked for the AutoClub magazine we used to remind readers now and then to make sure to check if any used vehicle they were considering buying had come from places prone to floods (Houston comes to mind).  Crows are pretty wily; glad that one got away.

    Clare:  I've been AWOL a lot the last couple of months, but it's good to see you

    Lynette:  Do you have a neighborhood website or perhaps a local Facebook page where lost/found pets are listed?  

    OG:  Sounds like you've been in the wars of late. My OH has lost one of his hearing aids - I'm beginning to wonder it it didn't get hoovered up and if I should empty the vacuum bag.

    Harelady:  How is your sister's cellulitis?

    Rusty:  A quiet day sounds quite unusual for you.

    Lindybird:   Had to laugh at your great-grandmother's remark.   I've been known to demand "Who let all these old people out!?"

    AQ:  Same thing happens here - no sales people in evidence in many stores.  I imagine someone would turn up sharpish if you just walked out the door with whatever it was you were buying.

    Take care all.

  • HEATHER - As OG said to trace relatives from your end, the best start is census records. Tracing their roots is very popular with Aussies. DNA testing can throw up results; maybe your Aussie cousins have done so. I have not bothered with DNA as I know where my g-greats came from by tedious searching the old way (me to parent to g-parent to g-g-p etc) with certificates.

    DIANE – You think you’re old? You have a dozen years to catch up and you still won’t be old. . . well, only a few of my body parts are. I like to believe that crow was playing “chicken” with the driver to teach him not to drive so fast.

    Weather forecast – “Medium (60%) chance of showers with possible small hail, becoming less likely this afternoon.” However it has been sunny today but very cold. I waited until mid-pm to attack weeds. . . and it started raining.

  • Good Morning. Dry here after a showery 24 hours. Still not enough rain to give everything a proper soak though. We cleared out the back porch & I was just telling Sue that we found several forgotten packets of seeds, and some tiny daffodil bulbs which had been forgotten. Also several pairs of "gardening shoes" so a couple of those are now in the bin! Many spiders had nested in the quiet corners so my OH had to take over to get them out.

    OG - Sorry to hear that you're not sleeping well. It affects your general health. Also fingers crossed for J and the new meds which hopefully will settle in.
  • Lynette, what a shame about the lost kitty. He must be hungry somewhere now. Hope he turns up. As said, sometimes people mention these events on Facebook.

    Diane, you learn something every day - today's lesson -"hurricane car!" We used to call cars with problems Friday cars as it was reckoned that the car builders were more careless when they reached the end of a tiring week. I hope you can find something that suits, soon. Its the same here, prices of even older cars have risen.

    OG -- Will send green beans of both kinds. Have also been distributing plums to friends & relatives as the tree had more than we expected once we started picking.

    Clare, good to have you pop in!