Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 10 July 2022


The moon turns full on 13 July, Wednesday. Where I live, it's known as the Buck Moon. 

A yearling white-tailed buck has been hanging around my front yard lately.  I think he's going to be as big as his dad, who is a formidable old fella. 

Everyone have a safe, joyful week!

  • A bit warmer than here, then Pat. About 25 or 26 degrees today. The sun came out eventually, at the end of the afternoon.

    Our new clematis has obliged with some pretty flowers. It's growing up our old gnarled apple tree & my OH has put some netting around the tree to help the plant to hold on.

  • I'm hoping it will be even more flowerful next year!

  • I like that clematis Lindy.
    We had a super day at Gronant. It was cloudy with a sea breeze and we got several short showers of refreshing rain. I had been worried because there is no shade in those sand dunes. Great to see the little terns and to hear that they are doing well this year. The worrying time is the next 2 weeks when the young chicks are scurrying about everywhere. There has been quite a lot of predation from a family of kestrels already despite the efforts of the wardens with their starting pistols.
    Pat. I am envious of you playing at St Andrews. I have never had the honour or pleasure. However, I will be watching as much of the golf from there as I can. I do have other commitments every day though. Badly organised or what?
  • Sounds good Rusty.

    It's cooler here now, but still warm for night time. Someone came today to look at a tree in next doors garden which is pretty obviously dying - there are only leaves on the extremities. It overlooks our back garden and the garden birds usually line up in its branches to see what I put out on the bird table & feeders! I think the time has come for it to have the chop, though.

  • Hi, I expect you didn't expect me on just yet. Rang the hospital to see if a bed was available and no there wasn't and they weren't taking any more in as due to staff shortage. However, they offered me tomorrow, bizarre, as I have to travel from Northampton and supposed to be there early morning. No deal. They did offer me a date in a fortnights time so hope that goes ahead, to get another letter confirming changed date.

    Well its been an overcast and humid day here. Little bits of housework inbetween resting. Feeling a lot better and hope it carries to the 26th.

    Nice to hear what you have all been doing. Supposed to be a tad cooler tomorrow but building up for the weekend again expecting to reach 33 in some areas.
  • Good Morning. Cooler here, thank goodness. Lynette, sorry things aren't going as you hoped. Fingers crossed it can be sorted soon- good to hear that you're not feeling too bad at the moment.

    Bonnie is off to the vets for her annual M.O.T. this morning. I may not go, as its quite early and I'm not surfaced yet!
  • Chilly morn (minimum overnight 3 C - nah nah!) turned into slightly warm sunny afternoon. While OH was out for his almost-daily walk, I attacked small garden bed near the street. Some of those weeds had such long roots that I am sure the other ends were in LINDA’s garden.

    I dropped books at charity shop this morn and my timing was such that I was able to photo the adjacent Anglican church interior after their service. It looked lovely with lights & candles and sun streaming through modern glass (built 1964). Rev & ladies all extremely friendly & chatty.

    Neighbours across the road have a dog yapping, sounds young. We are wondering if a new possession or are they dog-sitting for school holidays.

  • My dear brother has finally got home from hospital after 15 days! What food he was given there
    was apparently awful, so he was more than delighted when his wife made him a light meal, white fish in butter
    sauce, new potatoes and some green beans. A nurse will visit each day for a while.
  • Morning all: Home safe. Will update later. We have a scheduled power outage for maintenance work today, so dealing with 'needs-wifi' stuff now.
  • Annette: glad you're home alright. Hope the journey wasn't too arduous. What a pain, having a power cut!

    We've had a muddled, mixed day - wish I could go back to bed & have it over again! Then maybe it might come out differently. Several things have gone wrong, or been disappointing, beginning with Bonnie's visit to the Vet turning out to be more expensive than expected, as apparently she has an ear infection which we had no idea about. (Now on ear cleaning plus antibiotic drops). I sent for a cushion in the Sales, and when it arrived it was twice as big as I had expected! Grr! I hate these metric measurements!
    I went to buy milk and etc. and found when I got halfway home I had forgotten something. We've been presented with an estimate for some work which is eye wateringly high -- more Grr!!