WEEKLY CHAT (Non-0sprey) SUNDAY JULY 24, 2022

Hallo all.   It's been a busy week getting organized for family, due here if not tomorrow late afternoon then early Monday morning.   Granddaughter had rented an RV for the trip so she could bring some of daughter's things she'll need for her new place here; went to pick it up this morning, spent all morning doing a walk-through with the owner only to have the generator for the a/c fail before she even drove it away.  Lots of frustration at that end of the freeway, so now they're supposed to pick one up tomorrow (at least that's the last I heard).  Anyway, I've been sorting through the fridge and doing a lot of laundry and house-cleaning plus tidying up the garden as best I could.  Am getting take-out tonight and have a nice Pinot Grigio chilling in the fridge.

Meanwhile, my sister seems to be on a fairly steady decline now with the hospice team giving us a two-week prognosis.....  I so wish I could be back there with my BiL and niece.  The Arizona trio put off their trip for 2 weeks because I was gone, and now it seems everything will be happening at the same time anyway...

Thanks all for posts - I really have read them all.  And thank you Lindybird for the flower show pix.  I really liked the arrangement outside the sales office.  :-)

  • Special thoughts for ANNETTE - sorry no time for more now.
  • Family arrived a 9 a.m. this morning having left at 9.p.m. and driven all night. We've all wanted an RV for  years, so they rented one for the trip and it seems to have cured them all of further plans along that line.  :-)   Granddaughter said it was like driving a boat. Anyway, we had Belgian Waffles with fresh berries and peaches, maple syrup and whipped cream, plus sausages and eggs.  Now daughter and granddaughter have disappeared for long naps; Ms. D (taller than ever) is busy on her laptop....

    Thanks all for thoughts.

    Hope Heather's bro is okay, plus Lindybird's OH.    Rusty: Were the 5 people folks you already knew or did you just enjoy a nice chat with strangers?  Sounds lovely either way!   AQ:  I've just reached 2008 and digital photos in my sorting.  The prints were easier as I'm putting together old-fashioned albums; now I have to go through the digital and try to figure out which to print (seems like I did that but sent them off to various people....)

  • Good to hear that your family have all arrived safely, Annette. Expect they'll need about 24 hours rest now, to get over the rushed journey!

    Rusty: Sounds like a pleasant day.

    Heather: Hope your brother has news of some sort.

    We went to the hospital early, in case of hold ups, for my OH to have his scan. He dashed into the entrance, in the rain, and I went off to the supermarket as arranged. After I'd done my shopping I noticed a sign saying that I was only allowed to be in their car park for 2 hours. My OH rang me after 1 & a half hours, to say that they hadn't even seen him yet, let alone do the preparation. After another 20 minutes, I drove off back to the hospital & stopped in their car park. Its free for the1st half hour - but of course, by the time my OH came out, & I went to get a ticket, it was over time by 5 minutes & I had to pay! Grr! He was very tired and had been kept waiting at every turn. They wouldn't discuss any findings, and said it could be ten days before he gets a copy of a letter which will be sent to his GP.
  • Good to hear...

        I just deleted a full copy of the above. ....

  • Glad the family arrived safely with changed ideas about RVs!!! What a superb breakfast/brunch you gave them!!! I hope the visit goes satisfactorily. Your mind will also be on your sister and her family. Thinking of you.
    The people I met were all people I already knew. 3 ladies from the golf club, and 2 ladies I know through different musical activities. Amazing really given that it was only 9.30!!
    Lindy - that hospital visit sounds about par for the course. Last week after her X-ray my friend and I waited for an hour until she was seen. We are going again tomorrow so we will see how we get on. At least it won’t be so hot in the hospital. I am so sorry your OH got tired. It’s a very stressful thing having tests. A long time to wait for the results too.
  • RUSTY - What a great start to your day !
    ANNETTE - can I come for brunch next time ? I'm glad that the RV is off the wish list. It will be better for you all when your daughter lives nearer to you.
    My brother's kidney tumour was cancerous - there is no evidence of spread and his next appointment is for a scan at the end of the year. When I spoke with them last evening it was evident that they both felt better for actually knowing the results, since it is now a few weeks since the surgery.
  • Good Morning. Brighter here, and a mixed day of weather promised again.

    Heather, sorry it turned out to be cancerous but I expect they were expecting it to be -- and as you say, at least they now know. Best wishes to him and I hope he recovers quickly now from the surgery.

    I'm off to do housework & a bit of a catchup, as we hope to go to Wales at the end of the week.
  • Here are todays quotes, before I forget! --

    Old age is when candlelit tables are no longer romantic because you can't read the menu.

    One should never trust a woman who tells her real age. A woman who would tell that would tell anything. Oscar Wilde.
  • ANNETTE - Please, is a RV what we call a caravan or a campervan?

    caravan (towed)

    campervan (all in one)

  • Tuesday already – so what’s been going on? I remember Saturday being a very wet day, so nothing done outside, but not sure what was happening! Sunday weather was showery, but we did get to church in the morning – not many people there but enjoyed a couple of chats after. In the afternoon, E-E and J went to the Tip (still an appointments system which they intend to retain after current few weeks holiday) to dispose of a whole car-load of “stuff” from garden, garage and house! We then continued the theme with more decluttering in house and garage

    Yesterday was a “normal” Monday. J has had to increase his required hours seeking work which actually gives us more routine each day. The cleaners came in the afternoon with also the news that Ali (married to one of them) will be starting on the grouting in our larger shower room on Wednesday. We also have the podiatrist tomorrow, so today is our “quiet day” this week!

    Now back to this week’s chat, with thanks to Annette for starting it again, and commiserations for DIANE re weather/computer problems.

    ANNETTE – I had missed the intended arrangement for your Daughter to move back to SoCal. I do hope her new facilities and medical access will be right for her and that she can be happy away from family and menagerie – I guess she will be living quite close to you? Sorry the journey had to be so rushed – poor things must have been exhausted – especially GD with the twelve-hour driving! Sorry your Sister’s condition has switched again, when you can’t be there – so frustrating for you all.

    RUSTY – that does indeed sound like a typical British Sunday – wet mowing (very, very naughty) followed by a book and a cup of tea. Our church has an overloaded second-hand bookstall, so I have been reading loads of rubbish over the past few weeks, to keep some brain activity going even though I can’t set my mind to anything more productive! How nice to be out and about and meet people to chat with. When OH goes to the supermarket I ask if he saw anyone, and he almost always says “no”, despite the fact that he always says the shop was busy. After 20 years, I can’t believe that all are strangers!

    AQ – I think I have now accepted that I shall never finish sorting all the photos. One Daughter has already requested to “inherit” them, so she will have to fight for them if her Sister has any interest, and then sort them for herself! MY guess is that “RV” is Recreational Vehicle - so some sort of campervan.

    LINDA – I enjoyed your photos from Tatton, but I do need to go back for another look as I rather rushed through – thanks for sharing them. Sorry about your frustrations at the hospital. I hope the results letter might come earlier than forecast – that waiting is so awful. Enjoy Wales this weekend – seems it could be good weather.

    HEATHER – not good news for your brother, but glad there is no metastasis (is that the right word?). and best that they know what it was. Is he a bit more settled now in himself and over the surgery, which now seems a while ago?

    Hoping now to supervise some dead-heading (of geraniums etc etc) in the garden – warm and currently dry but could shower later.