LLYN BRENIG - July 2022

link to JUNE 2022

1st fish of July 2022 arrived at 07.34. Not too shabby an effort! Headless trout delivered by LJ2 whilst LM6 was off the nest. She soon followed on to collect the fish.

It looks like it was a nice calm morning.

LM6 and the chicks got a couple of feeds off this fish before LJ2 took it away. He returned with what was left at around 10.40.

LJ2 started eating it on the nest. Chick #2 came to see if it could get any and LJ2 gently fed it a few pieces before finishing it off.

  • Approx 14.05 LM6 starts mantling and intruder screeching. When she stops, LJ2 can be heard chipping in the background.

    LM6 has been fish calling for quite some time. Perhaps LJ2 hasn’t gone fishing if there’s been an intruder around.

  • 17.00 and LM6 spots LJ2 coming in. The look of “And what time do you call this?!” X6 is giving him that look too!

    LJ2 arrives with a fresh whole fish.

    He takes it to the back of the nest followed by everyone. KA9 closest to the fish.

    LM6 moves in to take the fish but as LJ2 releases, KA9 (left) sees his opportunity and dives in to grab it first.

    Eventually LM6 gets the opportunity to take the fish but at that moment, X6 starts pecking at it and she lets her have it.

    X6 nibbles away at the fish and LM6 leaves the nest.

    Here we are at 18.40, the fish is still here alongside the chicks.

  • 19.10 and LM6 arrives back at the nest with a stick.

    She manages to have some of the fish to herself before feeding KA9. It looked like X6 was able to take a few pieces of the fish earlier.

  • Tuesday 19th July

    Good morning all. 07.09 I don’t think there have been any fish deliveries as yet. Both adults on the nest briefly. Chicks asking for fish. LJ2 flies off over the water and round to the right.

  • 09.09 and LJ2 brings the first fish of the day to the nest. He is greeted by 3 calling ospreys.

    It is a very small fish and X6 gets to it first.

    X6 keeps the fish, managing to get small pieces off it. At one point, KA9 tries to take it from her beak but she holds on to it.

    X6 has several attempts at swallowing the body of the fish.

    and perseverance pays off, another gulp and it goes down.

  • 11.15 and LJ2 brings in a very lively perch

     LM6 manages to take it first this time and securely holds it in her talons.

    KA9 is asking for fish straight away and gets most of the earlier part of the feed. X6 looks on then withdraws, waiting her time.

    KA9 then retreats to the back of the nest allowing X6 to get her share.

    The whole fish is consumed with LM6 swallowing the tail, the 2 chicks looking to see how it’s done! 

  • North, South, East and West, a compass of ospreys!

  • Soon after posing with his family, (I feel an Abba song coming on here) at 12.42 LJ2 left the nest and returned at 12.57 with another fish.

    LM6 took control of the feed again and both youngsters came over at the same time to get some fish.

  • 16.04 and LJ2 is just about to land on the nest. You can see his wing tips in the top left corner. I noticed a wee love heart on X6’s feathers!

    LM6 takes the fish, a headless one.

    LJ2 cleans his beak

    The youngsters get a good feed.

  • 18.27 LJ2 arrives with another live perch.

             X6 gets a bird’s eye view!

    LJ2 does some DIY whilst LM6 prepares the dinner!