WEEKLY CHAT (Non-0sprey) SUNDAY JULY 24, 2022

Hallo all.   It's been a busy week getting organized for family, due here if not tomorrow late afternoon then early Monday morning.   Granddaughter had rented an RV for the trip so she could bring some of daughter's things she'll need for her new place here; went to pick it up this morning, spent all morning doing a walk-through with the owner only to have the generator for the a/c fail before she even drove it away.  Lots of frustration at that end of the freeway, so now they're supposed to pick one up tomorrow (at least that's the last I heard).  Anyway, I've been sorting through the fridge and doing a lot of laundry and house-cleaning plus tidying up the garden as best I could.  Am getting take-out tonight and have a nice Pinot Grigio chilling in the fridge.

Meanwhile, my sister seems to be on a fairly steady decline now with the hospice team giving us a two-week prognosis.....  I so wish I could be back there with my BiL and niece.  The Arizona trio put off their trip for 2 weeks because I was gone, and now it seems everything will be happening at the same time anyway...

Thanks all for posts - I really have read them all.  And thank you Lindybird for the flower show pix.  I really liked the arrangement outside the sales office.  :-)

  • Morning all:

    AQ:  That first image is of what we call a Trailer (a generic term that can also apply to anything with wheels that's pulled by a motorized vehicle).  They come in all sizes.  We also have something called a Fifth Wheel that is anchored to the bed of a heavy truck rather than a hitch at the rear of a truck (or large Sport Utility Vehicle or SUV).  The second image is of what we also call a Camper van, but there's a whole range of similar motorized campers that range from massive, bus-like behemoths with all mod-cons to cab-over-campers that have a queen- or full-sized bed space over the driver's cab.  The latter is the one the family rented for the drive here; it's currently packed with some of daughter's stuff....   My preference would be for a Camper van type that is the same width as the one in your photo but with a higher roof, so lots of stand-up space.    Aren't you glad you asked?

    Heather:  Good that your bro's cancer is contained, but I'm curious that they're waiting until the end of the year for further investigation.

    OG:  Surely nothing can be left in your house to fling!  :-)  

    Family all still asleep after their drive - um ordeal more like it.  Granddaughter has to return the trailer Friday and will then head back here in daughter's SUV (packed with more stuff) for another week.  Ms. D will stay here.  AZ schools reopen August 8 !!; just read that UK schools just closed for summer holiday.  

    Take care all.

  • Yes, Annette - schools all closed now. I encountered more than one or two grandparents trying to cope with excited grandchildren when in the big supermarket yesterday. I gripe because we don't see enough of our grandchildren, but must say that I wouldnt like to have to care for them several days a week! Many parents do that now, as its a problem when both adults work full time.

    Thanks to AQ for illustrations, and to Annette for descriptions of vehicles!

    Annette, was shocked to hear the other day of how bad the wildfires are once again in California. Those poor people who must be worried about losing their homes....

    OG - You do seem to have a lot of flinging in your house! The family must keep moving in case they are targeted, LOL!!
  • OG - I like the idea of decluttering. Every time I have the lounge decorated (which is not that often) I don’t put all the ornaments back and enjoy the look. However, somehow, over the years, the shelves and windowsills to get full up again. How does that happen!!!??
    Annette - I hope the family has recovered from the long journey now.
    I took my friend back to the hospital for another X-ray. The orthopaedic doctor was very pleased. The bone seems to be setting, My friend was disappointed that she has to keep her arm in a brace for at least another 2 weeks until we go for another X-ray. I tried to keep her positive by emphasising how well she seems to be healing but she doesn’t like losing her independence as, of course, she can’t drive and lives at least 2 miles from the nearest bus which only comes once every 2 hours I believe. When we got back we sat in her lovely garden and had tea and lemon drizzle cake which someone had made for her.
  • Good Morning. Sunny here. I have a busy day ahead.

    Rusty, good that your friend is healing well. It must be frustrating for her. The cake sounded good!

    Everyone, have a good day.
  • We are moving daughter to new apartment today, so busy here as well..... Take care all.
  • Had Ali here doing tiles this morning – couldn’t pick old grout out – too strong – but that kinda proved leaks weren’t via grout, so he’s now repaired grout where he tried and he cleared out all the silicone and has left it to dry out ready to replace tomorrow. So we have ordered those grout pen thingy’s to recolour all the grout – original grey.

    I started using PC this morning but kept being interrupted. Then it was time for podiatrist to do two pairs of feet – back to original Louise after her maternity break and good to have her back – she does a really good massage when she applies cream. J is busy with job searches and OH has gone to collect prescription from Boots and post a small parcel.

    ANNETTE – plenty left to fling – don’t forget I share the house with confirmed hoarders! Your GD’s journeys are getting complicated – meanwhile what has happened with Pearl (the pup)? Hope the move goes well today.

    LINDA – can’t target the family for flinging as they never come here (apart from J living with us)! D#1 told me on the phone last night she and her OH are going to spend a couple of days next month “in Scotland” – I did ask the question, but correctly guessed the answer “oh no, we shan’t have time to call in”!

    RUSTY – glad consultant was pleased with your friend’s arm, but sorry she doesn’t like the further wait. At least she is being well supplied with cake!

    No showers yesterday – just false alarm grey clouds so filled a good hour – hope to find some time later today to continue dead-heading – front done, back half-finished.
  • Annette - good luck with moving your daughter. It her apartment far from you? I hope she is happy there.
    Lindy - hope your busy day is going well.
    OG - glad your preferred podiatrist is back and that she is still as good. Well, at least a bit of progress is being made on the tiles. Hope it is done to your satisfaction tomorrow.
    I have played golf today. For once I had a reasonable round. Not near to being a winning one but I don’t think I will be near the bottom of the list today! A whole flock of Canada geese was grazing in front of the 18th tee. I did a bad drive and hit one in the leg!!! Being a birder you can imagine how upset I was. It went limping off and the last I saw of it it was holding its leg up. I am hoping it is just sore. I don’t think it was broken as it was walking on it. Oh dear!!! Before that they had been walking over the 17th green and had made a terrible mess with their droppings!!!
  • Glad you enjoyed your golf, Rusty. Shame the birds were in the wrong place at the wrong time! My OH had a better round yesterday, after a run of bad luck last week.

    I had a bad morning: set off to a nearby town to do various errands, I knew I'd have to run the gauntlet of two lots of roadworks to do so, but found that the 2nd one was worse than expected, and I was sent on a "diversion" which after leaving home half an hour before, sent me...... back to where I began! After queuing for nearly fifteen minutes, just to get through the final set of temporary traffic lights, I returned home nearly an hour after leaving, having been nowhere! A strong cup of tea was in order when I got in.

    I told my OH that I had not taken any of the possible exits down tiny country lanes,  as around here there are a lacy pattern of many of them, twisting and turning until you lose all sense of direction.

  • Good Morning. Dry here but no sun yet: I think its going to be a mixed day for weather. We did get some rain yesterday evening, which I'm sure the garden enjoyed.

    Off to get hosed down, & to pack for travelling back to Wales this afternoon. We were going to return there a couple of weekends ago, but as it was so hot, decided to give it a miss for once.

    Hope everyone has a good day, especially Annette and family, who certainly sound busy!
  • Lindy - have a lovely time in Wales. It is currently raining here in North Wales but is due to stop soon. I hope it does as I am off birdwatching on the Dee estuary. It’s our last outing for a while as we have August off.
    I hope everyone else has a good day.