Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 21 August 2022


I hope everyone has a joyful, healthy, peaceful week!

Thanks very much to all who posted good birthday wishes to me. My birthday was Friday, and I turned 65 years old. I admit that this birthday was a struggle for me. I can't seem to face the aging process with grace and acceptance. LOL

Take care of yourselves all. 

  • We've had a bit of a lazy day although I did do some pruning this morning, and had a discussion with my OH over our coffee break about possibly cutting down a large holly tree which we have been pruning back for years in our front garden. Later, after putting our mugs away, I couldn't find him. And guess where he was? You know what I'm going to say --- ---- he was halfway through cutting it down and getting the wood into our bin!

  • Good genes, good health, good attitude and a little luck never hurts. I'm 87 and I've had all of those at one time or another, sometimes all at the same time!

  • Hi Diane, thank you for starting us off again..

    Oh Diane you are a spring chicken yet. Hope you had a lovely birthday and managed your assignments.

    Hi Annette - hope family enjoy their visit and that you do get some normal days, they are often the best after a hectic time.

    Harelady - hope your sister's cellulitis does clear up but cannot her doctor's surgery nurse see to possible dressing of it if it is weeping. I have had it twice and just managed the second time to avoid hospital as the treatment I was being given by my surgery started to work. Hope she's not too bad with it as it can be painful.

    Clare - nice to hear from you and hope you and Limpy are coping with all the medical issues etc.

    Managed my pile of ironing this morning before dau's friend arrived. Had a very pleasant lunch out on the patio.
    Mush as I am 75 my body is acting a bit older than that with arthritis in my other knee and problems with my breathing etc. However, went to a chest clinic appt yesterday and the doctor I saw doesn't think its lung related
    but possibly sleep related. I have to undergo another test at home at the end of the month so we shall se what

    Lindybird - I like that anecdote by your GGrandmother - lifts the spirits.
  • With covid numbers down (though not everyone is bothering to test or report anymore), I chanced catching bus into city for a short research session in State Library. It was dismal with hardly anyone else but staff. Then to shops for some socks. I found them quickly but no one at till, so I wandered about until I found an assistant in Perfume who went hunting. I guess with hardly any customers, they don’t need shop assistants. My mood not improved by rain which had not been expected until later in day. Sorry for the grumps.

  • Just a thought (t shirt messages)

    Due to unfortunate circumstances, I am awake.

    I never argue, I just explain why I am right.

    Please don’t talk while I am interrupting.

  • Good Morning. Sidetracked today by lots going on. Youngest wants to go to our caravan in Wales, but not just yet - we thought they wouldn't want to go this year. But now a request to have a long weekend in September. At least, now we can plan: we are going down there this Thursday for a few days & when we leave, will leave it ready for them. My OH has just come in laden with produce from the allotment - so many green beans, we're going to give some more away.

    I'm in the middle of cleaning out our back porch, which is where I keep the gardening shoes, pegs for the laundry, spare flower pots, large umbrellas, old coats, dog biscuits, etc. etc. Just found an envelope full of pretty mini daffodil bulbs which should have been planted last autumn but I overlooked! Bah!
  • If you are looking for a good home for beans, Lindy, you can always send them in this direction :)
  • People have been busy this morning. Well done. I have just sat there and had my hair done! Nice.
    It looks like it is going to rain. In a way I wish it would then I won’t have to go out and do watering! I seem to be in a very lazy mood today!!!