LLYN BRENIG - July 2022

link to JUNE 2022

1st fish of July 2022 arrived at 07.34. Not too shabby an effort! Headless trout delivered by LJ2 whilst LM6 was off the nest. She soon followed on to collect the fish.

It looks like it was a nice calm morning.

LM6 and the chicks got a couple of feeds off this fish before LJ2 took it away. He returned with what was left at around 10.40.

LJ2 started eating it on the nest. Chick #2 came to see if it could get any and LJ2 gently fed it a few pieces before finishing it off.

  • 09.18 LJ2 took the remainder of this morning’s fish away.

  • 14.53 LJ2 arrives on the nest chipping. He soon begins mantling and LM6 joins in flapping and calling. An intruder then does a fly past of the nest.

    Wonder if it’s the same bird as yesterday?

  • Approx 20.14 fish at last. It’s just over 13 hours since this morning’s delivery from LJ2. However, he is on the nest with the chicks, starts chipping and mantling then LM6 arrives with a small headless fish.

    Off flies LJ2

    The chicks are hungry. X6 nearest mum. LM6 looks like she needs a good feed too. Hope LJ2 goes and gets one now.

  • Wednesday 13th July 2022

    08.24 and LJ2 arrives with a small whole fish. LM6 is off nest. The chicks are stretching a wing each over each other!

    LM6 quickly arrives on the nest but the chicks are already headed for the fish. X6 gets there first and takes the fish whilst giving sheer squeals of excitement and delight.

    LM6 gets near to X6, observing, waiting on her chance to take the fish. X6 then takes it to the back of the nest.

    After pecking at it and trying to swallow it whole, X6 finally admits defeat and relinquishes it to LM6 who gets into position and starts feeding LX6. 

    KA9 however, has other things on his mind and decides now is a good time to flap those large wings of his!

    LM6 and X6 have to quickly move back and in the kerfuffle, LM6 loses the fish. She searches around the area but guess who finds it first? Yes, a very delighted X6 who takes it to the back of the nest. Here we go again! Lol 

  • 11.25 and LJ2 brings in the 2nd catch of the day.

    LM6 makes sure she gets to it first! It’s a bit bigger looking than the earlier fish.

  • 14.15, LJ2 arrives with a headless fish. LM6 doesn’t approach him. He holds onto the fish, starting pecking. 

    The only one to show any interest is again X6 who approaches LJ2

    X6 initially begs for food then LJ2 releases it to her.

    She takes it to the centre of the nest and manages to rip a few pieces off to eat. LM6 watches over and KA9 is having a good old preen.

    LM6 then gives a warning call and both chicks pancake, X6 on top of the fish! 

  • After the alarm has passed, the chicks get up and the fish is uncovered. X6 then KA9 have a couple of pecks and leave it for LM6 to gather. KA9 goes to her for a feed and they finish it off between them.

  • Approx 16.39, LJ2 arrives with a flapping fish

    X6 practises her diving position on getting up!

    LM6 and X6 both go towards LJ2 and LM6 makes sure she gets the fish first!

    LM6 brings the fish towards the middle of the nest to start the feed.

    KA9 is slow in getting up, preferring to watch and wait before joining the feed with X6 who is behind him.

  • This nest is turning into a fortress!

    Barely room for the chicks to lie down! Lots of soft furnishings now too.

  • X6 is 6 weeks old today and KA9 40 days. Exciting times ahead for these 2 youngsters. Blush