LLYN BRENIG - July 2022

link to JUNE 2022

1st fish of July 2022 arrived at 07.34. Not too shabby an effort! Headless trout delivered by LJ2 whilst LM6 was off the nest. She soon followed on to collect the fish.

It looks like it was a nice calm morning.

LM6 and the chicks got a couple of feeds off this fish before LJ2 took it away. He returned with what was left at around 10.40.

LJ2 started eating it on the nest. Chick #2 came to see if it could get any and LJ2 gently fed it a few pieces before finishing it off.

  • 17.29 LJ2 floats in on the wind with a small live fish. Looks like a perch.

    He passes it to LM6.

  • 18.07 and it’s LM6’s turn again to bring in a fish! Another small live one.

    The chicks with LM6 framing them under her wing.

    Aww, look at the chicks new “grown up” hairstyles. Two heartsTwo hearts

  • 07.54, Oh my, look at what LM6 has brought in this time - a large headless trout. She is quickly followed onto the nest by LJ2. (Left)

    LM6 drags the fish around to the side of the nest, followed by the chicks.

    LJ2 leaves and LM6 looks like she is beginning to feed the chicks but she quickly stops, cleaning her beak on a twig and walks away from the fish. KA9 starts pecking at the fish.

    He doesn’t have much success. His big sister comes over to have a go. She nibbles at the fin.

    Both chicks give up and the fish is left. 

    20.21 and LJ2 returns and collects the fish.

  • KA9 doing some vigorous wingercising and jumping on the nest.

  • 21.16, LM6 arrives on the nest, immediately followed by LJ2 with the remainder of the trout he took off the nest earlier.

    They both just sit at the edge of the nest, not moving. KA9 sneaks up in between them, he has his eyes on the fish!

    He starts pulling at the skin whilst LJ2 holds it.

    LJ2 releases his grip and KA9 pulls the fish over to the centre of the nest.

    LM6 stays on the nest cup and leaves the chicks to it again.

  • 22.25 and LM6 is still in the same position. She then flies off and the chicks are left sleeping with their fish beside them.

    The fish looks more like a carrot on the night cam! 

  • Monday, 18th July

    Good morning all. Today X6 is 47 days old and KA9, 45. Let’s hope the parents can keep these chicks hydrated during this hot spell.

    The fish end that has been on the nest all night was tackled on and off by the chicks but they still haven’t learned the skills to really pull it apart. LM6 has been around on the nest but hasn’t shown much interest in the fish.

    At 08.28, LJ2 came to the nest and took it away. Hopefully this means a fresh fish can now be brought in.

  • 10.13 and LJ2 flies in with something in his talons.

    X6 is first over to collect it. Could be the tail end of yesterday’s fish that has been going back and forward to the nest.

  • 10.40 and LM6 finally has the fish end. X6 is over to feed first then KA9 joins in.

    Glad to see a bit of a breeze around the nest.

  • 11.04 and LJ2 lands on the nest mantling and chipping. X6 pancakes and KA9 with LM6.