WEEKLY CHAT (Non-0sprey) SUNDAY JULY 24, 2022

Hallo all.   It's been a busy week getting organized for family, due here if not tomorrow late afternoon then early Monday morning.   Granddaughter had rented an RV for the trip so she could bring some of daughter's things she'll need for her new place here; went to pick it up this morning, spent all morning doing a walk-through with the owner only to have the generator for the a/c fail before she even drove it away.  Lots of frustration at that end of the freeway, so now they're supposed to pick one up tomorrow (at least that's the last I heard).  Anyway, I've been sorting through the fridge and doing a lot of laundry and house-cleaning plus tidying up the garden as best I could.  Am getting take-out tonight and have a nice Pinot Grigio chilling in the fridge.

Meanwhile, my sister seems to be on a fairly steady decline now with the hospice team giving us a two-week prognosis.....  I so wish I could be back there with my BiL and niece.  The Arizona trio put off their trip for 2 weeks because I was gone, and now it seems everything will be happening at the same time anyway...

Thanks all for posts - I really have read them all.  And thank you Lindybird for the flower show pix.  I really liked the arrangement outside the sales office.  :-)

  • Lindy - have a lovely time in Wales. It is currently raining here in North Wales but is due to stop soon. I hope it does as I am off birdwatching on the Dee estuary. It’s our last outing for a while as we have August off.
    I hope everyone else has a good day.
  • Lindy - have a lovely time in Wales. It is currently raining here in North Wales but is due to stop soon. I hope it does as I am off birdwatching on the Dee estuary. It’s our last outing for a while as we have August off.
    I hope everyone else has a good day.
  • Lindy - have a lovely time in Wales. It is currently raining here in North Wales but is due to stop soon. I hope it does as I am off birdwatching on the Dee estuary. It’s our last outing for a while as we have August off.
    I hope everyone else has a good day.
  • Enjoy your day, RUSTY !
    LINDY - safe journey to Wales...
    ANNETTE - Hope that the move goes well. Have you got Miss D for the summer?
    OG - If one of my offspring said that to me, our relationship would be in jeopardy !
    Youngest daughter and her OH are on the way here. They are going to do some garden jobs for me. The less that the garden girls have to do, the smaller their bill will be :-)
  • Morning all:  Survived yesterday - but barely!  Next time we'll just hire some young men with muscles.  

    Heather:  Granddaughter has to return the RV by 1pm Friday, so she'll leave before the crack of dawn that morning. Ms. D. will stay here and granddaughter will be back over the weekend and will also stay for the following week.  It'll be nice to have them.  Ms. D's 2022-23 school year starts August 8 (ridiculously early) but they got out of school in June.  I think she'll finish the 6th Grade year at the school she's always attended and then they'll likely come back to California  next year when she'd be starting a new (Junior High) school anyway.

    I see Rusty has caught Lindybird's repetition bug.  :-)  

    Will check back in later....

  • Very sorry about the repetition, repetition, repetition!!!! I wrote my post and pressed Reply to Thread as usual but, apart from the letters going pale, nothing happened. I got a bit impatient and kept pressing - hence, I suppose, all those identical posts!!! Moral? Be more patient!
    Good that you are getting some garden jobs done for you Heather. At least you have the garden girls too. My neighbour has just been round to see if I know of any gardener/landscapers who might do a job for her. Apparently, all those she has rung have either never replied to her message or said they would get back to her and haven’t. She has had one estimate which seems very high so would like another for comparison. I have texted a few friends to see if they know of anyone.
    We had a good morning birding on the Dee estuary on a rising tide. Highlights I suppose were hundreds of black tailed godwits, hundreds of redshank a super close great white egret and a rare ruddy shelduck. Many others too.
  • We arrived OK after a rather frantic bit of packing on my part. Good journey and everything here seems OK - it must have been really warm in here in that heatwave.

    Rusty, sounds like a good bit of birdwatching for you. I would have loved to get that close to an egret. Sorry your friend is struggling to find workers -- it's often the way that there are no replies these days, when you enquire. So rude!

    Annette, hope everything is going well and you haven't put your back out trying to lift things! Lovely to see plenty of Ms D.
  • Progress I suppose this week. I passed all glaucoma tests, however specialist was reluctant to sign off on medical questions on drivers licence form. I told him my GP believed me &signed off on glaucoma last year, could he please do the medical this year to save me another appt. He did. “See you in 6 months.” I still need to post the form. . .

    Yesterday was chaos in our house. Dau#1 recently moved house and now has room for piano. In preparation OH had cleared our furniture & ornaments out of way (a week early!) and we were ready & waiting by 7.30 am. Removalists arrived 7.55 and gone quickly. Then we started vacuuming before restoring stuff. Today somehow I had 2 loads of washing. It is nearly dry (mid pm), so half is draped in our airing room (aka lounge room).

    Each month I backup computer on removable hard disc. Today I did the June backup. <She bows to applause>

  • Just a thought

    The line between a collector and a hoarder is a display case.

    I am not a hoarder. I just don’t have enough cupboard space.

  • Good Morning. Sun trying to make an appearance here - we intend to do little after the rush to get ourselves here yesterday. Enjoyed watching the Commonwealth Games opening ceremony last night which we thought was well done.

    AQ - It's been a bit hectic then, but now its done. Good that you passed the glaucoma test.