LLYN BRENIG - July 2022

link to JUNE 2022

1st fish of July 2022 arrived at 07.34. Not too shabby an effort! Headless trout delivered by LJ2 whilst LM6 was off the nest. She soon followed on to collect the fish.

It looks like it was a nice calm morning.

LM6 and the chicks got a couple of feeds off this fish before LJ2 took it away. He returned with what was left at around 10.40.

LJ2 started eating it on the nest. Chick #2 came to see if it could get any and LJ2 gently fed it a few pieces before finishing it off.

  • 20.26 and LJ2 arrives with fish #5, a much better fishing day for him than yesterday. Haven’t noticed much intruding today though. X6 is nearest to the fish.

    LM6 flies down from the cam pole to join the chicks and receive the fish.

    Both chicks are over straight away to feed. (KA9 to the left.)

  • 21.44 and LJ2 calls and lands on the nest. LM6 appears in the distance over the water. She flies towards the nest then circles it a couple of times before landing with a lovely headless fish.

    I’ve heavily cropped this photo to enlarge the image to show the fish more clearly. A decent late supper for the chicks.

  • Thursday 14th July

    07.58 and LJ2 lands at the nest with a small whole fish. LM6 is not on the nest. Despite X6’s best efforts to take it, LJ2 decides to fly off taking it with him.

  • 08.11 LM6 arrives at the nest and 3 minutes later LJ2 flies back in with a now headless small fish. LM6 takes it off him.

  • 11.43 LJ2 brings in a headless fish. Again, LM6 isn’t around. He decides to wait

    LJ2 then starts eating the fish. The chicks come over asking to be fed. LJ2 carries on eating. X6 gives up and KA9 perseveres and this pays off. LJ2 feeds KA9.

    LM6 arrives and lets LJ2 carry on

    KA9 then takes the piece of fish and LJ2 leaves.

    KA9 tries to eat the fish before X6 shows interest and takes it in her beak from her brother.

    After much pecking and trying to swallow whole pieces, X6 drops the remaining tail part of the fish. LM6 moves in after a few minutes and finishes it off.

  • 16.45, here comes daddy!

    LJ2 delivers a whole perch to LM6 and the chicks.

    He carries the fish in his beak

    the 3 ospreys follow him over and guess who gets there first?! Yes of course, it’s X6!

    LM6 decides she’d be better doing the feeding this time and quickly takes it from X6.

    LJ2’s crop is looking a bit sunken. LM6 moves the fish across the nest.

    X6 decides to help LJ2 shift a stick

    and then it’s time for tea.

  • 17.49 LJ2 arrives with another headless fish (glad he’s had something to eat)

    LM6 heads over to collect the fish, closely followed by X6.

    LM6 takes the fish but X6 quickly jumps in and takes it from LM6!

    She takes her prize catch away

    and starts pulling pieces off to eat. She’s getting much better at feeding herself.

    LM6 decides to move in closer with a view to getting the fish.

    X6 takes it further away but on LM6’s 3rd attempt, she retrieves it and starts feeding X6 behind her.

    KA9 moves in later and gets a feed too.

  • 19.23, LJ2 is having a good day’s fishing. A whole fish incoming.

    LM6 is quickly over first to make sure she gets it before X6!

    Boys to the back and girls to the front! 
     Feeding time, the chicks tucked in tightly behind LM6.

  • Friday 15th July

    Good morning all. 06.15 LJ2 lands at the nest with breakfast.

     EDIT - LM6 ate a little of the fish on the nest, the chicks weren’t overly asking for it. She flew off and returned half an hour later with the remaining part of the fish and the chicks were then fed.

  • 12.07 LM6 leaves the nest. 12.14 LM6 returns with a live pike

    She lifts it in her beak as X6 moves over and it gets dropped. Flapping about the middle of the nest, the fish lands next to a surprised KA9

    KA9 isn’t too sure what to do and tries lifting it by the tail then lets go. LM6 to the rescue! She takes the fish back and the chicks follow to be fed.

    KA9 still trying with the tail! X6 watching.

    KA9 moves in to feed followed by X6. KA9 gets most of the early feed then turns away as X6 joins to be fed.

    But KA9 then spots something on the nest

    and finds an old piece of fish. As he grapples with eating that, LM6 feeds X6 the remainder of the pike.