Continued from Manton Bay June 2022 

Details about the Manton Bay nest can be found on the season’s opening post 

The season so far:    Maya returned 15 March @ 10:21 & Blue 33(11) on 21 March @ 17:29.  Egg #1 laid 31 March @ c 23:30 & hatched 09 May @ 23:02, Egg #2 laid 03 April @ 18:31 & hatched 10 May @ 12:30 and Egg #3 laid 06 April @ 20:30 & hatched 12 May @ 08:24.  On 20 June the chicks were ringed with their unique blue darvics.  Chick #1 was fitted with 1H1, #2 with 1H2 and #3 with 1H3.  All chicks were females and full details of their biometric data can be found here

© Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust

  • Maya takes fish on a tour as she sees off intruder and now brings it back to the nest for 1H3.Then dips her feet for a wash and onto Cam post.
  • Yes definitely rain after we leave..... That would definitely make the camping interesting think we on limit as it is!

    5 grey herons in bay 33 just attacked one!

    Also chicks pleased to see Maya back with the fish she then cleaned her toes..... talons in the water!

  • LAM said:
    Maya takes fish on a tour as she sees off intruder and now brings it back to the nest for 1H3.Then dips her feet for a wash and onto Cam post.

    12:53   -     And here is the delivery LAM

    quickly snatched

    Maya flies off.  1H3 guards her fish and 1H2 arrives 

    1H2 creeps forward but gets warned off

    12:58  1H2 eventually flies off leaving 1H3 to eat in peace

    13:12  1H3 takes off with the fish

    c LRWT

  • Great captures - thanks LAM

    33 attacking the herons - the osprey really don't like them!!

    When I was at Lowes, there were two herons below the nest and NCO attacked them!!
  • 33 chasing heron! He really doesn't like them and he's surrounded! lol! 

  • In amongst the camping epic we are also practicing digiscoping! Oh my word what an interesting visit this is we'll need to go home for a rest!
    We think as water so low it's ideal for the herons long legs so it's attracting them! They'll not be competition for 33 's fishing skills though!
    When are you back at the Lowes Karen we missed not going there this year but we can't do everything I guess and here and Wales is this year's aims.
    Amazed that there's not more aggression between the chicks this year Karen..... Suppose there's time yet! Hope not though as much better to see them all getting along!
  • It’s lovely to see that all 3 youngsters have received a whole fish each this morning from their wonderful parents. Heart eyes
  • You really are having an interesting visit LAM lol

    I don't think anyone can match 33's fishing skills, not even the internationalists who are fishing the water lol

    About Lowes - very sad as it has been a very difficult year and I do feel for them also Sandra who keeps the thread magnificently updated - but I cannot bear to read the thread far less look at the nest as I do not wish to see these two juveniles so all plans to visit Lowes again were cancelled. You know the saying "When you have nothing good to say, better saying nothing at all" well that is the situation :-)

    And yes, no aggression here but 33 has been a fantastic provider so no competition for food as no chick has felt threatened.

    But interesting to see how they react should one take off for a few days - remember?? That was awful last year 095(21) attacking her brother!! Thanks goodness you were there to tell us that 096(21) was being fed on nearby perch.
  • Agree Glider, nice to see each getting their own fish. He really does spoil them :-)