LLYN BRENIG - July 2022

link to JUNE 2022

1st fish of July 2022 arrived at 07.34. Not too shabby an effort! Headless trout delivered by LJ2 whilst LM6 was off the nest. She soon followed on to collect the fish.

It looks like it was a nice calm morning.

LM6 and the chicks got a couple of feeds off this fish before LJ2 took it away. He returned with what was left at around 10.40.

LJ2 started eating it on the nest. Chick #2 came to see if it could get any and LJ2 gently fed it a few pieces before finishing it off.

  • 13.24 and LJ2 flies in with a good sized headless fish

    X6 has a good look at it!

     LM6 takes the fish

    and the feed begins.

  • LM6 stops feeding halfway through the feed and becomes very vigilant. She is looking and listening. KA9 comes forward and starts pecking at the fish. LM6 remains on the lookout. KA9 tries again and LM6 releases the fish.

    LM6 keeps watching and listening, there is a distant sound of a motorised boat. After 4 minutes, LM6 flies off at 13.51. KA9 is trying to eat the fish and X6 is relaxing.

    However, the noise of the boat gets closer and some voices are heard, the chicks immediately pancake at 13.52

    The boat can be seen far left. 13.54 LM6 returns but the boat noise and voices continue. She again leaves at 13.58 calling (human intruder) I believe. The chicks immediately pancake again.

    The noise and voices continue for a few more minutes. LM6 returns to the nest at 14.10. 

    All seems a lot quieter now. KA9 gets up when mum arrives.

  • Not quiet for long. The chicks were relaxing but LM6 was looking around the area. 14.18 LM6 assumes mantling position and flaps and calls vigorously, looking upwards. The chicks are again pancaking.

    Skydancing is heard close above

    LM6 then starts mantling and flapping and screaming at the intruder

    The sky dancing calling continues. I wonder if I can hear a second voice in the sky now too? Is LJ2 there? I’m not sure, no sightings of any ospreys.

    The calling starts to fade as it moves on, all over in under 5 minutes. Peace once again returns………...

    KA9 decides the danger has passed and gets up first with a squeak.

  • After all that pancaking, X6 decided she needed some exercise with brisk wing flapping

  • 16.20 and LM6 flies down from the cam pole.

    She picks up the half fish that LJ2 had caught earlier and was left on the nest.

    The chicks get the remainder of this fish at last. KA9 closest to the camera.

  • 18.11 LJ2 flies in with a whole pike

    The chicks are waiting to greet him

    He’d rather LM6 was there too so flies off with the fish. a few seconds later LM6 flies onto the nest and a few seconds after that LJ2 returns with his catch.

    LM6 collects the fish to take charge of the feed.

  • 20.01 and LJ2 brings in his catch of the day for supper.

    It’s getting dark on the nest site but that looks like a weighty fish as LM6 pulls it over.

    KA9 is in first to start the feed with X6 behind. 

  • Feed finished, the chicks “guarding” their midnight snack and breakfast!

  • Saturday 16th July

    Good morning all and our half fish from last night has been removed by LJ2 at 06.10 this morning, much to LM6’s annoyance as she shouted at him from her perch!

  • Approx 09.20 LJ2 returns with a scraggy piece of fish.

    KA9 greets dad with a wing cuddle

    KA9 is the only one to show any interest in the “fish”

    and claims it as his own, taking it away from LM6 and X6.

    LM6 leaves and KA9 does what he can to try and eat it. The more I see of it, it’s just the skin and a small tail piece which LJ2 has left of the half fish he took from the nest earlier.