Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 10 July 2022


The moon turns full on 13 July, Wednesday. Where I live, it's known as the Buck Moon. 

A yearling white-tailed buck has been hanging around my front yard lately.  I think he's going to be as big as his dad, who is a formidable old fella. 

Everyone have a safe, joyful week!

  • Heather - It must be a relief to have your brother back in his home again. He has had a rough time, by the sound of it.

    AQ - Sorry, no responsibility from me for your weeds! Although similarly, some of mine do go deep........

    I hope everyone else is well, and coping if in the UK with the heat - not too bad here today but it sounds pretty unbearable in the South.
  • My back is complaining after yesterday’s weeding. OH offered to do a “little”, so I pointed him to the thistles dotted here & there as they have the strongest roots. Mince Something-or-other for tea tonight. Maybe add curry, sultanas, the last of the slivered almonds before they expire, as well as onions & any stray veggies lurking in fridge. Decision – mashed or boiled potato or pasta or rice?
  • Our first couple of day lilies of the year are out. 

    Sunny outside but not supposed to be so hot today. Might manage some weeding, AQ!

  • It's hot! Already up to 21 and threatened to be up to 27 later, I'm off to Chartwell before it gets too hot - to smell the roses and have a break from my computer screen!

    Have a good day, everyone, and keep cool.

  • Sorry PAT & LINDA, I decided to try colcannon. I know it’s Irish and it is Bastille day but. . . .an attempt to introduce OH to other greens than, er, broccoli. Broccoli is OK but every meal? He did say it was tasty.

  • On dear, AQ - I was,going to ask for rice ! Colcannon is good, though. Given your online name, have you got Irish colcannon eating genes?
    ANNETTE - Welcome home - guess you are chasing dust bunnies ?
  • Oh, colcannon would be a nice change. My OH will eat
    almost any veg, although he doesn't enjoy spinach. I can't eat too much of it, nor strong green cabbage! I hope your back is better today, AQ (when it's next day for you, that is!)

    Clouded over here. Warm but not unpleasant. Been trying on clothes in an effort to give some away. I find it hard to give them up - never had much for years, so find it a joy to have a choice, now, when I open the wardrobe(s) !! But some of them are way too small - should I hope to lose some weight or give in to fate? Hmmnn.

    Off to sort out one of my "failures" of yesterday - gave the wrong address on an email so now need to correct it.

  • LINDY - my Welsh friend is the same, she has four bedrooms and every wardrobe is full. I know that her parents were not wealthy and she had a horrible first marriage. So she has kept everything. It's not just clothes and shoes, it's everything. She also eats food well past it's best, her kitchen cupboard s are full of old and damaged mismatched china. She just cannot bear to dispose of anything - and the sad fact is that she hasn't got your insight .