Weekly Chat (non-osprey) Sunday, July 17 2022

Hope everyone has a good week.  Will catch up later.

  • The last of my dental repairs this morn. When dentist said he wanted to see me for a check-over in December, I said a very firm “No”. We settled on February. Next week is my regular eye check for glaucoma. Such fun outings – not.

    Covid numbers rising as we are having “3rd wave” plus flu & winter respiratory diseases. Hospitals overwhelmed. Medical authorities ask for mask mandates but pollies say not as they cannot be policed. I wonder if that applies to the spate of 13 & 14 year-olds stealing cars & their high speed crashes. (Min age for driving licence is 16.)

  • Good Morning. Glad your dental ordeal is over, AQ. Do you have to pay? Here, the dental side of things has almost been abandoned by the NHS and we are nearly all obliged to go privately. Extra pain when the bill arrives at the end!

    It's raining outside, just gently. Don't know if its enough to water our very dry garden. Have our raincoats ready for our outing.

    Thi nking of Annette and family.
  • Lindy, have a super time at Tatton. It will be cooler which will be better and I hope it doesn’t rain too much. It will be pleasantly cool though.
    AQ - glad the dental treatment is over. Hope the glaucoma check up goes OK. I take a friend to hers on a fairly regular basis and she gets really worked up about the peripheral vision test.
    We have had a little bit of rain here so my plans to cut the grass are on hold. I am trying to decide which of the jobs on my list I will do instead. The RSPB magazine came yesterday so it is tempting just to read that!!!!!
  • LINDY I'm glad that you are not wasting the Tatton tickets ! Is it your knees that are causing you to be unsteady ?
    I have so many replies in my head but never seem to get around to posting them..
  • Another Friday – some light overnight rain and then window-cleaner came. I had slept late – apart from an hour awake at 5am I slept right through the night. J was up early for a McVitie’s biscuit recruitment appointment at Job Centre – definitely feels he would not be fast enough for production-line working. But progress – he did feel confident to drive into town with the stick-on prism sheet from the eye clinic – decided a good day to try without bright sunshine. If optician agrees with present strength, he will have another new prescription with the prism built in.

    LINDY – good to see your OH is accompanying you to Tatton – hope you are having a great day there. Raining here too – more than we have seen for some weeks.

    AQ – glad dentist finished – and you have several months without that excitement! Hope the eye check will be okay. Covid down your way seems to be causing more concern than before; it seems that “herd immunity” has done us well, even though raw numbers are still high. We shall get an autumn booster vaccination.

    Having weeded under the Alder Tree yesterday, OH was to have spread bark today after his Tesco shopping, but I think it will be too wet – although it would be an idea to have some moisture under the mulch. I also weeded more containers yesterday and enjoyed sitting out there. No chance today.
  • Have had a wet & tiring day - slept this afternoon after all the exertion and excitement. Description and (not many) pics, later.
  • I think these shows are tiring Lindy. A lot of walking is involved and then the standing around and looking is also tiring in its own way. Sorry you got wet but I have to say that my garden is really appreciating the rain!
  • LYNETTE – What a nuisance that your long-awaited appts on same day.

    LINDA – Yes, I do have to pay for teeth repairs. Ouch. Medical benefit funds here pay poorly for dental work. Oh well, I have all that money I didn’t spend on bus trips in last 2½ years.

    RUSTY – I have twice-yearly visits to check my glaucoma – called “field tests” here. I don’t fret about it but I dislike them because it is up to me, not like, say, a blood test that goes off to a lab and I am not involved! Also I get bored watching for the teeny little flashes.

    This morn I hung my washing in garage as our forecast said “showers”. By mid pm I realized it was a sunny day, no rain at all. Botheration, it probably all would have dried on the outside line.

  • Good morning. Very misty here over the fields, as the warmth reacts with all the dampness: we had almost wall to wall rain yesterday which the farmers wanted for the crops, and we wanted for the garden.

    Bonnie is full of bounce and has recovered from whatever it was that she must have eaten. We have also been faithfully anointing her ears twice a day and they look alright now. She will have to go back to the vets soon to be inspected and she still needs her annual jabs.

    Nice to see on TV that they're trying to reintroduce pine martens to the SW of England.

    Edit: I see that I crossed posts with AQ this morning. Sympathies over the laundry!

  • The Flower Show - 1st pic, of a Streptocarpus Display,  turned out fuzzy, as people kept appearing and standing in front of it to admire them! So I snapped, quickly!