WEEKLY CHAT (Non-0sprey) SUNDAY JULY 24, 2022

Hallo all.   It's been a busy week getting organized for family, due here if not tomorrow late afternoon then early Monday morning.   Granddaughter had rented an RV for the trip so she could bring some of daughter's things she'll need for her new place here; went to pick it up this morning, spent all morning doing a walk-through with the owner only to have the generator for the a/c fail before she even drove it away.  Lots of frustration at that end of the freeway, so now they're supposed to pick one up tomorrow (at least that's the last I heard).  Anyway, I've been sorting through the fridge and doing a lot of laundry and house-cleaning plus tidying up the garden as best I could.  Am getting take-out tonight and have a nice Pinot Grigio chilling in the fridge.

Meanwhile, my sister seems to be on a fairly steady decline now with the hospice team giving us a two-week prognosis.....  I so wish I could be back there with my BiL and niece.  The Arizona trio put off their trip for 2 weeks because I was gone, and now it seems everything will be happening at the same time anyway...

Thanks all for posts - I really have read them all.  And thank you Lindybird for the flower show pix.  I really liked the arrangement outside the sales office.  :-)

  • A wet Saturday.

    RUSTY – I suppose the Gull felt somewhat under par after being hit by your ball? I hope you enjoyed the birds on the estuary.

    LINDA – everywhere is full if roadworks at the moment – never know where they might be lurking. When we set off yesterday, I remarked I wonder where roadworks will be today – and just past Gretna OH said “well, here’s your answer”! Sounds like a relaxing first day to your weekend. Sorry about the bruised thumb.

    ANNETTE – I do hope your GD and MsD will be able to return to California to live next year, conveniently with the change of school. I hope the reclining chair (last year birthday present, I believe) will safely fit into its destination!

    HEATHER – we gave up on our garden girl after paying her June bill – she wasn’t much good and pulled a lot of weeds off the top instead of digging them out! Glad your family are lending a hand. Opinions vary on sea eagles and lambs – many believe they only take a few sick and weak ones.

    AQ – glad you can still drive with your eyes. J is driving just as far as our High Street now, but wants to do a longer bit of road one day this week with his Dad to get the confidence to get to appointments the week after. Good to see the back of the piano – and loved the hoarder quotes!

    LYNETTE – pleased it went well, although rather uncomfortable. Enjoy your time away, without symptoms I hope – that will help take your mind off results day. It does get difficult as we age with multiple conditions interfering with each other!

    We two went to the garden centre and the deli butcher again yesterday. We are buying most of our meat there now, and between the two (garden centre has a small Sainsbury’s) are finding versions of stuff we used to get from M&S. It was a lovely day and a pleasant drive. Our Verbenas in small troughs on the back fence have just about finished - we were early with them this year – so we bought small late dianthus to replace them for the rest of the summer. A complete change of colour from white and purple to stripy pink.

    Tomorrow we are going to church - weather-permitting for me, but definite for OH as he is doing a reading.
    The grout pens arrived so I phoned Ali and he will come back Monday to complete the blue shower room.