Weekly Chat (non-osprey) Sunday, July 17 2022

Hope everyone has a good week.  Will catch up later.

  • Don't worry, LINDY - all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy !
    I worry about weeds, but have taught myself to think that they'll only be another half an inch taller tomorrow :-)
  • I have had a quieter day today. Did a bit of food shopping, a bit of ironing and a bit of gardening!!!! Thank goodness it is cooler.
    I feel so sorry for those people on the outskirts of London who lost their homes. It seems the fire consumed them so quickly.
    I hope everyone who has problems or illness worries are managing OK. Thinking of you.
  • Felt it was much hotter yesterday and found it very hard to get to sleep last night, must have drifted off though because I came to about 5.30am. Drinking water, fruit juice, and one of my favourite drinks - fizzy vimto with ice.
    Had appointment come through today to go to the Chest clinic re possible sleep apnea problem and guess what, had to cancel again as due in Oxford next week for the postponed procedure. They will have to now give me another one.

    Afraid I keep my windows open, goes back years, always sleep with some air coming in even in the depths of winter. We had no central heating in the family home in the 50's and none was put in till about the 80's, 90's. so grew up with cold bedroom in winter and reasonable in summer. Closing curtains downstairs as we get the sun in the afternoons.

    Looks like we are all surviving this heatwave. Keep going, do what you can and don't overdo it.
  • It was bad about the houses in London but also in Milton Keynes as well, houses and a nursery were destroyed there.
    Its official, Pitsford recorded the second highest teperature yesterday at 40.2. Pitsford is the next village to us and it also has a rather big resevoir, would love to go swimming in it but know its not safe to do so. Oh well, just cool down with a glass of water.
  • Good morning on Thursday.

    Tuesday’s heat was too much for me – up to 39 at times, and another hot night. OH had an elders’ meeting in the evening and I just dozed in front of the TV.

    Wednesday more comfortable – although J was very tired after walking to the Job Centre for his appointment. But he felt well enough after lunch to come out in my car – air conditioning is rather good! We only went a few miles, to the Devil’s Porridge Museum – partly for a craft exhibition and sale which comes annually for about two weeks. I found the items I wanted, and we each enjoyed hot chocolate and a piece of white chocolate millionaire’s shortbread sitting on their patio – choc not too thick, so very pleasant. We had only eaten a mushroom omelette for lunch with nothing after as we had planned to go out and eat cake!

    Last night was a bit cooler and at 1:30 I asked to have the duvet back on – then woke up very hot at 5am! Mid 20s here today and no plans - maybe some weeding.

    RUSTY – pleased your friend had an encouraging Xray at the hospital, and you had easy parking.

    LYNETTE – sorry they managed to arrange clashing appointments for you! I hope nothing else will delay the procedure, and that the other one can be arranged soon.

    I hope everyone else is okay.
  • Found I'd forgotten to post this morning.... don't know why, but I have been busy! My OH went to golf a bit later than usual, and warned me that Bonnie had been sick in the night. She has slept it off for most of the day, and not been sick again.

    Just pleasantly warm here, and tried to rain this morning but failed and remained just damp in the air instead.
  • OG - it sounds as if you has a good outing yesterday. I am pleased that it all worked out.
    Lindy - I do hope Bonnie is better now. I wonder what she ate?
    I have been birdwatching at RSPB Conwy today. We saw more than we thought we would. I suppose the stars were a Green sandpiper and a great white egret although I liked the baby robins and the juvenile great crested grebe which still had its stripy head! We enjoyed a lovely walk along the estuary with great views of the mountains and the castle, and ended with a very nice snack lunch from their temporary food truck.
  • I have just been watching Gardener’s World part of which was from the Tatton Flower Show. That reminded me that you have tickets Lindy? Has it been decided who is going to use the 2nd one? ! It looked very interesting with an enormous amount to see.
  • It's been raining here!!

    Rusty - Glad you enjoyed Conwy. We sometimes pop in on our way to our place in Wales. Bonnie is alright (phew!) having slept for most of today and not eaten until tonight. She must have eaten something disgusting when on a walk.

    I just saw the Gardeners World, too: we wanted to know what to look out for tomorrow. We decided that we would both go to the Flower Show - my OHs sacrifice, as he was booked for a golf day out. I am not that good on my feet still, so he was worried that if I went with anyone else I might not manage. Have just been putting out three different blouses to choose from to wear with my comfy slacks- I just need to look out in the morning & decide which one suits the Great British Weather!
  • Today's quotes:

    To me, old age is fifteen years older than I am. Bernard M Baruch.

    I must be getting absent minded. Whenever I complain that things aren't what they used to be, I forget to include myself. George Burns.