Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 10 July 2022


The moon turns full on 13 July, Wednesday. Where I live, it's known as the Buck Moon. 

A yearling white-tailed buck has been hanging around my front yard lately.  I think he's going to be as big as his dad, who is a formidable old fella. 

Everyone have a safe, joyful week!

  • Thanks DIANE. I hope your weather has improved for you.

    ANNETTE – Your Sis will be happier at home as it is what she wants. Whatever it is a difficult time. {{{HUGS} Have a safe trip home and try to find a little me-time before you race into nect problems.

    LYNETTE - Sorry you have been in hospital again.

    KATE – Some districts (not ours) had no bin collection last Friday as they are on strike for better conditions. But, as someone said, they don’t want to collect bins at weekend, but they do want to shop 7 days!

    HEATHER - Good news that Brother is going home. Could some of his problems be that he dislikes hospitals?

    OG – Positive news from you with an outing and progress with fence & shower fix-its.

    CLARE – Lovely to hear from you.

    PAT – I hope you can get away. You have to think of yourself sometimes.

    RUSTY – Bad luck for your friend with a broken arm. She may need help later when those people who help once, do not return.

    LINDY – Happy birthday Rosie!

    It was 1.5 C this morn. No wonder that numbers were low at church! Keeping distant was not a problem.

  • Cat: MIAOW.
    Child 1: What does that mean?
    Child 2: Well, it means Hello or Goodbye or Let me in or Let me out or I’m hungry or Call that lunch! or Scratch my ears or Push off. It’s quite a useful word really.

  • Sorry I've been missing: we've been busy and then decided to just stop everything, and it's 24 degrees here now & getting hotter.

    We had a very pleasant visit to wish Rosie a happy 3rd birthday: here she is, contemplating how much cake to eat!

  • This is big brother Tomasz, blowing out the candles for his little sister as she wasn't sure what to do!

  • Thank you to Diane for starting us off once more.

    I'm just watching the beginning of the Men's Tennis Final, but as I don't much care for either player I will break off shortly to sit in the garden. We've just cut a small tree in half as it's a red acer which looks sick - I cut lumps off it last summer but its still not happy. My OH is happily under an umbrella as he did most of the driving over the last few days, so now he's immersed in a book.
  • Thank you for starting us off Diane.
    Glad you had a good time with the family Lindy.
    It is very hot here. I have the windows open. Not a good idea as my hay fever is awful. I also have a nasty sore throat. I did a covid test but it was negative. After some Googling, it turns out you can get a sore throat with hay fever too so goodness knows!! I was outdoors a lot yesterday and doing a lot of talking whilst meeting and greeting. By the way, my friends had 317 visitors though their garden yesterday.
  • Thank you DIANE !
    RUSTY - sounds as if you enjoyed the garden opening, and also, I hope that your friend gets lots of help.
    It's been hotter than I like, here today.
  • Sunday evening - an unusual time for me to come in here! (OH is out with the hosepipe for an extended watering of all the garden)

    Sorry to read that LYNETTE has been back in hospital - will be good to egt the Oxford procedure over with - is it this coming week? Surprised you didn't get a response re sleep apnoiea test - mine was immediate in the morning - a bit of a shock when I learned how much I stopped breathing, but have had no major problems in the intervening fifteen years with the machine!

    DIANE - thanks for th new week. Is the young deer one of the twins?

    LINDA - sounds like two good family visits - but no wonder your OH was tired from all the driving.

    RUSTY - how nice to visit the open gardens and to help at one of them. We never dare go to them because there is no info available about disabled facilities.

    We didn't go to church - OH wanted to get some garden jobs done. Last few days very hot - about 26 degrees here today! But there has been some breeze so at least the air is moving, despite very high humidity. I have been in the garden - continuing my work on the bulb containers which can now be properly stored behind the shed now that fence is done. J is also outside (!!!!) - he is painting some pieces of plank to edge the new shrub border as th pigeons keep "dust-bathing and kicking soil onto the path.

    Medicine time - must call OH in to mix it for me.
  • Hi all, maybe my only visit this week as I am hoping to be in Oxford on Tuesday for a procedure on Wed. Hopefully I will hold up until then after last weeks drama of ending up in hospital again for a week with the same recurring symptoms.

    How hot its been mind you we managed to have our Sunday lunch out on the patio but decided on sweet inside where it was a little cooler. Will be staying in the shade mostly and doing very little so as not to agrivate anything.

    Hope you all have a great week.

    Lindybird - love the pics of G.son and G.dau. Take it she decided how much cake she would like!!

    Sorry Diane - thank you for starting another week, mind you how time is flying by.