Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 7 August 2022


I hope everyone has a safe, joyful, and healthy week. I'm so sorry to read that so many of you or your families have contracted covid. To all of you coping with adversity of one kind or another, I wish you strength and peace. 

The moon turns full on the night of 11-12 August (depending on your location). 

  • Lindy - so sorry about your fall and glad nothing was broken. I bet you are feeling a bit stiff and sore today. It is easily done - I know. Last year I tripped up over my gardening shoes in the kitchen, fell, put my hand out to save myself and trapped my finger in the door. Yes, the finger was broken!! No golf for 6 weeks!!! I could drive though. The finger was in a splint. I had to ring a friend to take me to the local cottage hospital for an X-ray initially as I was so shocked.
    Pat and Heather - I did cut my fringe in lockdown but I do have a hairdresser who comes to the house every 6 weeks - a little indulgence which I really appreciate.
    OG - so sorry things are so difficult for you all there at the moment. Thinking of you.
    I am having a quiet day at home after the hectic 2 days in Liverpool. I will report on that soon.

  • The Albert Dock at night. A preview of my overnight stay. 

  • Lovely pic, Rusty. Dramatic at night!

    That was an unfortunate fall. So awkward to have a splint on your hand, afterwards, too. I have a sore thigh but no visible bruising, so I got off lightly. I sort of went slowly, as I grabbed at things!

    Looking forward to hearing about your adventure.

    Never cut my own hair, I'm sure I'd make a mess of things. Used to cut our sons hair years ago, to save money, and the photographs are now evidence of my lack of skills
  • Today's quotes, before I forget to put them on:

    There is no medicine against old age. Nigerian proverb.

    The young man knows the rules, but the old man knows the exceptions. Oliver Wendell Holmes.

  • Trip to Liverpool. Photo is of Liverpool One

    Arriva bus and Merseyrail all on time so I arrived at our meeting place easily. Everyone was on time (all on public transport) and we had a nice light lunch and a good preliminary catch up. We then walked wheeling our overnight bags through a very hot and vibrant Liverpool One.

    We checked into our hotel. 

  • From the hotel at the Albert Dock we walked to the ferry terminal for our tourist ferry ride.
  • I feel so sad for J , you and EE. It is so difficult to live with someone who is unhappy and frustrated with their life. I hope some relief comes soon for you all!

  • This was it! We sat outside at the back. We heard a lot of “Ferry ‘Cross the Mersey”!!! Actually, the commentary was very good. I found out things I didn’t know before. The trip lasted an hour. We went downstream, over to the Birkenhead side where we picked people up, upstream and then back. I can recommend it. It was nice to have the breeze on the river. 
    Back to the Albert Dock for a cool drink then, after a shower, out for a very convivial meal. Considering we all first met in 1962 it’s great that we still get on so well.

  • Yesterday we went out to a cafe in Albert Dock for breakfast before proceeding to the Tate Modern. The current exhibition is called Radical Landscapes. A lot of the artwork and installations were not my cup of tea and I couldn’t understand them but I did find some pieces which appealed to me. I think it is good to go outside your comfort zone sometimes anyway. One of the exhibits which I did like was called “Back to the Fields”  It was based on the French Republican Calendar which was only in operation for about 30 years. It was interesting to find our own birthdays. I come in the Grape Harvest Month and my actual birthday is saffron. Better than being a dibber which one of my friends was!!!! The photo shows part of the exhibition which had 30 objects for each month all set out. If you can find the 2 here you can see my saffron.

    We then walked to a very nice Tapas restaurant for lunch before parting ways. My journey back, whilst on time, was very very hot. Air conditioning on the train and the bus consisted of opening the windows!!!!! We had a great 2 days though and hope to do something similar again.

  • Sounds like you had a lovely time.