LLYN BRENIG - July 2022

link to JUNE 2022

1st fish of July 2022 arrived at 07.34. Not too shabby an effort! Headless trout delivered by LJ2 whilst LM6 was off the nest. She soon followed on to collect the fish.

It looks like it was a nice calm morning.

LM6 and the chicks got a couple of feeds off this fish before LJ2 took it away. He returned with what was left at around 10.40.

LJ2 started eating it on the nest. Chick #2 came to see if it could get any and LJ2 gently fed it a few pieces before finishing it off.

  • Karen W said:
    Morning Glider and thanks for all the updates.

    As you say, this is a really nice nest to report on which is lovely for you considering how tough Lowes has been this season.

    They are very handsome chicks - any idea how old are they now?

    Hi Karen, thanks for your comments. Yes, these chicks are so nice to each other, they generally take it in turns to feed and I think I’ve only seen a wee squabble about 3 times in all. The last one when X6 got a fright and briefly pecked KA9. Nothing compared to the trauma of The Lowes which was very hard to read about as I couldn’t watch a lot of it. 
    Our female X6 (Olwen) is 53 days and KA9 (Gelert) our male is 51 days so should be fledging soon. Slight smile

  • 15.48 and LM6 lands on a very blowy nest with a fish.

    Very difficult to see what she’s caught but there’s a glimpse of a wee fish here. She had to correct her balance a few times because of the wind.

    Both chicks get a feed, X6 closest to the camera.

  • Thanks Glider and yes, they'll soon be fledging .

    Also, I always thought really nice names :-)
  • I’ve been out since late afternoon so a quick scroll back!

    16.56 LM6 comes in with a small pike.

    As the chicks come to take it, X6 gets her talons on it and KA9 pulls it from her talons.

    KA9 then takes it to eat.

  • 18.25 LM6 lands with a large headless trout.

  • LJ2 comes later to the nest to take the remaining fish, bringing it back again when he’s had his fill. The chicks aren’t too interested in it and end up lying on it. It’s still on the nest when the night cam comes on.

  • Sunday, 24th July

    Good morning all, today our female X6 (Olwen) is 54 days old and our male, KA9 (Gelert) is 52 days old.

    It is windy on the nest again today so eyes peeled for any signs of fledging. I’ve not noticed any helicoptering yet, just little jumps as the chicks wingercise.
  • The chicks have been keeping themselves busy this morning doing stuff that Osprey chicks do - preening, wingercising, shifting sticks and relaxing - everything except eating the leftover fish which is still lying there!

    06.30 LM6 flies onto the nest and holds the fish. The chicks ask to be fed, LM6 takes the fish to the back of the nest followed by the chicks but doesn’t engage in a feed. She flies off with it a couple of minutes later.

    And off she goes with the fish.

    07.10 after having a feed, LM6 returns with the fish.

    She is soon joined by LJ2 and the fish leaves the nest once more.

  • 08.41 and the sun has come out. X6 is wingercising and her jumps are getting higher, you can see the wind catching her wings.

  • Morning Glider and thanks for the updates.

    Perhaps today is the day - just hope you are around and see her when she does decide to go :-)