Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 7 August 2022


I hope everyone has a safe, joyful, and healthy week. I'm so sorry to read that so many of you or your families have contracted covid. To all of you coping with adversity of one kind or another, I wish you strength and peace. 

The moon turns full on the night of 11-12 August (depending on your location). 

  • Rusty - Sounds as though you managed to fit a lot in to a fairly short time. Well done! So good to catch with people who you have known for ages, who know each other's 'history' and you can just pick up where you left off last time without lots of explanations. I spent a very busy weekend in Liverpool some years ago. We were singing the services at the Anglican Cathedral and had a couple of hours free, so I wandered around the Albert Dock area but didn't have time to do anything else. We were staying out of town at the university, so a bit too far to go in for the evening.

    It's very HOT here - my computer tells me it's 32 degrees. Sitting in my lounge with all curtains drawn, drinking lots of water and dripping quietly. According to the forecast, just one more day of this extreme heat, and then thunder and lightning and probably floods. Oh British weather is such fun! We continue to moan about whatever we get - but we can't say we don't get variety!
  • Liked your pictures, Rusty. We saw the exact ferry doing its job as we pulled away from the dock on our cruise, last May. I remember trying to explain its distinctive livery to my OH. Didn't get chance of a decent photo of it, at the time.