Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 7 August 2022


I hope everyone has a safe, joyful, and healthy week. I'm so sorry to read that so many of you or your families have contracted covid. To all of you coping with adversity of one kind or another, I wish you strength and peace. 

The moon turns full on the night of 11-12 August (depending on your location). 

  • ANNETTE - I was guessing that you are very busy - don't overdo it ..
    OG has been busy too, I'm thinking - hope the cold wasn't Covid
  • Annette - I too, thought that you must be mega busy. Try to take time out & rest. We don't expect you to reply to anything on here. {{HUGS}}
  • It's looking bright, and can see its going to be another hot day, here. Hope everyone in the UK can keep safe, and cool.

    My OH has gone off with 3 drinks in his bag, for a whole day's golf in Lancashire. Glad it's not me! I'm going to do a spot of ironing before it gets too hot, then settle down inside for a day of sorting out paperwork & reading a book I'm halfway through.

    Hope Rusty is having a fabulous time in Liverpool.
  • A pleasant day here and not too hot. I have a friend who is lucky enough to live on the shore of the Moray Firth. She moved up from Harpenden about 10 years ago to be closer to her daughter who is a scene of crime officer with the police. I was round there for coffee yesterday afternoon. Sitting in her garden looking at the view over the Moray Firth....how good is that!!

    LINDY Do hope your OH enjoys his golf.
  • A pleasant day here and not too hot. I have a friend who is lucky enough to live on the shore of the Moray Firth. She moved up from Harpenden about 10 years ago to be closer to her daughter who is a scene of crime officer with the police. I was round there for coffee yesterday afternoon. Sitting in her garden looking at the view over the Moray Firth....how good is that!!

    LINDY Do hope your OH enjoys his golf.
  • It certainly feels incredibly hot, here -- officially its 29 degrees but I'm sure it's more. Went to move my dustbins after collection, and you could fry an egg on the pavements!!

    Last night we saw the huge Supermoon,  hanging like a lamp in the sky. It shone right into our bedroom and didn't move past us until 1.00am. It's been getting bigger & brighter  every day recently. 

  • dibnlib - Did you see any dolphins? I can close my eyes and look out at that wonderful view ...

    This morning - Day Ten of my incarceration - I tested ... NEGATIVE! Hooray! I have been very fortunate, having only had a couple of days when I coughed and sneezed, but very few other side-effects. Unlike my two friends, one of whom is still testing positive on Day Twelve. I have had lots of energy and have achieved all sorts of things in the house that would probably never have got done had I not got Covid.

    Hope everyone is coping with whatever life is throwing at them. I'm off to see whether I can remember how to drive!
  • Oh, you crossed posts with me, Pat -- otherwise I wouldn't have posted something so grumpy!! Wonderful news! You're free again! Enjoy....
  • PAT - I am so sorry, I'd forgotten that you had Covid. Please forgive. But great news,that you are now negative !